
Reincarnated into Modern Family

A man who had a hard first life gets reincarnated into the ‘Modern Family’ world, where he gets a second chance at life. He will try to live this life much differently than his last, but some habits are harder to lose than others. The way he chooses to live his new life will certainly be a new journey for him and one where he learns what he missed out on the first time. Welcome back to all those who have read some of my other Fanfics. I hope this one entertains you as well and I am glad to have you back. For the newcomers, welcome and I hope you enjoy the story. As for how the story will go, it will be a slice of life very much and I feel slower, as I will try to build the relationships naturally. It will follow canon for the most part, with a few changes here and there, you will see as you read. This will be written mostly from the MC’s viewpoint, only switching POVs when necessary. Disclaimer: I do not own Modern Family or the book cover.

Anomander_Adaar · TV
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We finally landed in LA, with our families waiting outside the airport for us. Walking outside, we see Alex's family waving at us with excited, happy faces. At the same time, my family was doing the same next to them. We all made our way over with Alex and I being bombarded with hugs and questions. The twins just stood behind us, with Maya looking ready to pass out from her social anxiety, but Eric was just smiling at everyone. 

"These are our friends, this is Maya and this is Eric," I say to everyone who greets the twins as Maya looks even more stressed at everyone greeting her. 

"Guys can we please leave now,' Alex says to everyone since we've standing here for half an hour with everyone trying to get their greeting in. 

"Right, right, let's go," Claire says as everyone makes their way to the cars. 

Alex went with her family back to her house, while me and the twins got into my Mom's car back to my house. The car ride back was long with traffic, but my parents and sister bombarded me with questions. While asking the twins questions too, Maya just shyly answered once in a while, with Eric doing the most of the talking. 

"Gabe, show them their guest rooms, please," Mom says to me once we get home and in english, though I suspect that is because we have guests now. 

"Follow me guys," I say to them while bringing them upstairs and showing them the rooms they will be staying in while here with us. 

"Bro, your room is nothing like I imagined it would be like," Eric says with Maya right behind him as they come to my room a few minutes after I showed them to their rooms. 

"I'm afraid to ask what you imagined it was like," I say to him as I'm relaxing on my bed. 

"You should see his room at home," Maya says taking a seat on the end of my bed with Eric taking a seat at my desk. 

"I'm guessing playbook posters everywhere and empty bottles of lube littering the floor," I say with Maya laughing as Eric rolls his eyes hearing me.

"Nah, though I will admit you are not completely wrong," Eric says to me as I stare at him for a bit. Maya just shakes her head with a disappointed look. 

"I thought your room would be like a mini library and lab, considering your over-the-top smarts. Then again your guys' place is normal back at school…" Eric says looking now lost in thought. 

"Anyway, wanna go to Alex's home and see the crazy shit there," I say to them as Maya looks happier wanting to see her best friend. While Eric has this depraved look since he was checking out Haley at the airport. 

"Eric remember what I said," I say to him as we make our way downstairs.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Eric says while still having his depraved thoughts. 

"Mom, Dad, we are going over to Alex's for a bit," I say to my parents who are in the kitchen. 

"OK, but be back for dinner, please. We are making you a welcome back dinner," Mom says to me as I nod my head and we all get into my car to go to Alex's house. 

"Nice ride," Eric says seeing my Dodge Challenger. 

"Wow, you guys live close to each other!" Eric says seeing that Alex's house is only a few blocks away from my house. 

Maya had already texted Alex we were dropping by, so when we walked up to the door Alex opened it. Right after opening the door, I can hear the normal arguments going on inside. Plus it appears that the whole family was here doing what my parents are doing, making Alex a welcome home dinner. Walking inside Eric looks around with an excited look seeing the craziness going on, while Maya is looking stressed out again. 

"Gabe, I might come over to your house later. I've only been home for a few hours and already feel like I'm losing my mind," Alex says to me while giving me a hug and puppy eyes to help her escape later. 

"Ok, though I can help you after you've had your family dinner. I'd rather not be on your Mom's shit list if I take you away before then," I say to Alex who grumbles hearing she will have to stay for her family dinner. 

Meanwhile, Eric has already begun mingling with Alex's family, especially hitting it off with Phil, as the two both have 'happy-go-lucky' attitudes. Maya has just stayed behind me looking like she wants to escape the huge mess that is the Dunphy Household. 

"What's up, my brother!" Phil says to me seeing me again while giving me a handshake and hug like he sees in the movies. 

"Hey Phil," I say returning the greeting while Eric has moved on to talk with Alex's Uncles. 

"Did your parents tell you we all rented out a huge cabin in the mountains for this winter vacation?" Phil says to me as I shake my head, just hearing this. 

