
King Bread

Tapk! Tapk! 

As Asher walked down, he could hear a banter. When he finally reached the ground floor, he saw a large number of people. All the chairs and tables were filled and some were even outside. He could see the waiters and waitresses moving with trays. Some carried warm milk; some carried meals prepared with Golden Fragrant corn and Hexakad eggs. 

"What in the world did they use to bake this wondrous bread?" A voice stood out from the rest, causing Asher to look over; it was a stout man with a group of men and women sitting around a round table. He guessed they were a small mercenary group because of their dressing style and the weapons attached to their waists and backs.

He was stuffing a special bread on the menus called the King Bread. It was enticingly golden at the top but milkish white at the middle and the bottom. It was so soft that the stout, fully bearded man moaned with each bite.