

He's utilizing a cooldown skill along with Phoenix Ignition to maintain his stamina," Jake explained, displaying Anon's previous race clips on the screen.

"What exactly are you trying to say, Jake?" Seti asked, her expression filled with confusion.

"What Jake means is that Anon takes breaks every 10 minutes because the skill he uses to maintain stamina with Phoenix Ignition goes on a cooldown for 5 minutes after every 10 minutes," Samantha explained.

"Correct," Jake confirmed.

"So, how do we win with this? He'll just keep running with his monstrous speed and defeat all of us. Once his cooldown is over, he becomes unstoppable. Damn it, this Commoner is giving me headaches," Seti spoke, grabbing her head in frustration.

"No, I have a plan. I'll use a stacking spell in this race," Samantha spoke confidently.

"What difference does that make?" Seti asked.