
Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Disclaimer : I do not own Pokemon and it's Characters

DaoistYixpg2 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

First Family Dinner 22

With Reiss releasing his glaceon Gible also prepared itself throwing the bottle of healing potion on the side which had been emptied.

No one was expecting much from Reiss but all were curious about the how much stronger glaceon is as it is one of the Grandfather's pokemon.

Glaceon also staring at the Gible knowing the enemy it is facing is really strong.

That Glaceon should have fought with Gible before, it's my guess but if they are pokemon of same trainer there is high chance they will meet and practice together so if it's correct Glaceon will know that Gibles moves and vice versa is also true, let's see who takes the advantage.

As match started same thing happened with Gible taking aggressive stance and approaching it's opponent and now all participants should have planned there first or second moves even before going to the match so others were also curious if Reiss uses same strategy as others or use some other strategy.

"Glaceon use Blizzard!! "

He looks happy commanding the pokemon for first time. And he is using same strategy well not to blame him the strategy is really good but will the Gible fall for it again?.

And the same thing happened as previous battle the Gible instead of brute forcing through the move took it's time to dodge the move.

This explains that Glaceon is at least on similar strength with the infernape.

Or Gible just doesn't want to get hit by ice type moves.

After dodging for some time it went inside ground with dig again same as previous battle

Seeing this Reiss smiled as if he knew this will happen gave the next command

"Now Glaceon use water pulse on the entrance of dig!! "

With the command a giant ball of water formed in front of Glaceon and then the ball went in the hole on the ground.

Seeing this move all were surprised , they really weren't expecting from Reiss to come up with such strategy.

Drian on other side was still angry seeing how others learning from his mistake and getting much better impression than him.

With the water pulse going down in some time water fountain started coming out of the hole showing the complete thing has been flooded by water and after the wet Gible came out from the water , throwing the water which went in it's mouth.

Frusted as the trick didn't work this time, Gible directly started approaching the Glaceon again but this time using Dragon rush.

Reiss seeing this gave next command

"Glaceon use Giga impact!! "

With Glaceon coming with giga impact was on whole another level than the Munchlax using it, the Glaceon was much stronger pokemon just knowing Grandfather caught it validates the statement. And now if it hits headon with Gible then Gible will get lot of damage and adding it with intial damage it will be lot more advantageous to the Glaceon to win.

And as soon as a purple whirl started appearing on the Glaceon , Gible changed it's direction and hit the ground damaging itself a bit but completing the move and then quickly using dig it directly went inside the ground

All people seeing this couldn't believe it, there was only one thought in there mind, are all Gibles really that smart?.

And Reiss who still trying to figure out what happened and in hurry tried to stop the Glaceon.

"Stop....!! "

But Giga impact was already in use and as the attack started going with no aim to strike the Glaceon was like a speeding car without any breaks and to save itself it started taking large turns making sure not get out of the stadium or hit the wall.

But it was surely gonna be out of control and at one point Glaceon hit the stadium. Even with such power the stadium didn't even flinch and there were no crackes.

I didn't even realise it until now the audience were separated from stadium with some defensive moves of pokemons which I don't know where they are. But it's not important now, the fight is almost over.

It would have been good if this fight would have gone much longer , that Glaceon was really strong and had very good advantage but again that stupid looking land shark played with Reiss also.

That Gible should have known Glaceon can use this move and it can't stop the move so the real advantage of knowing the oppenent was in Gible's side instead of Glaceon.

And as I had thought as Glaceon hit the wall the Gible came out of the ground completing the dig giving a headon damage and as the Glaceon still not recovered from Giga impact.

Seeing that Glaceon still not moving Gible used dragon rush again and this time it perfectly hit to the Glaceon.

Reiss who's plans were already destroyed couldn't even think straight as the Gible again started approaching Glaceon , Reiss only had one move in his mind now.

"Glaceon use ice beam!! "

With this Gamble move he waited for it to get good hit, Gible also seeing that move got some flashbacks but it had decided to end this with this Gible again used dragon rush.

As the ice beam hit the Gible Reiss has a very happy smile on his face as he wasn't expecting it work but as quick as he got smile on his face that quickly it also got faded as the Gible who got hit by ice beam didn't freez.

Talk about luck, now I am thinking is that Gible really unlucky or is it lucky.

And the Gamble which Reiss played thinking Gible will freez didn't succeed with Gible again getting a good hit on glaceon and to make it worse this time it also attacked with combo of dragon claws finishing the match.