
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Gosaku's 2nd Disciple and stopping the siege of Amera Town (3/3)

1 Day later

Ivon POV

As we reached the grandiose high walls of Treheva, we saw a long line of people standing outside the Western gates with most of them being peasants and trading caravans with guards.

Ysmeina: "Sir Ivon, should we head to another Gate to try our luck?"

Ivon: "No need, it seems like the Kings Advisor noticed them ahead of time"

I sometimes wonder if Lord Maximilian is a Diviner or if he can see the future but then again he was one of the Kingdoms Heroes.

Seeing some guards at the front gates part aside before an old man with Knights Armor came out along with a man in blue robes wearing a blue wizard hat letting me know their looking for us of their terribly exasperated expressions weren't enough.

???: "Sir Ivon! Lady Ysmeina! We are here to pick you up! Hurry up Vena!"

Vena: "They are 50 meters away from u- Oh! There they are! Hurry up Keith!"

Looking at where the wizard pointed at, the old knight ran faster and soon reached our position taking a moment to catch their breath.

Vena: "Sir Ivon! Lady Ysmeina! We are here to take you immediately to meet the City Lord!"

Ivon: "Then let us waste no time before calamity strikes"

We both got off the long line and followed the two old men much to the annoyance and shock of the merchants and families in the line.

As we crossed the walls, I felt a cool sensation pass through my body and ripple around my core. I nodded to myself seeing that the emergency procedures are being used properly.

Ysmeina: "So this is the same as the Capital's large mana array..."

Vena: "Indeed Lady Ysmeina! With the help of an 6th Circle Mage who set up a large thorough identification Array we caught some people trying to sneak in"

Ivon: "Where they related to any of the known Bandit Groups or Beastkin?"

The Old Knight looked at the Old Wizard with a complicated expression that the Wizard matched on his face before they turned to me simultaneously.

Vena: "They were mainly from the Cesha Tribe who have joined forces with the Beastmen of Karglash"

Keith: "The other one's who were caught were from mercenaries groups who came here for work or other hidden agenda's"

I nodded and told the Old Knight to take us around to see the hastily built defenses the town has made in a short amount of time, before we meet the mayor of the town.

Keith: "Understood, let us go quickly before we anger the mayor!"

We departed to the southern Wall first were we saw multiple weapons racks filled to the brim with weapons and barrels of arrows on both the lower and upper part of the southern wall.

Even so, there was at most 45 guards with chain mill armor and 3 Guard Captains with half-plate armor surprising me but Lord Maximilians crest was in the middle of the Half-plate armor.

Ivon: "Interesting, then I guess the Guard Captains have 15 Guards under them. In total there should be around 15 Guard Captains with 225 Guards"

Keith: "225 Guards in total, not including the 45 miliamen being trained by a B- Adventurer, and the batc-"

Vena: "Batch of 5 Apprentice wizards coming to our town to experience a real battle! Oh how I can't wait for them to learn a thing or two!"

Seeing Vena's expression made Ysmeina chuckle and a look of amusement appear on my face.

Vena: "Ahem, excuse me for being exited for once, I just haven't teached some newly promoted mages in a while"

Ysmeina: "Though I don't know the joy of teaching, I have taught some people who have joined the Royal Guards and it made me happy to see outstanding people. But not for some idiots..."

Hearing Ysmeina's words, I thought of the other Vice-Captain and new recruits who just join for fame and status.

Vena: "Oh? Another fellow such as myself that likes teaching!"

Ivon: "Sir Keith, Mage Vena, I believe we shouldn't waste any more time as much as I would like to continue talking we don't know when the Goblin Army will attack"

Keith: "Very well then, we shall quickly go and inspect our overall forces!"

Vena: "Ah? Yes sir, let's go!"

Seeing their antics, Ysmeina and myself chuckled and I felt refreshed from no one being overly courteous.

I hope I can prove to his majesty that I am capable and able to defend this town from the Goblin Army...


Outside of the southern Wall

Unknown POV

???: "What the hell, how can they pass though!

???: "Shut it Neil! They must be one of the Knights sent by the Capital to defend the town!"

???: "John's right Neil, especially with the Adventurer's Guild setting up C- and D+ Quests on the Bulletin board"

Neil: "Tch, we have been waiting here for 3 long hours dammit!"

Jhon: "Stop being angry, the long line is due to an influx of refugees coming from the destroyed villages"

Neil: "ARGHH! Couldn't they have gone to the other cities!"