"Oh, then don't tell them I spilled the beans. But yeah we all are gonna be hanging out in the mountains for a few weeks," Phil says to me as my eyes go wide now realizing that I brought Eric to the mountains alone, with Haley who is currently single. 

'Maybe Carlos is with Haley, though Alex and I haven't heard about anything yet,' I think to myself while hundreds of thoughts run through my mind. 

"Should be… an interesting vacation," I say to Phil who nods his head very excited while Alex has the same realization as me. 

"Gabe… what have we done," Alex whispers to me as we watch Eric mingling with her family and becoming quick friends with everyone. Phil then walks over to Maya who is shyly talking with him as she looks like she wants to run and hide. 

"Well, who knows, Eric and Haley are pretty similar. They might just be a good couple, but then again most long-distance relationships don't last. Plus Eric wouldn't do anything especially after I asked him not to… right?" I say to Alex who just shakes her head unsure what to say. 

After almost two hours hanging out with Alex at the Dunphys and catching up with everyone. I head home, though Alex talked Maya into staying here for the night and I left with Eric back to my house. Walking inside Rome runs over to greet me along with my baby sister who has grown like a weed in the last few months reaching my waist in height. 

"Missed me?" I say while petting Rome and picking up Olivia who is now Five years old. 

"Yeah!" Olivia says while hugging me and Eric just smiles seeing her happiness. 

"Hi, Eric!" Olivia says seeing Eric who she just met earlier today as he returns her wave. 

"Hey!" Eric says and pets Rome who is looking at him with a neutral look, but enjoys the head pats. 

"Come on in! Dinner is ready!" Dad says as we walk into the dining room and I place Olivia down at her usual spot. 

Eric and I help set the table, and then we all sit at the table. My parents asked me about my time at Harvard and asked Eric about his. After a couple of hours of catching up and answering all their questions, Eric helped me clear the table and we did the dishes since they cooked. My parents told us about the cabin they rented alongside Jay and Gloria, which was a huge place with enough rooms to house everyone. 

"Gabe, though you and Alex will be sharing a room there. That way Eric and his sister can have their own rooms," Dad says to me with a knowing smirk, while Eric is giving me the same look. I just roll my eyes at the two idiots. 

"Eric, you smoke cigars?" Dad then says to Eric while holding up three cigars. 

"Not often, but I won't pass on a good cigar," Eric says as we three walk outside where we sit on the patio smoking our cigars. We all sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes just enjoying the cold night air and smooth cigars. 

"So, Eric, why business?" Dad says to Eric since he told them he was going to Harvard for a business degree. 

"My Dad wants me to take over his businesses and kinda forced me into going for it," Eric says not holding back his contempt for his father forcing him into going to school. 

"Oh, if you had the choice would you do something else?" Dad says to Eric who goes silent thinking. 

"I'm not sure… I always just kinda of went with the flow, and never really had anything I knew I wanted to do or be. I'm kinda envious of people like Gabe, Alex, and my sister who have pretty much always known what they wanted to be," Eric says as we both nod our heads hearing Eric's response, even though I already knew the answer. 

"What business does your Dad want you to take over?" Dad says to Eric after a few moments of silence after Eric answered his last question. 

"Several, my Father's main business is a huge conglomerate that owns several large companies. He wants me to take over his position so he can retire, so even after I graduate, he will still make me work under him for a few years before I officially take his position," Eric says as my Dad looks over to Eric with a surprised look. 

"Well, that will be quite the venture, I wish you luck," Dad says to him as Eric just sighs and nods his head.

After finishing the cigars and just talking, we head inside, with Eric and me passing out quickly from the flight and jet lag. Waking up the next day we just relax while meeting up with Alex and Maya to go sightseeing with the twins for the day. As tomorrow we would be heading with our families to go to the cabin. 

I learned we rented two Cabins right next to each other, as my Dad's and Mom's sides would be coming too. We would be taking up one cabin, with the Dunphys and Pritchetts taking up the other Cabin. Alex would be staying with me at my family's cabin, while the twins would be doing the same too. Thankfully our families understand that we've been living together for a few months now and don't make a fuss with us staying in the same room. 

I drove up there following my parents with Alex in the back next to Maya and Eric in the passenger seat. It took almost two hours just to reach the cabin and the traffic wasn't even that bad. Once we arrived, I saw the two cabins were maybe a few hundred feet apart and less than a ten-minute walking distance between them. I helped Alex with her things and brought them into our room. 

An hour after we arrived my extended family from both sides arrived. There we greeted them all and introduced my friends. Then a new realization hit me, my Mom's younger sister was still single and very attractive. I looked over to Eric and saw his devious look flash on his face, while I gave him a hard look and shook my head slowly. 


AN: A heads up, I won't be posting anything during these dates 12/22/2023- 01/04/2024, then I will begin posting again on the 5th. As I will be doing holiday things.