
Reincarnated Rejection

I was betting on my mate, but he failed me. He was my worst enemy. How could the moon goddess be this cruel? " I Jake Aloysius reject you Violet Blake" I was stupefied to even speak, I expected it anyway. I thought it was over... not until our parents came up with a plot to get us married, despite the fact that they knew we despised each other. Every one from the pack knows. they say it's for their business, but I know it's for the pack. 将军 I know the prophecy....

Iamjustjuliet · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Prophecy 2

Violet's POV

"I'll tell you what that prophesy is, but before that you have to promise to get married to jake"

What kind of request was that?. What does Jake has to do with me knowing my mum's past? Even if I agree, there is no way Jake will agree with this marriage.

I looked at my mum and I saw how resolute she was, nothing could change her mind.

"Mum" I called out, "You know what you're asking for is impossible right? Even if I agree to this marriage, you certainly know that Jake wouldn't, you saw what he did that day, he is hellbent on not marrying me." I tried to make my mum to see reasons why her request was absurd, absolutely absurd.

"Leave that to me. He'll come to you himself."

"But why mum? why Jake?"

"The weight of what I'm about to tell you is too heavy for your little shoulders to carry. You need someone strong by your side, someone like Jake"

"But Jake is a mere werewolf mum, there is only so much he can do even if he's the strongest wolf to ever be known".

"There is much more than what meet the eyes. Jake is no ordinary wolf, he's much more than that." My mum was revealing so much already, this was getting more confusing. If Jake is no ordinary wolf, what is Jake then?

"I can't tell you what Jake is right now, when the time is right I'm sure you'll figure it out. Are you promising to get married to Jake? If not, drop the matter for your safety." My mum said with a tone of finality.

"I'll think about it mum" I said. I can't rush into this like that. I'm I willing to sacrifice my love life for the sake of the witches clan? Are they important enough for me to get married to Jake out of my own will? I'm I willing to do this for the people who made the life of my mum a living hell? That is what I'll have to think about.

* Two days later *

"What are you thinking so seriously about?" Kimberly asked after dropping a plate of freshly cut fruits on the table in front of me. I came to visit her to see if I can clear my head. I've been having quite a headache after the things my mum told me, coupled with the fact that I may have to marry Jake. I'm really leaning towards that option.

"You see..." I turned to look at Kimberly and paused. I was mulling whether to tell her about everything that has happened this past two days or if I should not. I don't want to drag her into this mess, she has so much in her plate. Instead I decided to take another approach in getting my answers.

"If you were me, and you were in a kind of fix, and you need to marry someone powerful to get your answers or solution, would you marry the person?" I looked in her eyes hopefully to see what her answer would be.

"Do you need to marry Jake to get out of some kind of trouble" surprisingly she caught on fast, and to say I was grateful for that was an understatement.

"Seeing as you used an indirect approach, you don't want to tell me what that problem is"

"I'm sorry, I would love to tell but...I just can't"

"It's okay, I understand. Best friends or not, we all have things we tend to keep to our selves once in a while" I muttered a thank you to show my appreciation for her understanding.

"So..." I said bring her attention to the previous question I asked.

"If Jake is cool with it, If I were you, I would marry him. That will solve the problem for a while. There is always an option for divorce if you guys can't work it out. "

There is my answer. I'll have to marry Jake.


"Hey mum," I said as I closed the door. She was staring at the mirror, looking lost.

"You're here. Do you need anything" My mum replied as she tried to shake off whatever she was thinking about.

"I have decided mum." I said as I took a seat. My mum stood up to join me.

"About what dear?"

"I'll get married to Jake."

I could swear I saw a flash of shock and disbelief in my mum's eye's but she brushed it of right away. I guess she expected it.

"You made the right choice dear, wait for me here I'll be right back."

My mum came back with a piece of paper and a pen.

"Here, write it down. I want a written promise from you, your signature must be assigned as well"

Hold up, was she making me sign a written promise that I'll marry Jake? Is she afraid that I'll back out?.

Well, I've already agreed to the marriage so I'm sure this is nothing.

I took the pen and paper from her and wrote exactly what she told me to write

"Alright, I'm done mum, I'm ready to hear you out." My mum sighed before she started

"The two guys who were guarding me didn't know I was not sleeping and they ended revealing more than what they should have. That ended their lives and opened my eyes. Everything I knew was a lie, my whole life was a lie. While my father pleasured himself around with different women, my mother did so as well. They both enjoyed their lives and I was stuck In a room, away from the world, never officially introduced to the clan. I thought it was normal, I thought it was normal for the queen of witches to prioritize her kingdom more than her own child whom she brought to this world. But who knew I was neglected and treated that way because of selfishness and greed. "