???: "No, did you not listen to the Instructors

words you dumbass! His highness issued a warning towards the Northern regions to evacuate and to fortify the towns before the army arrive to help"

Neil: "I'm pretty sure they won't make it in time to help them…"

Neil: "Now it falls onto us adventurers to step up and protect the people of Phelenxia!"

???: "Huh, didn't think a bastard like you would care to the people of this country"

Neil: "Shut it! I'm only here to increase my rank from a D to a C- and gain fame!"

Jhon: "Whatever you say, but I do agree with the fame you gain for ranking up higher"

Neil: "Well Kain, what are your thoughts on this whole thing?"

Looking at the young man who was in front of the carriage, everyone waited for his response about this whole situation.

Kain: "We can only gain fame in this siege by killing the high-ranking enemy goblins. If I remember correctly, the Kingdom's armies were preparing at the moment"

John: "Guess it means we have to stand out from everyone else and become heroes when the army has yet to arrive"

Hearing both Jhon and Kain's words hyped up some of the adventurers and mercenaries within the long line and some turned around to look at their newfound competition.

???: "Oh I might not be sure of that you young folk…"

All four of them turned around and saw an old man wearing some type of plate armor with the Mercenary Guilds Insignia on his chest.

Behind him stood a medium-sized group of around 18 men wearing light armor and 3 people behind with smirks on their faces.

Jhon: "Now why would you say that you say that Mr. Creysher?"

Creysher: "Oh, looks like my fame proceeds me! To be known by some bottom of the rung adventurers!"

Kain: "Is that so? Them why is it that we seem to gain more fame than you mercenries at lower ranks?"

Creysher: "Then why do you adventurers go die in a ditch with simpl-"

Before Creysher could finish he along with his entire group of mercenaries froze in place seeing the dark cold gaze of Keith along with the atmosphere being filled with killing intent.

Kain: "Sure, many die due to some simple mistakes always overconfident but they are young kids who are just learning about the cruel world we live in"

Kain: "We are responsible for their growth and our hope to become strong enough to protect their home so don't tell them to die in a ditch…"

Jhon: "Kain, it's fine…"

Neil: "Inspector…so you do care about us.."

Kain: "Who said I did? I'm just protecting the Adventurers guild's honor"

Kain: "Also, by the look on your clients impatient face, I think you should be going or do you wish to annoy your client more?"

Creysher and his band of mercenaries left quickly with anger and frustration on their faces and Kai told them off.

After looking at the group of mercenaries leaving in a hurry, the trio got together and started talking about their ranks once more with keith sighing.

Kain: "It appears we will have it more easy due to an arrival of a small company of mercenaries helping out the villages in quick succession"

Neil: "Ah? Another group of mercenaries?"

Jhon: "If they are a company-sized group Its possible, but for their name to spread this quickly means they aren't ordinary at all right supervisor?"

Kain: "Indeed, from the reports we have gained about their forces. It seems they either belong to another country or are foreigners"

Kain: "Especially with their captains and Leader wielding strange flames and a rare beast tamer whose beasts are ranked high B- to low A- beast.."

Hearing his words, both kain's group and the nosy travelers listening in took in a deep breath with sweat dripping down their forehead.

???: "Bloody hell! How could one tame an A- Ranked monster!"

Jhon: "H-how? Most A- ranked beasts seldomly leave their territories! Those beasts have destroyed countries before!"

???: "Depending on the type and bloodline, some can outright destroy countries, so don't give me more anxiety!"

Kain: "I don't know how either, but you shouldn't fear the beast, rather the man who has managed to tame it.."

And once more the crowd fell silent, taking in his words before a collective gulps could be heard around.

Neil: "Hey now, don't make me imagine what sort of strenght that beast tamer could have if he could tame an A- ranked beast and some B ranked beasts!"

Kain: "It still doesnt change the fact that we have a strong ally whom I believe we may come across quite soon with the reports I saw…"

Jhon: "Well, hopefully they take a while so we can rank up…"

And with jhons words, everyone turned back to talk amongst their group with the same sentiment within their hearts.

Dont let them arrive soon so we can gain something from this!


Ivon POV

3 hours later

Looking at the room that the mayor has given me made me appreciate the fact that it wasn't overly flashy.

But I need to go over defensive strategies with the Old Commander Keith and placement of troops on sides of the town walls and the underground prison.

