
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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AN: I am back, the insurance gave me the money for my car being totaled. Then after car shopping around for a few days. I decided and was able to get my first brand new car, which is a Kia K5 LXS. I love the car and hope I have this car with no issues for the foreseeable future. Thanks, everyone for the patience and hope you all have a good day.


All Gym battlefields are the same size as soccer fields used in my past life around 120 yards (110 meters) long and 80 yards (73 meters) wide. With the trainers standing right outside the battlefield by where the goalie nets would be. The Pokémon begin where the goalies stand when the battle begins. 

I can see the newfound very high pride that Leo has almost like a stereotypical Charizard or most Dragon types. This pride that he seems to now have can be a huge issue that we will need to talk about later. However, his pride disappears around us since me and our team are his family. 

At the same time, it seems to be a boon since it has pissed off Vileplume making it possible to disobey its trainer if it is angered enough. Much like Primeape when he lets his anger control him and does not listen to outside commands. 

"Leo use our entrance," I say while having these thoughts and Leo uses Leer and Howl almost immediately showing his mastery of the moves has increased even more. 

"Vileplume buff up!" Annie says at the same time as me to her Pokémon. Then Vileplume uses Growth and Sweet Scent. 

"Leo use Flame Charge," 'Then gather Flames in your mouth and bite down onto Vileplume,' I say to Leo as I am thinking maybe I can teach him Fire Fang this way. 

"Vileplume use Toxic and then Giga Drain!" Annie says as Vileplume looks ready to tank the hits from Leo. 

Leo with his same stoic face as heavy flames that are extremely hot gather around him that can be felt even out here. Leo even gathered flames inside his mouth and he then charged Vileplume. Even with the decent distance between them Leo's new speed makes it seem like he almost teleported right in front of Vileplume. All anyone could see was the heavy indent from where he started and then slammed into the Vileplume. 

Vileplume and Annie knew Arcanines are very fast Pokémon but Leo's speed seemed to be even higher than normal too. This let Leo hit Vileplume before it could even use its Toxic. Vileplume let out a loud cry as Leo slammed into it sending it flying into the air with burn marks across its body. 

While still mid-air Leo bit into Vileplume while his mouth was releasing heavy flames making the already hurt Vileplume cry out even more. Then he pulled down Vileplume and like dogs and other predators from my past life, shook Vileplume while still biting into it. 

With every shake of his head, Leo appeared to be repeatedly biting into Vileplume with a stronger and stronger bite every time. Annie was stunned seeing her starter Pokémon being overwhelmed like this, especially by a Pokémon that shouldn't be this strong even with the type advantage. Even I was surprised by Leo's complete overwhelming and overpowering of Vileplume who was the ace of Annie's team. 

"Leo, enough," I say seeing Vileplume now unconscious and heavily burned. Leo then drops Vileplume like a sack of potatoes on the ground and walks away with the same stoic look on his face. 

"Vileplume is unable to battle! The winners are Lucas and Leo!" the referee says snapping out of their surprise too and Annie runs out to Vileplume at the same time with an extremely worried look on her face. 

'At this point, people are going to think my Pokémon are evil and ready to kill at a moment's notice… then again they are… fuck it I don't care,' I think seeing Annie patching up Vileplume the best she can before taking it to the Pokémon Center later. 

Meanwhile, Leo walked over to me and then gave me a happy smile and look waiting to be praised for his overwhelming victory. I try not to chuckle seeing Leo's stoic look turn back to a puppy one once he came over to me waiting for praise.

"Good job buddy, you really surprised me and everyone it seems," I say while giving him some treats and petting him as he barks happily eating and enjoying my praise. 

We then walked over to Annie who finished up patching Vileplume the best she could. Annie looked over to us with a strained smile as the people in the crowd were still watching us. However, I can tell she is not a fan of me anymore, especially since two of her Pokémon were beaten very badly by two of my Pokémon. 

"Congratulations Lucas Brinton… Here is the Rainbow Badge," Annie says not wanting to say much else, and hands me my newest badge before walking away. I can tell she is trying her best to not sprint to the Pokémon Center, to keep her image as a Pokémon Gym Leader still with all the people watching us. 

"Well, we can definitely count her as not an ally in the future. Just hopefully not an enemy either," I say to Leo who just grunts hearing me as he could smell her negative emotions and was glaring at her the whole time. 

"We should head to a different Pokémon Center, I'd rather not run into her again," I say as we leave so I can get Swinub and Primeape checked out. Primeape should be fine, but I want to make sure his overwhelming anger didn't cause any other issues. 

