
Reincarnated Reader

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be reborn in a world with magic, monsters and powers? Because I used to wonder that all the time when reading light novels. Until out of nowhere I found I had another body and was in another world, WHICH IS NOT VERY FUN. In addition to not knowing the world, I was also reborn as a wimp. So with my knowledge of novels and novel clichés I plan to get by. What could go wrong... Inspired by The Author POV

Dust159 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

No time for rest

After leaving the store, I anxiously headed for the train station. Tears of happiness were beginning to form at the edges of my eyes, thinking that I could finally rest from all the turmoil of two days of searching in the forest.

Finally I arrived at the station, I waited for a train to pass by, but suddenly I remembered something.

What was the name of the city where I appeared?

Shit, how could I have forgotten such important information!

I quickly opened my inventory and checked the map.

"Hmm, from what I see the city was called Raivor."

Ok, that really made me anxious, now that I'm calmer I'm going to look for a train to Raivor....

After a while of looking for a train, I found it, so I went to the seats at the station.

While waiting for it to arrive several people sat next to me, among these, 3 burly looking men in beast armor were talking about what looked like a beast hunt.

"It sucks, how we had to escape humiliated just because of an unforeseen attack."

"You bastard monster....."

I lost interest quickly from his words, because I was thinking about what to do now that I got these skills in the forest.

While I was lost in my thoughts I saw the same train demon walking gracefully towards the stop I was at.

She walked slowly with a smile that looked kind, yet tetric at the same time.

As she passed me, I instinctively ducked my head, pretending to be asleep.

When I opened my eyes again she had already passed.

Slowly I began to feel a warmth in my side and as I turned my head towards the men, who had suddenly gone silent, I could see their heads separated from their bodies, blood flowing everywhere."

"W...w-w-w-what?.." I muttered under my breath in fright and shock.

My clothes were stained in blood and my complexion was pale, I was unaware of what was happening and a sour taste went up my throat.

"I'm going to throw up" I said just before I expelled it all.


After this I quickly moved away from the lifeless bodies of those strangers.

I crawled across the hard concrete, fearing that woman would find me, I couldn't help but think that I was next on that demon's list, contrary to what I thought, there was a deathly silence and the only thing I could hear was my heart beating louder and louder.

I slowly got up and prepared to enter the train as soon as it arrived.

"I need to...get...out...of here" I said to myself.

As soon as I managed to pull myself together, I turned my head back.

"Boo!" said a mocking female voice.

At that precise instant I felt like time stopped, the being in front of me was the demoness who murdered the strangers.

"Hello!" she said playfully

"You saw how I killed those guys right?".

"W-wh-what? I-I-I didn't see anything, I don't know what you're talking about." said I as I trembled in fear

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, how cute, I couldn't say you're cute, but you do smell different from the other humans I've seen."

"S-so if you think I'm cute will you w-will you let me go?" i said trying to come to an agreement

"I'm sorry, but my clan can't find out that I killed some humans, so,

please die."

Before she let me utter another word, she proceeded to throw some sort of crimson threads at me.

Luckily my agility is high in comparison to my other stats and I was able to avoid the blow for the most part.

"Aahg" I said as my cheek was cut by one of the threads, causing blood to start flowing from the cut.

"Hey what do you think you're doing, this face is new!".

Seeing that there was no alternative I opted to pull out my longsword and armor from my inventory which I quickly equipped.

Once I was ready I stood at attention, I knew something about sword fighting, because in my previous life I attended Kendo classes.

Once I got ready, to my misfortune I saw my opponent condensing his threads and creating a spear.

By this point in the fight, if it can be considered that... I had an idea.

"Oh, I see you have some good tricks, but I have my ace up my sleeve!" I exclaimed, sure of myself.

"Ha, looks like you won't be so boring after all." said the girl as she increased her grip on her spear.

I smiled and quickly put my sword away in my inventory.

"Now you see, my secret technique is..."

"RUN!" I shouted as I ran away from the demoness.

I ran like I had never run before, seeking to be at a safe distance from that madwoman.

The only thing I wished was for the train to arrive soon, to get the hell out of here. My requests went unanswered, as by the time I turned to check the distance, she was already on me.

"Gotcha!" said my pursuer.

I gave a big jump of fright and was grabbed from the neck of the armor.

"Oh, poor little thing, did you think you could escape from me, you're wrong-Ogh!

Without giving it time to speak, I materialized the sword in my hand and pierced its side.

"Aaaaaaaah! How dare you, you should just stand still and die!" she said angrily.

"No, thanks for the offer, but unfortunately I still have things to do" I said in a mocking tone.

That taunt was what detonated the anger inside the demon. With incredible speed he launched an endless amount of thrusts aimed at me, I barely managed to dodge the deadly blows to my head and torso, but I received a lot of damage to my side, shoulder and limbs, resulting in several deep cuts.

Every minute that passed I kept dodging and receiving attacks, as a result I ended up kneeling on the ground exhausted. My enemy slowly approached as she prepared her threads and suddenly stood next to me.

"Do you have any last words human?" she said in a cold tone.

"Y-yes, I-I-I have a question.

What's your name?"