Hmm, I also need to speak to someone about the current news and if any more raids have happened.

Whilst in deep thought I heard knocking on the door and went to answer it and opened it slightly only to see Ysmeina's troubled face.

Ivon: "Now what happened? Did you get news on any recent events?"

Seeing Ysmeina nodd made me hum in thought and I opened my door to let her come inside.

Whilst in thought of how badly the news could be I didn't catch the blush on her face and pulled a chair for her to seat down in.

Ivon: "Now tell me what has happened for you to be troubled?"

Ysmeina: "After we met with the Mayor, I asked Vena if he got any recent news whilst on our travel from the Capital to Treheva"

Ysmeina: "It appears that the growing army of goblins has increased exponentially yet at the same time slowly dwindling due to the foreign group of mercenaries that hunt both goblins and bandits like hounds"

Ivon: "Hmm, helping us at this time is something I am grateful for, but have we discovered any activity with the Cesha Tribe or goblin army?"

Ysmeina: "The foreign army bought enough time for his majesty's armies to strike back against the enemy and The Green Horde is near and with the followers of Karglash within their ranks…"

Hearing the followers of Karglash within the Hordes Ranks are slightly concerning but I shouldn't wave them off easily.

Ivon: "I will take notice of their members but if their here, a high ranking member should be leading them and knowing their strength, it will become bloody…"

Ysmeina: "Then I will talk with Vena about dealing with the beastmen of Karglash!"

I nodded and added another point of interest onto my agenda for checking the prison for the followers of Karglash to come here.

I should get going and talking to Keith about potential strategies to counter the hordes rush tactics.

With this in mind, I finally realized Ysmeina was still in my room staring at me. I looked at her confused and she quickly stopped staring and turned around and left my room in a hurry

Ivon: 'Strange…did she have something else to ask me?.

Thinking nothing of it I got up and stretched a bit before putting on my armor and going to Keiths quarters.

20 minutes later



???: "Coming!"

Hearing a rush of footsteps before the door opened and I saw the old man keith with regular cotton clothing rather than his plate armor from earlier.

Ivon: "Sorry to interrupt Sir Keith, but I wanted to talk to you about all the entrances to the town"

Keith: "Its all fine Lord Ivon, let me quickly get the map and please take a seat inside!"

I nodded at his generosity and walked inside and sat on an empty chair beside his table and saw his armor and a few medals lying on an open box with a precisely drawn picture of what seem to be his family.

Looking back at keith with the map on hand he chuckled seeing me looking at his family photo.

Keith: "Hah, it's fine to look Lord Ivon! I got no shame with my family and am glad I managed to get a drawn picture of myself and my family!"

Ivon: "Then excuse me, but you do seem quite happy with your family Sir Keith"

Keith: "Indeed, so shall we get started on planning Lord Ivon?"

I nodded and Keith rolled the map on the table and saw some markings already on the map that seemed to be why I saw soldiers already stationed strategically on the walls and within the town.

Ivon: "No wonder everything felt well placed, Ive got to hand it to you Sir Keith"

Keith was surprised by being praised all of a sudden as I kept looking at the map and my eyes panded on the sewers that piqued my interest.

Im surprised a town of this size has managed to built a sewage system for it's hygenic purposes. Was it the mayor who did it or one of his advisors that asked for a sewage system to be built?

Ivon: "Do you know who asked for sewage system to be built in the town?"

Caught off guard by the sudden question keith answered quickly and his answer both surprised me and left me with more questions on whom it was.

Keith: "It was a wealthy merchant that had passed by two years ago who invested in this town and asked for this sewage tunnel to be built and I will say it was a wonderful idea!"

Ivon: "Thank you for answering my question, do these tunnels lead outside the towns walls?"

Keith: "Yes? Four of these sewage tunnels lead outsid-"

And as if struck with lightning, Keith stopped talking and suddenly looked puzzled about the tunnels.

Ivon: "I can only say that a majority of the smaller goblins will go through the open tunnels from outside"

Keith: "But we won't have enough guards above ground to defend the 4 tunnels underground and we can only block them for a limited amount of time before they break through"

Ivon: "Hmm, Ysmeina and myself can defend the gate from the charging elite monsters so it would free up the men stationed there"

Keith: "If we go with your plan, should some of the adventures and militia aid the guards going in the sewers?"