As we walked to the Pokémon Center I could tell many people wanted to walk over to me for autographs, pictures, or whatever reason. But with Leo's latest performance and stoic look kept most people away. Thankfully it didn't take long for Primeape and Swinub to be checked over and handed back to me. 

"OK, so we will spend another few days here. Then we will just head to Vermilion City just going through the wilderness and taking our time. I don't feel like going back to Saffron City or dealing with people for a while," I say to my team as we rest up at night later in our hotel room. 

They all just nod their heads while we talk about what happened at the gym. I gave Swinub some pointers along with Leo and Primeape adding their opinion too. Then I turned to Primeape and mentioned he needed to learn to control his rage better and stop letting it control him. 

So I purchased some anger management manuals. While telling him to try some things to manage his rage better, which we would be practicing on our way to Vermilion City. Finally, I turned to Leo who didn't think I had anything to say to him due to his overwhelming victory. 

"Leo, for you we should talk about the new pride that you have. Now I am not saying you shouldn't be proud of your accomplishments or how strong you have become. But you should never underestimate your enemy or become overconfident in your abilities. Because one day we will run into a strong enemy or one that hides their abilities," I say to Leo who looks saddened that I lectured him but then nods his head to me. 

"I just want what is best for you buddy, you and I grew up together so we have been side by side since the beginning and we are at the end. All I want is for you to be the best you can be," I say to Leo patting his head as he gives me a smile and licks my face as I try not to cringe at the now saliva-covered part of my face. 

"Love you too," I say as Primeape and Swinub look over at us with slightly jealous faces. 

"Don't worry I love you two too," I say with a laugh as Swinub runs over and jumps into my lap to cuddle while Primeape just nods his head happy with my statement. 

Finally, I got a call from the Pokémon Center telling me they got several offers for the Shiny Ursaring. We then all headed there and I saw the best two items offered one King Ranked feather from a Blaziken and a Queen ranked feather from a Frostmoth. I was torn since I knew I needed both since they could drastically help both Swinub and Primeape. 

"If I took one of the King or Queen Ranked items, do you know how much it would cost for the other?" I ask the nurse helping me. 

"Let me check… Two million Pokédollars for either King or Queen Ranked item," the nurse says to me as I just shake my head since I do not have that kind of money and don't want to ask my father for anymore even though I know he'd do it in a heartbeat. 

"Primeape, Swinub, I can only get one… Primeape, please do not be upset but I believe Swinub should get his item next, then we try to get you another one," I say to them as they both nod their heads and Primeape doesn't seem upset at all. 

"I will take the Queen Ranked Frostmoth feather please and thank you," I say to the nurse who nods their head and hands me the item in the special case it is held in. 

"Swinub, take this feather and absorb it all, hopefully, this will raise your stats to their max and we can let you evolve," I say handing Swinub the feather as he nods his head seriously. Now that means Leo and Swinub both have items to absorb since Leo still has the King Ranked Golem shell he is absorbing. 

The next day we headed out, us making our way to the deeper part of the wilderness for 'Experienced Trainers'. After the gym battle, Leo leveled up twice and Primeape finally leveled up and reached the next rank. Swinub too leveled up to almost the next rank, but I believe his evolution will push him into the next rank. We are currently holding off on allowing it since I want to max out his stats first like my other Pokémon did before evolving. 

Like usual I am holding Swinub as we walk with Leo right next to me, as Primeape is scouting ahead of us. Primeape and Leo's presence seems to be keeping lower ranked Pokémon from us while the stronger ones are ignoring us or fearful since they feel both Leo and Primeape's aura. They can hide it with only stronger Pokémon being able to sense them, but for now, I want us to reach the deeper part of the forest before they hide it. 

After a week of traveling, we finally reached the deeper part of the forest for 'Experienced Trainers' and then I had Primeape and Leo hide their auras. However, this time I had no real motive for us to be looking for. All I really had us do was find stronger Pokémon for Leo or Primeape to battle. While allowing Swinub to battle the very few weak Pokémon we came across. 

Finally, the next day we wake up Leo tells me he finished absorbing the King Ranked Golem shell piece. I checked his stats and they all raised again making him the undisputed strongest Pokémon on my team, more than doubling Primeape's stats. Leo is truly becoming a powerhouse and I can only imagine what level he will reach his peak. 

"Great job Leo!" I say patting his head while Primeape looks annoyed that Leo is getting even stronger than him. However, instead of depressing Primeape, it seems to push him to try even harder to catch up and surpass Leo.