

"Where are you going, Princess ? The fun is about to begin." Anon asked with a psychopathic smile.

As soon as These words fell into Oxmaul's ears... He felt the real fear.

The true fear. Everyone was around him but no one can save him from Anon.

"J-Jule, i am sorry. I was wrong. Please spare me... Please let me quit. I will give you money or girls or any other thing that you want.

Just let me quit please." Oxmaul spoke.

"Oh, i am not letting you leave me." Anon whispered in his ears.

"Leave me you psychopathic bastard." Oxmaul shouted as he Summoned a sword and stabbed Anon in his intestine but unlike Oxmaul Anon gave no response.

He just stood there like a man and staired at Oxmaul.

Oxmaul looked at this view and started stabbing him again and again but Anon was getting immediately healed by the troll locket.