Ivon: "Adventurers should help the guards in the sewers and the militia should be stationed with their families…"

Keith: "Indeed, even with Ezekiel and his men it will be hard defending an entire towns civilians by themselves"

Ivon: "Indeed, then let us plan some more to be cautious"

And thus we spent around 2 hours revising his strategies and posts of the Guard Captains and after finalizing everything we had the 4 Captains on the walls to meet with us of their new posts and duties.

2 hours and 20 minutes later

I got up from the chair and stretched my back muscles and waved goodbye to the captains who had grim and serious looks upon their faces.

As I looked at them I felt a hand slap my back and turning my head saw it was Keith with a smile on his face before it changed once all the captains left.

Keith with a serious face looked at me with something on his mind and so I asked him whats on his mind.

Keith: "I want you to protect my family if I am to fall on this upcoming battle and the others, although Ive heard things of the Royal Guard you're quite different"

I was surprised at the beginning but slowly felt more serious at the end already knowing why I am different

Ivon: "I see,…but as a knight I will keep ky word of protecting everyones family and deal with the goblins to prevent their deaths!"

Keith had a smile on his face before he chuckled and told me to rest up with the day going by fast.

Ivon: "Goodbye Sir Keith, I wish you luck in battle"

Keith: "You too Lord Ivon, lets give it our all to save as many lives as possible!"

I nodded and left for Ysmeinas room but remembered she went to talk with the old wizard Vena and so I walked back to my room to mentally prepare myself for the slaughter and killing a fearsome Goblin General.

??? POV

20 miles south of Treheva Town in an unknown location

Within a hollowed out mountain lies a cave with a massive crowd whom all had fur covering their bodies and curved horns adorned on their heads with crazed looks on their faces.

???: "Enough! My brothers, we gather once more to free another one of our brothers from the hands of the accursed humans in the nearby town!"

???: "Damn Humans!"

???: "How dare they capture our brethren!"

???: " Death to the bastards! Lets raze their town to the ground

???: "Yeah!!!"

???: "Settle down! Knowing that it is a town we will be attacking, a decision has been made to ally with the newly born Goblin King and his armies to conquer this kingdom!"

???: "Death to the Humans! Blood sacrifices for Karglash!"

???: "Blood for Karglash!"

???: "Blood for Karglash!"

As the gathered crowd of beastmen started shouting loudly there were a few much smaller beastmen who hid in the back huddling together from the larger beastmen crowd.

In particular, a small family of two beastmen from the ratkin, a small female ratkin and a male ratkin who had a set of medium armor on and a pair of cutlasses on both sides of his hip alongside countless daggers stashed on his chest and bandaged wrapped legs.


???: "Dad,do we have to k-kill the humans…?"

???: "Hmm, you dont worry too much about it Ley"

???: "I just want you to be happy and enjoy your life, let your old man handle everything else ok?"

Ley: "Ok dad,how long will you be out for this time..?"

???: "Hmm, if everything goes well, within a day I should return"

Ley: "But what i-"

???: "I will come back, I have someone special I must come back to"

Seeing this scene most pf the other beastmen looked away in disgust or simply huffed in annoyance.

As followers of Karglash, they cared only for their god and having family with them will weaken their faith and due to their beast blood they were ruthless beasts who cared only for bloodshed and battle.

A figure who was behind the tall beastman minotaur looked at the family of two with a smile on their face reminiscing of someone in their mind.

???: 'So it seems anomolies are always everywhere huh? I wonder if he could be converted to our Lord Karglash if his daughter dies?'

???: 'Hmm, thoughts for another time. It seems the messenger has arrived'

As the large minotaur finished speaking a robed figure approached him and quickly spoke.

???: "His highness has begun his march to anither city and The Goblin General has reuested that you join his army in besieging the Town of Trehev-"

Before the small figure could finish, his head was grabbed by the large minotaur and his head was squeezed like a watermelon with its green blood and brainmatter exploding as it got onto the other beastmen who were riled up again seeing the blood of their enemies.

???: "Haha! It seems our time is now! Let us bask in the human scums blood my fellow brethren! For our God Karglash!"

???: "For our God Karglash!"

???: "For our God Karglash!"

???: "For our God Karglash!"

Not long after the messengers death the large crowd of light armored beastmen and beastmen captains with their weapons raised left the cave and marched towards Treheva Town.

With a last look at his daughter, the male ratkin left with the others with a cold glint in his eyes with his metal claws ready to rip and tear, until it is done.


