
Reincarnated with the god of death system.

'Everyone thinks they can fight the darkness, until they come in contact with it.' Died only to be reincarnated into the body of a side character. How unlucky can one get? A side character in a book who was killed by his family. A reader who incarnates into the body of the side character and awakens the most unattainable, sought after, god of death system. Owen at first is excited he has an invincible system that will give him lots of powers, unique weapons and super abilities. Till he finds out how his system operates and is left wishing he could die once again. 'CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE ACQUIRED 12 PLATINUM GIVING YOU A LIFETIME. VILLAINS DOOR WILL OPEN IN FEW SECONDS.' 'Dear host, welcome to the villain god of death system. Your first mission will be awarded soon.' 'Dear host, villain door first mission: Destroy the house of Saraphine.' House of Saraphine: The power house that contains infinite dragon energy. Destroying this will help host attain the dragon energy and create chaos in the world. 'Dear host, every action in the villain god of death system will affect the human world. Time for mission: 48 hours.' It was now Owen knew the god of death system isn't exactly what he had thought it was from the start. With so many manipulations going on, he is led to a path of unfulfilled journey filled with deceit and evil schemes. If Owen will be able to defeat his system and unravel the mysteries of the system and the worlds depends on how dark and cold he can let his heart be. "Isn't that Owen Duurm?" "Shhh....don't be so loud. Last week he had a falling out with the Prime Minister, and told him 'I hope you get home safely' our prime minister died the moment he stepped foot into his home." the lady was obviously sacred as she spoke and stares at the handsome man walking down the hall. "Isn't he the dummy of the Duurm family?" The lady released a sad sigh. "He used to be. But now, he is not just his family's terror but our terror. The whole country's nightmare."

Adela_Writer · Fantaisie
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174 Chs

Poison in the core.

His AI rolls her eyes his dramatic words. "Young master is really dramatic." 

Owen glances at her with a twitch of his lips and walks towards the window sill. He was about to tell his system to absorb the energy when he heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in." He grunts getting slightly annoyed. 

The door slowly opens and Ophelia tilts her head in. She catches him near the window sill and walks in with graceful steps. 


"Ophelia how may I help you?" He questions barely managing to stand properly. 

Ophelia casts him another glance noticing that he seem to look pale. His eyes were getting more deeper and the blackness in them were starting to look like an endless pool of secrets.  

"I…" she walks towards him but stops when she is four feets away. "I…" she then touches her forehead and takes a step backward. Shaking her head to keep herself awake. 

Something is weird in this room. She could feel it. 

"Ophelia is everything fine?" 

She nods her head and she looks behind him in an attempt to avoid looking directly at him. "I am fine. I think it is just stress. I suddenly feel kind of weak. Anyways..boss I wanted to talk to you about my work." 

His AI nudges him and Owen glances at her from the corner of his eyes. 

"I think you should tell her to hurry up. You are involuntarily starting to take the smallest bits of energy from her." She explains staring at the young lady that was still speaking. It was strange that such a thing could happen, but that is the only rational explanation she has for the sudden weakness of the young lady. 

The young master shouldnt be able to perform such a high level operation yet. But perhaps the system was really weak of energy. 

"What?!" Owen exclaims and Ophelia stops talking.

"Is my decision that bad?" She asks in a worried tone. 

Owen shakes his head at her. "No no..I spread some clothes outside and I am worried it will rain." He turns his her backward and glances at the sky. 

Ophelia looks out through the glass window. "Boss it isn't supposed to rain for the next few months." 

"I know. I know. I am just worried. You know all these forecasts arent rally accurate. What were you saying? Sorry I didnt grab. Please hurry up." He was starting to feel more tired the more he spoke.

Opehlia stares at his pale face again and looks behind him. "I am saying, I think, I should leave being an actress for now and pursue being a model. I have been told I have the figure for it. Although it isnt my initial plan, I can switch later when I become a little good. What do you think?"


His AI nods her head agreeing with her suggestion. Indeed she had the figure for it. She stood at more than five feets eight tall and had a very slim profile. She looks so slim that if she were to be held too strongly, she might really break. 

"Hmm...good idea. Good. I will work on it and get back to you. You can leave." 

Opehlia casts him one more worried look before turning around. The moment she stepped out of the office, Owen almost fell to his knees. If he hadn't held the wall for support. 

"Why do I feel so weak? This is worst than before." He says breathing as if he had just ran a marathon.

His AI looks around and finds nothing out of place. She then scans the other plants and finds nothing strange. "You should hurry up and absorb energy. I think you used too much talking and standing." 

'System has directed a Calila plant. Will you like to absorb?'

"Yes." He weakly responds.

'Plant energy absorption in progress.'

After few seconds, Owen suddenly clutched his chest in pain and he falls to his knees. "Ughhh…." He groans and his AI starts to get scared. 

She had suspected it. With how weak he is, it is very likely that the pink Calila plant will poison him instead. His core probably couldn't handle it. 

"Young master, you have to fight it. Dont let it spread. Fight it." She encouraged looking around for any useful pant he could use at the moment. 

A knock came from the door but Owen wasnt able to respond. He was too in pain to even hear it. 

"Ugg.. I….dying.." 

"Dont be dramatic. You will only die if you let it take over."

Opehlia who only heard grumbles coming from inside, pushes the door open and sees a pain–stucken Owen kneeling on the floor by the window sill. She rushed over and holds his arms. "Boos..boss..is everything fine? What is wrong?" She looks around the room before returning her expression to him. 

His face was very pale and he had his eyes closed in pain. Sweat had formed on his forehead already. His silky hair was starting to become damp at the front. 

She rushed out of the room to get joy. 

"Young master if you dont fight it, and you are taken to the hospital, as someone who has a system, you do know that you will be transferred to the system owners hospital right? What if they detect you absorbed this plant that is illegal? You have to fight it." She encourages looking at the man clutching his chest in pain. 

'System has detected poison in the core.'

Owen closes his eyes and prays he wouldn't die. 'I will survive this.' He begins to chant in his foggy mind. As he closed his eyes, he could see himself in a dark room filled with strange black liquid. The liquid was grabbing his legs and staring to spread to his thighs. It was as if they had hands and were trying to crawl up to his body. He tried to fight it, but it had already reached his knee. He tries to fight it again but it kept growing stronger crawling up to his hip now. 

Just when he was about to give up, he sees a dark shadow reach out to him out of nowhere and grabs his hand. Forcefully pulling him out of the dark room into another filled with small light. The new room felt as if it was evening nearing night time. 

He looks at the hand that was still holding him and looks up at the person but the only things he could see was a strange mask. 

It was the same as the mask he had seen the night before on the proud man. Except that this time, the mouth part wasnt round but triangular in shape.

'System will convert poison to energy. This will take a few seconds'

His AI breathes a sigh of relief when she sees this and leans against the wall. 

The scene Owen was seeing in his mind faded away immediately and the pain faded with it. He opens his eyes and removes his hand from his chest. 

'Conversion complete. Host has gained 200 energy.'

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