
Reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko

This is the story of a man named Jiro who died and now is reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko how will he shake things up in this world and will he be the one to save Ai Hoshino’s smile.

Tjsmith1202 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

A Father Protects

[Tanaka Redsience]

(Jiro's POV)

It was a typical morning at the house I had woken up and went downstairs to start making breakfast for Ai and the kids the first ones up were Aqua and Ruby coming downstairs it has been 3 years since Ai and I became parents to these two wonderful children who were now 4 years old and Ai almost turning 20 in a couple of days.

In that timeframe Ai and I have been busy with our careers but didn't neglect our parenthood one bit with both of us taking time off when we can to spend time with the kids and with each other and even so I have been getting a feeling from an actor named Hikaru Kamiki who has been trying hard to get some big movie roles but only got background character roles and every time I look at him I feel like he wants to kill me or worse every time I look at his eyes.

But enough about him I was brought out of my thoughts by my children when Ruby said in a sleepy tone.

Ruby:"Good morning papa *yawn*."

Aqua:"Yeah good morning Jir- I mean papa."

Jiro:"Good morning to you two and Aqua I don't want you to force yourself to call me papa just call me it when it feels comfortable okay."

Aqua:"Ah okay."

As we got that straighten out Ai came down and in her sleepy tone says to me and the kids.

Ai:"*Yawn* good morning everyone."

All:"Good morning."

Ruby:"Why are you so tired mama."

Ai:"Oh well I was up all night with you father *yawn*."

Aqua & Ruby:"WHAT?!"

Jiro:"She means I was just helping with her lines for a tv show appearance that she has that's all!"

Aqua & Ruby:"Oh okay."

Ai:"What did you think that we were talking about huh."

Aqua & Ruby:"Nothing!"

Ai:"Uh huh really you aren't lying to me are you Aqua. Ruby."

Aqua:"No not at all."

Ruby:"Why would we mama."

Before Ai could interrogate the kids anymore I came in with breakfast to stop the conversation and saving the kids ass from their mothers wrath as we were all eating I was getting a phone call from Hina telling me to get down to the studio for a meeting with a director about a new movie role that he wants me to be in so finishing my breakfast I got dressed in a luxurious black suit kissing the kids and Ai goodbye and wishing her good luck with the tv appearance.

[At Kadokawa Daiei Studio]

(Third Person POV)

As the occupants were their in the meeting room being Jiro Tanaka and his Manager Hina with the director of a new movie called Fast and Drifty but they weren't alone because their was one other person there coming to try and take the lead role and it was non other than Hikaru Kamiki as they were speaking about how they would be best for the role the director made the final decision.

Director:"Alright I made my choice and the lead role will go to Jiro Tanaka while I would love Hikaru Kamiki to be one of the side characters."

Once the director said that Hikaru Kamiki was frozen in place again he was overlooked again he was beaten out of a lead role by Jiro once again that was his breaking point but not wanting to make a scene he walked out and left without saying a word to anyone confusing the occupants of the room but in all of that Jiro was feeling an air of uneasiness around Hikaru Kamiki and was going to be more wary around him from now on.

And after that day for the past two days their have been random thugs trying to corner and beat up or even try to kill Jiro but Jiro in this life went and learned self defense and martial arts to protect himself or his family if this were to ever happen after he would take care of the goons he would have a sneaky suspicion that someone was watching him and strongly would feel that same uneasiness he had with Hikaru Kamiki.

[Tanaka Residence]

(Jiro's POV)

We were at the house me, Ai, Aqua, Ruby, Ichigo, Miayko, Hina, and Hina's boyfriend Takashi we were celebrating early for Ai's 20th birthday as we were celebrating I made a speech to everyone.

Jiro:"Can I have everyone's attention I just want to say to all of you thank you for being their for us through good and bad times through thick and thin I really appreciate you all for protecting Ai, Aqua, and Ruby because if anything happened to them I wouldn't be the same again so I thank all of you."