(Small warning here for some dark shit dealing with goblins nature and rape, Skip ahead if you don't want to read it)


Unknown POV

In another location near the main road of Treheva Town

A human sized hob-goblin hurridly ran towards a heavily armed crowd of goblins that surrounded a large tent, stared at the incoming hobgoblin coldly.

Being the largest and most eye catching tent it signified the leader of the goblins the small goblin was going towards.

Not far from them were massive dark green Ogres gorging on the dead bodies of the villagers and with a grab of their large hand grabbed more bodies and ate them with blood splashing everywhere alongside their organs spilling out their bodies.

And such a thing happened all around the goblin camp with screams filled with terror and the enthusiastic grunts of goblins having their fun with the captured women and wailing of their family members wanting them to stop.

Wanting nothing more than to increase goblin numbers, the goblins continued their work until it was time to go to battle.

???: "M-make way, n-news for the General wah!"

Slowly the armored row of orcs and goblins moved out of the way for the hobgoblin to enter the tent before closing the gap once again to protect their general.

Inside the tent, a large muscular half-Orc sat in the middle with 2 axes resting on his lap looking at the small hobgoblin that arrived.

The small hobgoblin looked at the women sprawled around the tents with their undergarments torn apart and faces filled with despair and tears on their closed shut eyes.

Looking at such a scene made the goblin have lust on his eyed but feeling a sudden dread he looked at the large orc.

???: "What have you come to tell, these hummies are my new property"

Feeling the sudden dread, the goblin hurridly nodded and stopped looking at the women and towards the tall orc.

???: "Everyone has been notified of our unified attack with the humies and furred ones leading"

General Zogg: "Haha, its time to take over and relish in the bloodshed! We might as well capture more women hummies for the army!"

???: "B-but what about the unknown group of hummies killing the b-bandits and goblins?"

General Zogg: "We kill dah hummies once again and replenish our numbers with the women from the town!"

The hobgoblin nodded and ran out of there

swiftly as the guards outside let him out and closed the tent leaving the Goblin General to continue his business in increasing orc numbers.


(Here to read if you skipped ahead)

Gosaku's POV

7 Hours before Siege on Treheva Town

Satisfaction, what a wonderous feeling it is, watching your subordinates train from being a militia to proper warriors that have a strong bond as a team.

Whilst feeling great, I looked over towards the kid Amon, seeing him continue to train whilst trying to copy a beginning sword style I taught him made me chuckle.

Whilst in thought, I didn't notice Lord Nobunaga appearing behind me until I felt the wind rustling making me turn my head around slightly.

Gosaku: "Ah, Lord Nobunaga, what brings you here?"

Nobunaga: "Only to meet the greatest warrior I have met, and looks like their improvement is satisfactory for you"

Gosaku: "Indeed, in just a span of 2 days they have improved and have an orthodox way to fight rather than what they are usually taught"

Nobunaga: "It was a shock to see newly gained soldiers have experience that of a trained veteran"

Nobunaga: "Especially if all of them have a new style to fight than what they were trained for"

Gosaku: "Indeed, one cannot fully trust just using their weapons. You have to confuse tour enemy with an orthodox way of fighting that isn't the norm"

Nobunaga: "Hah, then you wouldn't mind if I were to have a duel with them no?"

Thinking deeply for a moment I called over Amaya who was training the somewhat new recruits.

Gosaku: "Amaya-san, can you come over and have a duel with Lord Nobunaga?"

Hearing the words of his superior, Amaya had quickly told another veteran to continue training as he jogged up to us with his new weapon and armor.

Looking at the tall Katakama Yami, Lord Nobunaga was surprised but with a grin on his face he charged forwards with his katana ready to slash at the surprised Amaya-san.


Gosaku POV

As Lord Nobunaga charged forward, Amaya-san had pulled out three shurikens from a string holding onto his Obi and threw them at Lord Nobunaga whom either blocked or side stepped to the side.

But it seems that was what Amaya-san needed when he backed off and pulled out his Katakama Yari spear and held it with both hands.

Amaya-san: "Please enlighten me Lord Nobunaga!"

Instead of having a defensive position Amaya-san had ran towards Lord Nobunaga and thrusted the Katakama Yari to the left and right before Amaya-san took out his wakizashi and blocked the incoming strike of Lord Nobunaga.


