

Anon left the academy at noon and with the carriage he reached his home in just 40 minutes but the fair of the carriage was 5 coppers.

Now, this may not be a very big amount for Anon but this was the salary of an C+ Rank adventurer.

Money was something that elfs were very proud to use and they respected money more than lifes... Because they created it.

Giving 5 coppers to the carriage driver Anon stepped down from the carriage.

As soon as he stepped out, he noticed a medium sized two story house in front of him.

The house was made out of medium quality woods and metal gates.

Anon walked upto the front gate and knocked.


"Coming..." A very sweet sound came from the inside.

Anon felt giggling in his stomach as he knew who that sound belonged to.



The gates opened and a very cute milf stepped out.