"What is your name?" said I repeated in an exhausted tone.

The purpose of this was not simply to know what her name was, but to be able to use Analysis on her to come up with a plan, so while she was questioning the question, I would analyze her state.


>Name: Eliz Darlok

>Age: 16

<Rank: F- >

[Max Rank: S]

>Strength: [Requires analysis level 2].

>Agility: [Requires level 2 analysis].

>Stamina: [Requires analysis level 2] >Resistance: [Requires analysis level 2]

>Defense: [Requires level 2 analysis] >Enchantment: [Requires level 2 analysis

>Enchantment: [Requires level 2 analysis] >Magic: [Requires level 2 analysis] >Magic: [Requires level 2 analysis

>Magic: [Requires level 2 analysis] >Magic: [Requires level 2 analysis] >Magic: [Requires level 2 analysis

>Profession: Spear user.

>Skills: Thread control level 1

General information: She is a young member of the pride clan, which is characterized their great sense of honor in battles, and that is why they would rather die than be spared, because they will have to serve the victor of the fight. [Blocked information]


"What kind of question is that?" she said quizzically, as her hair flew around the passing train.

"Well... knowing that you're going to die, I wouldn't mind fulfilling that last wish, plus I'm curious what you're trying to do.

"My name is Eriz Darlok, daughter of the leader of the pride clan!" she said self-assured.

Oh... Shit, why does this have to happen to me?

If she were to attack me again it would be the end of me, but if I were to seriously hurt her it would lead to an eventual feud between this pride clan and the humans.

"Well, if that's all... say goodbye" she said as she extended a thread from her arm forming a blade.

"Wait!!!" I shouted with all my might.

"Why should I wait to kill you?" she said in a wry tone.

"Because I challenge you to a formal duel, if I lose you'll kill me, but if I win you'll die!" said I seriously

"Hmmm, it seems to me that you are in no position to demand anything." she said annoyed

"Oh, a member of the pride clan not accepting a formal duel, WHAT a DISHONOR, unless you would accept of course." i said mocking her

"Mmhg, okay, but I choose the rules" said the demon annoyed.

Great, I got her to agree, basing my strategy on the stereotype that demons are don't refuse a duel worked wonders.

"Hmmm, let me think." said the girl in a thoughtful tone.

"I got it, it'll be a duel with no skills, but yes weapons can be used."

"Hey, take this, it was in those guys clothes, it will help you heal, get ready, you have 15 minutes before the duel."

"That's more than enough" I said chuckling.

Now that I had time to sort out my thoughts, I'm most likely going to use something created with threads as a weapon, so I came up with an idea.

But for the first step I'll have to go to a store to buy a few things.


Finally it was 17:15, I moved to the meeting point, I had bandages all over my body, but the time for combat had finally arrived. There she was, a beautiful girl with her legs crossed.

I approached her slowly and spoke to her.

"Are you ready?" I said with a serious look.

"I wasn't expecting you to arrive, good thing you didn't escape, because if that was the case you would be more than dead in less than 1 week."

The moment he said those words I felt a shiver run down my spine, but I quickly pulled myself together. We established a separation of about 10 meters or so and prepared for combat.

"The demon girl would be in charge of making a countdown.


As soon as I heard the signal I ran with all my might to the opposite side of where she was, after about a minute of running I found a statue big enough for a person to fit.

"Okay, I'm safe now." I muttered as I pulled a small vial from my inventory.

I poured it on a thin transparent cloth and then wrapped my sword in it.

"I think that will be enough..."

Strange, I don't see it anywhere.


"...I'll guess, it's behind me.."

"Exactly." said a voice between laughs.

Before I could react I was kicked in the side, shooting out several meters.

"Shit-Oogh" unable to finish my sentence.

"I really don't know what I expected from someone so pathetic" she said in a condescending tone.

I slowly got up from the floor, with an intense pain running through my entire left side, as I tried to recover I felt a sweetness in my mouth, followed by this I coughed a little on my hand and noticed a small amount of blood spilled on it.

"Cough- Cough, not again, this is making me tired!". i said angrily.

Without much thought I lunged towards my aggressor, who didn't take long to create a spear with some threads she pulled out of her pocket and blocked my attack

"So you finally show your face, coward, you'll regret not dying sooner!"

she said furiously.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but you have a limit of threads don't you?". i said sure of myself.

At that instant she froze.

"From the reaction you had I'll take that as a yes.".

Since in fantasy stories level one abilities had a lot of restrictions, I figured I could only control the stuff I had direct contact with.

"I'd recommend you get ready." quietly.

Following this I pulled a flint from my inventory and slammed it against my sword, almost instantly orange flames erupted from my weapon. This would only last a short time so I had to be quick.

Again I lashed out at it with all my might.


My sword stopped dead in its tracks as soon as she blocked me again, but that was what I was after. Although my weapon remained lit, it was still doused with fuel, so quickly her spear caught fire.

"W-what!!!?" she said in shock.

Almost instantly after her weapon burned, she created another one, with her threads.

"I see it worked in the end..., I didn't expect a plan this bad to do any good, so I'm happy, but I can't just rely on luck in the future.

''We're even now, so this will turn out well for you.''


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