
Chapter 57

"Vala, split up, one of you to each side ramp. Take 2 Trolls each and split the Nymphs. Treants, hold the entry ramp with Dimnys, 2 Trolls and the Wasps will hold the boss while everyone else clears the side ramps one at a time." Cain calls out as everything attacks at once.

Most of the Spear Throwers made it off the ledges and into the room, but they were corralled before they could spread out. Vala's area attacks are doing well, the Leech effect giving a decent break to Misha, who is forced to heal all three fights at once.

The boss is called the Naga Blade Master. He's fast, and if the Trolls weren't so durable they'd all be in big trouble. But as it is, Misha's healing is keeping up. Cain is loading it up with poison every few seconds, slowly draining it, while the others have all picked one group of Spearmen to kill first. The area effects have the entire group very low, which will be a big relief.