Blocking the sword strike, Amaya-san grinned before trying to headbutt Lord Nobunaga to which he leaned back ready to swing but Amaya-san had simply kicked Lord Nobunaga's chest who blocked with his katana but wasn't prepared for the kicks impact.


Once the kick connected to Lord Nobunaga's sword be was sent flying up in the air after Amaya-sans leg turned into red flames.

Swiftly, Amaya-san had used the horizontal blade of his Yari spear to hook behind Lord Nobunaga's back and pull him back down which worked as intended except Lord Nobunaga had a wide grin with a fire lit in his eyes.

Gosaku: "Prepare everything you have in your arsenal Amaya-san or you will be injured for a good while!"

Not long after I shouted, Amaya-san had the same fire in his eyes with a grin before he started to spin his yari spear as it slowly turned ablaze.

Oda: "Prepare yourself Amaya-san!"

Nobunaga's katana turned into black flames as he swung his blade in the air at Amaya-san which two arc shaped projectiles shot out his sword.



Amaya: "Subarashi! Sukaikattā!"

Oda: "Haha, Mushibamu nisshoku!"

Amaya-san had focused with his flames concentrating on the katakama yari's blade with wind currents slowly spinning around his yari.

Lord Nobunaga had his katana grow in size to that of an Odachi as it was fully coated in black with bright yellow flames coming out of the blade periodically.

(Odas Katana)

Gosaku: "What talented people we seem to have! To think you tried copying the technique I showed briefly during the battle!"

As I had a proud feeling in my chest I focused on the two and as if time slowed down both prepared for their clash with the other recruits and veteran warriors watching from afar.

Gosaku: "Sigh, hopefully you don't get hurt too much Amaya-san…"

Both suddenly clashed with Nobunagas attack suddenly expanding outward like it could devour the light and leave nothing but the void left with golden flames wanting to burn everything to a crisp.

But even in the face of adversity, Amaya-san didn't cower but stood his ground with some faint blue flames sparking from his red flames surprising me before it slowly spread to his red flames changing them to light blue flames.

(Amayas Katakama Yari)

Gosaku: "Interesting…"

Slowly both attacks closed in and I gripped my Jumonji Yari as it swiftly lit up in green flames ready to interfere.


Within seconds the entire ground beneath them cracked into spiderweb like pieces with the black & yellow flames crashing like a tidal wave trying to devour everything around them.

Oda: "Haha! Good, good! Truly one of the best I have witnessed!"

Not long after I heard Lord Nobunaga's loud laughter before Amaya-san's new blue flames managed to tunnel through Oda's black & yellow flames and showed everyone a spectacle of a pillar of concentrated blue flames rising to the sky.

After a couple of seconds Odas flames retracted back to his Katana's blade and Oda stood in the middle with a gentle smile on his face.

Many of the soldiers looked shocked at the scale of the battle but more importantly, seeing Amaya-san's condition many were surprised to see him stand with his polearm on his side.

Gosaku: "Truly a great talent that has graced our presence…sigh…"

Looking at the young mans burned arm I grimaced thinking he won't be able to use it no more but how wrong I was when he suddenly started walking towards Oda and looked at him with a smile.

Amaya: "Thank you Lord Nobunaga for helping me achieve a new form of flames…"

Oda: "It's nothing, I just wanted to have a feel for one of Gosakus trained men!"

Amaya: "Then let's continue the duel"

Oda: "Hah? Cont-…!"

Amaya-san had suddenly delieved a Sōin yanagi with his Katakama yari towards Lord Nobunaga as his entire right arm instantaneously turned into blue flames and swung his Katakama Yari horizontally sending Lord Nobunaga flying in the air.

Amaya: "I know that small clash wasn't enough to show my worth so let me show you Lord Nobunaga my strenght!"

Amaya-san jumped high in the air and took in a deep breath before he focused on Lord Nobunaga and thrusted his Katakama consecutively at Lord Nobunaga who still was shocked yet it didn't last long.

Oda: "Hahaha!






Once Oda started laughing he faced the flaming thrusts by deflecting them all and lit his own Katana in his own flames and launched arc-like flames from his katana.

Amaya-san grinned before he started spinning his Katakama and started slicing the air that revolved around his flames towards Lord Nobunaga's flames.

It wouldn't be long before everyone witnessed a surprising scene of Amaya-san's Katakama creating an illusion of its blades length expanding due to the revolving wind.