Ichigo:"Look kid we are always gonna be there for you every step of the way now stop all the sap talk and let's drink Jiro I still need to beat you."

Miayko:"Jeez I swear you never learn you won't drink Jiro under the table."

Ichigo:"Well got to try."

Hina:"See what I deal with on a day to day basis."

Takashi:"Ah well I think it's fine they look happy after all."

Hina:"Yeah I guess but Jiro is still a brat."

Jiro:"Hey I heard that you old hag."

Hina:"The hell did you say to me you rotten brat bastard!"

Ai:"Okay that our cue to leave and go to bed kids come on."

After me and Hina's argument that lasted almost an hour I had went to bed with Ai ready for her performance at the dome tomorrow and her birthday celebration but unbenounced to both me and Ai tomorrow would be a very bloody day for our family.


[Tanaka Residence 2 hours before Ai's performance]

(Ai's POV)

Today is a very big day for me B-Komachi and Strawberry production that we would be preforming at the dome so much has been happening to me and the kids lately with my tv appearance being cut that made the kids angry which resulted Aqua to get in contact with Taishi Gotanda a director that had cut my appearance which then he gave Aqua a role in a movie which I have to be honest Aqua was really good at acting just like Jiro.

Then I learned that Ruby she wants to be an idol just like me when I saw her in the dance studio part of the house and after she kept on falling I could see she wanted to give up but I came in to give her some encouragement and help her with dancing as I did that I could feel the energy that me and her had when we danced which brought a thought to mind that one day maybe ww could have a mother daughter performance."

As I was thinking of all this someone rang the doorbell before I could go and get it Jiro gets up and says.

Jiro:"Don't worry I got it must be the car that Ichigo got for us just get ready to leave and make sure the kids are ready."

Ai:"Alright Jiro."

As he went off to the door I felt like something bad was about to happen but just chalked it up to nerves but after a few minutes Jiro hasn't came back yet which at that point I went up to the front door.

Once I walked out to the hallway area I froze when I saw a red substance on the floor near the door and I saw a body at the door while another body was near a wall pressing a stab wound I run over and scream out.


At that both Aqua and Ruby came running in to see what happened and what they saw was Jiro leaning up against the wall in a pool of his own blood with me by his side trying to help him.

Ai:"Jiro Jiro please please don't leave you can't leave me not now JIRO please!!!!!"

Jiro:"H-h-hey beautiful sorry that I am looking worst for wear *Cough cough*."

Ai:"Please save your strength I call the--."

Jiro:"Don't worry I already called an ambulance I just need to stay awake so if you can do that I'll be fine."

Ai:"Jiro I--."

But before I could say anything Jiro speaks up saying.

Jiro:"Ah no I didn't want them to see this umm hey Aqua hey Ruby."

And at that moment Ruby and Aqua ran over to us hugging onto their father for dear life not caring about the blood on their clothes.

Ruby:"Papa please don't leave us please keep fighting!"

Aqua:"That's right you need to keep living their is so much you still need to do in your career with life even with your family you can't leave us papa."

Jiro:"Haha don't worry Ruby. Aqua I don't plan on going anywhere and hey Aqua you said so casually you just made your old mans day."

As they were talking I realized that I can't keep hiding behind my past that I can't keep lying to people anymore because if I keep on this path maybe one day I won't be able to see my loved ones ever again so I get close to Jiro and hug him tightly not caring about the blood on my clothes to tell him and the kids.

Ai:"Jiro, Ruby, and Aqua I love you."

As I said those words all three of them were stunned with Jiro speaking first saying.

Jiro:"Haha wow Ai you finally said it to them face to face instead of saying it when they are sleep."

Ai:"I think it was about time I mean I am their mother and your wife."

Jiro:"You heard that kids what do you think."

Ruby:"*Sob sob* I love you too mama *Sob sob*."

