
Chapter 2: Where am I?

"Ah, it's so peaceful" Alex thought as he drifted away. It was surprisingly comforting to be embraced by death he thought. Just like a cradle that leads your to eternal sleep. First it was only darkness but fear was never in his mind. After a while, small lights appeared around him. It is as if he was in the void of space and everywhere he looked were stars that shinned endlessly. "Its beautiful." he thought. However, a sudden force yanked his consciousness out of the abyss. "W-what?!" Alex exclaimed as he was dragged out. He was dragged at an extremely fast speed, faster than any vehicle on Earth. Alex tried his best to look at the direction that the force was taking him. He squinted his eyes as he tried to look ahead. The stars seemed like streaks of light as he move past them. Finally, he saw an extremely brigth star which is directly where he is headed. It grew and grew in size as he got closer. Other stars are out shined but the star infront of him. "Ahhh!" Alex shouted as he closed his eyes, preparing for impact. However, there was no impact. The strong force that dragged him was no longer there either, in fact, now he is still. He heard birds chirping just a few feet away to his right. Alex slowly opened his eyes to look around. He was no longer in the abyss, infact, he is now on a soft bed in a glamorous room. "Where am I?" he mumbled as he sat up. He noticed tension on his head and discovered that he had bandages wrapped around his arm and on his forehead. He sat on the edge of the bed and with a grunt, he stood up. One thing that immediately caught his attention was that he was way smaller than he used to be. "That can't be right." he said. He scanned the room and found a mirror on the wall. He slowly walked towards the mirror with a limp. "What the hell is this?!" he exclaimed as he saw his reflection. He was at least 10 years younger than he used to be. "This kid cannot be more than the age of 15!" he shouted. What's more is that his previously black hair is now a light gray color and reach up to his waist. His previously hazel eyes are now a vivid color of violet. " Who the hell are you?! "he exclaimed again as he tried to comprehend his situation. These physical characteristics are non existent in Earth. Suddenly, the doors burst open and two maids entered the room."Young master!" One exclaimed as both kneeled down infront of him. "W-were terribly sorry for not immediately coming to your aid. T-the duke has already been informed about your condition and will be here in a few moments." the other said in a trembling voice. Both are visibly terrified as both are shaking while awaiting Alex's response. Alex was surprised as this sight is something unheard of back on Earth. "You may stand up." Alex said while turning his attention back into his reflection. As the two stood up, Alex noticed a familiar sigil imprinted on the maids' uniform. It was a black bird carrying a dagger in its beak. "No way." Alex thought. "Isn't that the Geisler family sigil?" he muttered.

"My son!" A voiced echoed through the hallway and into the room. A large man with dark gray hair with the same violet eyes as Alex walked appeared.

He disregerded the maids and went straight to Alex. "How are feeling Aldo?" he as asked. "Aldo?! You mean Aldo von Geisler?! Is this actually the novel?! " Alex thought. "Seems like my son has forgotten how to talk!" the duke said. Alex looked up at the man and with a smile he said "I-Im doing fine." The two maids were shocked at his response. Actually, even the duke had a surprised expression on his face. "Well, do you remember who was responsible for what happened to you?" the duke asked. A hint of rage can be felt from the smiling duke as he waited from Aldo's response. "Not yet, father." Aldo replied. The duke frowned, let out a sigh and replied "Alright, take some rest first". The duke ordered the maids to leave the room and closed the doors on his way out.

"I-Im in the novel..? But why? And as Aldo von Giesler?! Even Ten-ten had more screen time than this guy!" he shouted internally.

"Aldo Von Giesler. One of the characters that tormented the hero during her time in the academy. Son of the terrible Duke Geisler and is a total piece of shit." he muttered. Aldo looked at his reflection again. "This fucker broke Eve's hand when she refused to go out with him!" He screamed as he threw a punch to his own face. "Ow ow ow" he whimpered as his cheek began to turn red. "Ouch that hurt".