Who would have thought that Lord Nobunaga's flames would be dispersed and not long after Amaya-san swung his Katakama with both hands as a large projectile made from his newfound flames was launched at Lord Nobunaga who was about to block it but a gust of wind seemed to hold his sword arm in place.

Oda: "What is t-"

Seeing the approaching projectile made of blue fire, Lord Nobunaga had a genuine smile on his face not caring wether this will injure him.

Oda: "Guess thats enough fooling around…"

Lord Nobunaga simply focused all of a suddenly he mouthed a few words and the entire makeshift training area was pulled into a dark domain surprising me.

Oda: "Bōryoku-tekina nisshoku! Time to see if this works now…"

As the entire area was plunged into darkness I heard howling and looked at the multitude of glowing eyes towards Lord Nobunaga's direction.

Amaya-san: "Sigh, guess I still have a long way to go…right…Lord Nobunaga?"

Oda: "Indeed, so I want to see what you got fully…do your best not to get too hurt"

Amaya-san suddenly burst into blue flames with the wind starting to revolve around himself slowly growing in size with the wind started to make a howling noise with his flames starting to turn dark blue.

Amaya-san: "Oreru yanagi…breakthrough!"

The tornado seemed to disappear all of a sudden but looking closely, Amaya-san's Katakama started shaking strongly with the blade turning blue along with green energy wrapping around his weapon as he looked directly at Lord Nobunaga.

Lord Nobunaga raised his katana before slashing downward as countless eyes locked onto Amaya-san with razor sharp teeth showing before his black & yellow flames kept growing bigger and bigger forming a pitch black wolf with 3 pairs of red glowing eyes as he swung downward seeming to devour the world.


Amaya-san brought back his Katakama Yari with one hand whilst aiming at Lord Nobunaga before thrusting his Katakama Yari that launched an entire pillar of pure dark blue flames along with green energy wrapped around it.



Gosaku: "It's suppose to be a duel not a death match…"

Gosaku: "Sekai no shōka…stop fools!"

Gosaku had stepped forwards between them with his Naginata coated in green flames that gave dread before swinging downward between the both of their attacks.





A massive green wall of green flames rose from Gosaku's ground strike that stopped both of their attacked as the green flames had suddenly latched onto both attacks and started to devour their own flames into itself.

Swiftly both stopped attacking as they felt danger from the green flames. Seeing the tall wall of flames seemingly wanting to devour more both stepped back before Gosaku raised his Naginata from the ground as the entire wall of flames started to come back into the Naginata's blade once again.

Gosaku: "Do you both want to ruin our training site and kill our soldiers…?"

Both knowing their mistakes simply nodded and bowed towards the others in apology for almost causing their deaths from their clash.

Gosaku: "As much as I am proud to see you grow your talent with stimulation from Lord Nobunaga's flames Amaya-san. Go have your arm checked by Lady Aoi and starting today you will be training with me"

Amaya: "Yes Gosaku-dono!"

Amaya-san soon left along with the other soldiers and veterans leaving to train or talk somewhere else.

I looked at Lord Nobunaga who kept looking at me as if I was a strange beast which I know is my strength.

Oda: "How is it that your flames have such strength? Although I started training them for a couple days you seem to have full mastery already…"

Gosaku: "Excuse me for my directness Lord Nobunaga, but if you have fought for more than a few decades you hone both skills and instincts to such a level you have a sudden direction on how to go forwards"

Oda: "Tsk, Of course it's combat skills and instincts"

Gosaku: "Well you do have better skills in leading armies and how to plan for logistics Lord Nobunaga.

Oda: "Even then, I need to train some more to hone my skills to your level"

Gosaku: "Then by all means I do that mind training with the both of you to better yourselves to protect our young Clan Leader"

Lord Nobunaga looks at me before nodding seriously but sighs after awhile.

Oda: "A lord like myself now serves faithfully to another who has such strong beliefs in himself. He reminds me of my younger self when I used to only want to fight with others"

Gosaku: "Indeed, he reminds us of our younger selves whom we have grown from a long time ago"

Oda: "Well, I hope we all can teach him important lessons that have happened to us in our lives and not to repeat them"

Gosaku: "Exactly, well in another six hours we should arrive at Treheva Town so prepare yourself for the battle that might take place"

Lord Nobunaga nodded with battlelust seeming to be coming off his body that wants to simply fight now more than ever.

Only a few hours left until we arrive and help the town thats to be sieged, all I hope is that we make it there in time to save the innocent from dying a painful death….







To be continued