
Spiritual Soul Manifestation


After explaining Yggdra about everything, she seemed to have understood better. She seemed particularly excited about the idea of monster hunting.

Even as a tree, she can do that pretty easily by extending her roots around and generating huge spears made of her wood, and this place is filled with high tier monsters, so she can get some very good EXP like that.

However, there might be another method too, such as summoning her Manifestation!

There wasn't any Skill in her Status showing that though, but I'm sure there might be a possibility for her to develop something.

"A Manifestation seems harder to create than I imagined…"

However, after some minutes of trying, there were no results. Yggdra seemed rather exhausted of trying for so long too.

Trying to grab her soul out didn't work, trying to channel her powers into my body only gave me a really strong Aura, but it didn't worked either.

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