

"Mike said they were about one thousand or so...but they were like 100 or less. Where are the others...?" Anon questioned.

"No... please leave me." The caller begged no.300 to spare him.

As no.300 was about take his head off...anon stopped her.


"Yes, your majesty." No.300 immediately backed off and lowered her battle axe.

Anon closed his distance to the caller, grabbed his face and looked him in the eye as he used a skill...

<Hypnosis >

His eyes shined purple and the caller went into a trance state.

"Where is the rest of your allied forces ?" Anon asked.

"Rest of the forces are coming from six different directions to seal the location and stop the intruders from running away." The man confessed without any resistance.

"How many forces are you divided into...?"

"We are divided into 24 squads of 50 men each."

"Three squads from six different directions.. huh ?"