Aqua:"We will always love you mama and same for you papa."

Jiro:"Ah you made my heart jump in circles I have such a great family."

As we talked to keep him awake the ambulance came in time to get Jiro patched up and to the hospital once he was gone to the hospital I cancelled my performance at the dome to go to Jiro's side at the hospital to make sure that he recovered.


[Hospital few days later]

(Jiro's POV)

It has been a few days since I had got stabbed and almost died for a second time the day that Ai was suppose to preform at the dome she cancelled to make sure that I was doing fine same for Aqua, Ruby, Ichigo, Miakyo, and Hina and a bunch of my fans as well.

But what I knew is that this wasn't just some crazy fan of Ai that wanted to kill her or someone close to her no this was orchestrated by someone that knew which strings to pull someone that has connections and even knows where I lived and when the guy who stabbed and I stabbed him back in a fatal area I looked in his pockets to see someones handwriting that I slightly recognized and that is when the dots came together.

All of the random hateful comments to the thugs trying to jump me to him even watching from a far that I pieced it all together that the man that tried to kill me and in extension my family was non other then Hikaru Kamiki and even before when we were 16 he hated me and maybe tried to put a hit on me then but failed and that could also connect why doctor Gorou Amemiya is still missing and that their in no body after all these years.

So at that moment I knew what I needed to do I was going to find evidence on Hikaru Kamiki and bring him down for the attempted murder of me and the murder of Gorou Amemiya and he will rue the day that he wanted to mess with me and my family I will get my revenge.


[Park Court Shibuya the tower Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo penthouse, Tokyo Japan]

(Jiro's POV)

{12 years later}

It has been 12 years and I am 32 years old with Ai at 31 while Aqua and Ruby are both 15 years old our lives have been changed so much in these years for one after the stabbing happen and the dome concert being cancelled I made the decision to tell the world that Ai and I are married and have been since 16 which it got some positive responses and some negative ones as well but we managed.

After that both Aqua and Ruby changed after the incident being more careful of who to trust and who not to trust which Ai and I were happy about even Aqua and Ruby coming to us and asking for help with acting lessons or how to be an idol.

And as the years gone by Ai and her idol days were over so with her still being in strawberry productions they moved Ai onto the acting gigs which she would get minor roles but eventually build herself up to bigger roles for herself but once in a while will do some singing gigs.

Also at this time strawberry productions is under new management since Ichigo is not Ai's manager anymore it is now Miayko managing Ai and with me Hina is still managing me since I can only trust her to manage me and she has kind of grown into a mother figure for me and a grandmother role for Aqua and Ruby which she hates.

After a while I was in the kitchen eating with Ai when I saw the kids about to walk out to school when I said to them.

Jiro:"Wait you don't want to have breakfast."

Aqua:"No not today got hurry up to class don't want to be late."

AI then walks in saying to the kids.

Ai:"Well you wouldn't be late if you would have woken up when I told you too."

Aqua:"Well it's not my fault it's Ruby's."

Ruby:"That is such a lie."

Aqua:"No it's the truth you were up all night looking at videos instead of going to bed like papa and mama said."

Ruby:"Hey I was studying the school that we were going too I was doing that research for us big brother."

Jiro:"Still Ruby you should have got proper rest don't do that again got it."

Ruby:"Yes papa."

Jiro:"Good now both of you come here and give papa and mama hugs and kisses come on this isn't up for discussion."

Aqua & Ruby:"Huh fine."

As they gave me and Ai hugs and kisses goodbye they headed out which left me and Ai alone at home.

Jiro:"So the kids are gone what do you have planned today."

Ai:"Haha nothing and you."

Jiro:"Not a thing beautiful."

After our conversation we got closer and kissed which eventually lead to more intent things and as that was going on a figure in the sky peers down at the world with the figure saying.

???:"Seems that bringing you into this world was the right choice I hope you make even more changes and for the better if you can Jiro Tanaka."