
Chapter 12- The birth of the firstborn of The Morningstar clan family

It's the second era, year zero, the era of the rise and fall of the clans. Our focus presides on one clan specifically. This clan is the Morningstar. For some reason, no matter what hardships this clan family has gone through in the first era, they continue to prosper. Although they're only ranked tenth, as far as their rank, resources/wealth, and overall power level, they are the only clan that no one tends to fight, and has the most support from higher ranked clans. Although some say it's respect, it's more believed that they're really just feared by the other clans, due to the blessings that they have. They have the highest blessing from the Ancient God of Death, the sixth ancient god born into existence, said to have been born from the universe itself, and a fairly high blessing level of the Ancient Goddess of the Devil's, the second highest blessing, second only to the third ranked clan, the Devil Clan, the only clan that has no last name in their name. In this clan, the Morningstar clan, the clan is finally celebrating. After years of trying, a newborn is arriving into this world.

"Congratulations Sir Lucastian, and Miss Lily. It's a baby boy!" After a final cry and push from Lily, the little baby fully comes out from the womb, and begins to cry. "Do you wish to hold him Miss Lily?"

"Please. Oh look at you, little one. Oh Lucastian, look, our baby boy is finally born! I guess you get the name your father wishes for you to have. Our little Lucarian.

"Ah yes. Our little Lucarian. Welcome to the family Lucarian. I am sure you will do our family proud, little man." when you get older, I get to train you. Oh I can't wait. Sorry Lily, but I must leave. I will see you at home. The council is expecting me." With one last look, Lucastian leans down and kisses little Lucarian on the forehead, and with that the baby falls asleep.

A few weeks later...

As I open my eyes, I'm welcomed once again with the sight of my mother. And before you all say anything, just cause I can't talk, doesn't mean I can't think with the mind of an adult. So officially hello to all of you that are here with me. My name is Lucarian Morningstar, and my father is Lucastian, and my mother is Lily. Due to the unknown effects of me being born with two blessings rather than one or the other, I have a fully matured mind. I am able to think clearly, and intellectually. although I can't speak, I'm sure I could when I turn 1 year old. Thanks to the blessings, I'm never alone, as I'm able to talk to the two gods. Through them I have learned that I am currently living in the second era, and that my family is one of the original 6 clan's, although we are ranked 10, I found out that it's because they haven't given birth to a child in the past 50 years. Oh yeah, my parents and the rest of the can't die unless physically killed by someone. Poison, age, and others don't kill us. We are immune to most of, if not all natural deaths. But anyways, the name of this planet is named after our creator, planet Lucius. I know it's weird, but our ancestors weren't all that bright I guess. Blame them, not me. Just cause they're idiots, doesn't mean I am. Also, yes I am currently feeding. I do pee, and poop, and sleep. I'm still human. Well...sort of. This planet is huge to be honest. There are many things here on this planet, however I do not wish to announce them right now. Also I do have a system, and what not. I'm currently ranked F, but my stats aren't exactly, normal. Here, I'll show you. Status Window:

Strength: Rank F

Endurance: Rank F

Dexterity: N/A

Agility: N/A

Intelligence: Rank SSS

So to explain what's happened, strength and endurance will stay like that until I start training with my father when I turn 10. Dexterity and agility doesn't exist for obvious reasons, and that brings us to the odd one. My intelligence is obviously ranked at the highest level. Although my hp is currently only like 100, my Mp however just has question marks. in other words, I'm too low leveled to even see my own mp. I know, crazy right? Also, he guy's, don't expect the author to right a chapter for the other years of my life. He'll write the next chapter with me turning 10 and beginning my training. So, on that note, I'll see you guys when I turn 10, yeah? And yes, I have the ability to break the fourth wall. Cool huh? Hint, it's cause of my intelligence. I'm not stupid obviously. I already know that I don't technically exist in your world, and that were just words on a website in a story the author is writing.