
Chapter 307 Negotiating with Garda

The two Negotiators show up unaccompanied, a well-dressed but frail looking human man with coal black skin who, by Cain's guess, was nearly a hundred accompanied by his later middle aged son, or possibly grandson, given that visible age can be deceptive in this world. 

"Greetings, Negotiators; please come in and we can talk over breakfast. I know nothing about Garda, and I'll need to know the history of this conflict before we go." Cain welcomes them.

"Thank you, Duke Cain. The situation is utterly predictable, I'm afraid. A new divine leader has taken over in Garda, and they're testing the treaties with their neighbors. Garda is a theocracy run by their Highest Priestess who can claim to have some level of Angelic lineage. The succession is a bit convoluted, but it doesn't matter right now." The younger man informs him.