
Chapter 445 Disaster At Home

With their prize safely bagged and ready to be transported, Cain leads the group back to the city, transforming back into the Wrath Demon form once everyone is safely set down outside the gates. The guards are giving the odd scene a wide berth, not wanting to get in the way of whatever is going on, but the sight of the unconscious fake bandits being unwrapped from the sailcloth bag brings them running.

"What have you brought us? Is that a group of bandits?" The guard asks, before doing a double-take at their outfits, which look more like high society cosplay than an actual impoverished bandit group. Not only are they too clean for bandits, but the high-quality materials, precious metals, and tailored fit all give indications that these are no normal thieves.

"I think they're new at it. Powerful, but they don't even know not to wear their valuables while doing a raid." Cain shrugs.