
Reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)

A young man woke up in Borutos body in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen! Watch how he travels through the world of curses with friends and enemies surrounding him.

Rwn4 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

A Wonderful Garden

Boruto used all he had learned up until till this point and wasn't struggling at all against Nobara, sure she was ferocious and had anger for days but she's really not great at hand to hand.

While he currently isn't great at it, he needs to relearn everything after all he can still quite easily guess where he needs to move to avoid the attacks. A bonus is his Jogan, it can quite easily see her cursed energy making it obvious if it's a right punch or a kick etc.

She seems quite good defensively, he's finding it difficult to find openings, but he doesn't know if the cause is from her being good or him being bad.

He knows his speed and strength are far above her, he is an Otsutsuki after all but he doesn't want to punch her extremely hard and accidentally kill her. Megumi would likely try and kill him and it might lead to Mahoraga who would certainly kill him.

So he's sticking with using a low amount of his strength when attacking her. 'There!' He spotted an opening and feinted for it, making her notice her own opening on her stomach, allowing him to hit her with his left hand on her jaw.

As she laid on the floor holding her jaw groaning "bastard, you bastard!" She shouted from her back. She slowly stood back up nursing her jaw, and pulled out her hammer.

"It's a spar, we're not taking it that far" Boruto said suddenly, a whole lot more serious, after all she's pretty good with that thing. His eyes narrowed on her as he saw her cursed energy flare, his own chakra flared in response.

The field they were standing in suddenly grew far more tense, Megumi clearly on guard, his hands already in position to summon something.

Boruto sighed, he was the reason for the aggression and he's sure his training will be more efficient elsewhere.

He stopped his chakra and took a deep breath loosing all the tension in his body. "Listen, I'm going to leave to train because clearly it will be more effective anywhere else" his eyes suddenly narrowed on Megumi and Nobara "But we are teammates so we will have to fight with one another soon. Don't make it harder than it has to be"

He walked from the field towards some nearby buildings. It turned out to be the rest of Jujutsu Tech's campus, he found a nearby comfortable looking bench before he took a deep breath and sat down.

He started to study his memories, looking for Taijutsu in particular. If Itadori could survive for so long with just hands so could Boruto, and as he studied his memories he stood.

He needed to find somewhere out of view, he quickly found one, a nearby garden. The cherry blossom trees standing out against the dull school, he went through the garden finding a large clearing in which he could train.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he watched the memories and copied them, he copied the Katas fluently his body was already athletic and flexible which made it much easier.

In a smooth motion he took off his Cloak and blazer throwing them on the floor, he kept to the katas wondering at the surprising flexibility of his clothes.

His mind felt calm, all his problems wiped away by the swaying trees and the calm winds he could feel the leaves and breeze flowing around him as he fluidly moved through the forms.


What felt like hours later he was standing with his eyes closed, he completely forgot one of the best Jutsus in the whole series, the Shadow Clone Jutsus. He can't wait to train with them, his excitement evident by the grin on his face.

He was studying the shadow clones from his memories, he already had attempted them twice and it failed both times.

He created the cross sign with his fingers and focused his Chakra "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He shouted as five clones were created!

He laid on his grinning before he quickly stood seeing the clones grins as well. "Okay! Let's get to training all of you get chakra control going and I'll stick with Taijutsu, I remember seeing a small pond-" he was interrupted by the clones.

"Got it boss we got your memories remember" they all grinned still excited for the future progress they could make here. Now he's onto the last Katas he hasn't learned yet from Borutos memories and these are the most exciting ones!

Boruto learned the gentle fists katas, which meant that he could use them and might even be able to use the style to potentially disrupt the flow of cursed energy! This discovery was potentially huge.

He slowly learned said katas, they were precise and strict. He followed them for hours, they were certainly the hardest ones he has learned yet, and by quite the margin. It makes sense though this style has been used and perfected for what must be hundreds of years and most of those years the users would have been in the warring era.

Meaning the style would constantly evolve and grow as the fellow shinobi did, it was as fascinating as it was horrifying. The constant war and misery that everyone must have felt, it saddens him…he never considered himself too empathetic but knowing that kids younger than 6 would fight and die, It was heartbreaking and not right at all.

He's only read the Jujutsu Manga to about chapter 150 but he remembers the Shibuya arc and all the innocents that were killed. He would do his best to allow that to not happen this time around, he would make his goal to save those people.

As he made his goal he started to move more fluidly as he continued his training, he didn't notice the pair of golden eyes watching him curiously.


Hours later he was exhausted. His clones came back hours ago having already perfected the water walking technique so he dispelled one of them giving everyone the memories meaning they all understood it even more than they already did. Boruto was happy to now know water walking, it would most likely become useful at some point it also helped his control over chakra.

Then he dispelled each and every clone, each of them helping him understand the way they controlled their chakra only further progressing his own control.

After that he summoned 6 clones this time and got them to all work on perfecting the katas. And that's what they all did, all worked on separate styles and the main body working just as hard.

And all of that work led to his current position on the floor, his clones all dispelled and his head trying to figure out the best way to merge all the different styles.

Of course he hasn't perfected the martial arts themselves, all he had done is memorised the Katas and can now fluidly do them, meaning he now had the base, he would have to continue to train for years to become nearly as good as someone like his Dad- Naruto.

He shook his head quickly standing, stretching as explored looking for a room he could find some food in and he stumbled across an odd looking ensemble. The second years meeting with the first years. A big Panda catching his attention along with the smaller white haired guy stood next to the green haired teen.

"So you in?" Maki the green haired teen said to the first years across from her. Both of his teammates seemingly about to accept but he wants in aswell.

"Yo!" Boruto shouted, he jogged over to the group and introduced himself "Ah, sorry for interrupting just saw you guys over here and wanted to introduce myself" he gave the groups of three a smile "I'm Boruto Uz-" he cut himself off "yeh so I'm Boruto and you guys are?"

"Hey! I'm Panda, nice to meet you!" Panda said while waving his arms about comically.

"Bonito Flakes" Toge Inumaku said his voice flat. Panda quickly cut in.

"This is Toge Inumaku he can only communicate in rice ball ingredients!" He said with care laced in his tone.

"I'm Maki" she said her voice also flat while giving him a glare, Boruto's eyebrows rose in confusion but brushed it off.

"Oh right, anyway earlier I was talking to your teammates about the Kyoto sister school exchange event!" Panda said to Boruto who nodded clearly interested before Maki cut in.

"It's simple, the schools have challenges and fight each other it's not hard to grasp. Anyway you three in?" She asked impatiently.

Both Nobara and Megumi nodded instantly with Boruto agreeing not much later, he took notice that his teammates didn't even look at him.

"But if I decide your training program isn't working I'll quit instantly" Nobara said to the trio, Megumi quickly agreeing with her.

"Great! Students that are cocky are always great to train!" He said joyously.


Boruto finally found a kitchen in this place and made himself a quick lunch and made sure to grab extra if he got hungry throughout training.

"Maki?" He asked confused, she groaned as turned to face him, her eyes narrowed into a glare as she stared at him.

"Your back! Seriously, you've already been training here for hours. It's my turn, so scram." She tried to shoo him off with her hand gestures.

"Uh, isn't there space for the two of us here? I mean I'll just go over there" he said pointing towards a slightly less well lit area.

"Sure just go" she said with a slight scoff, clearly annoyed at something. So he turned and scampered off. He doesn't want to piss her off, he sees how she ends up.

He doesn't want to use his clones in front of her so he goes to a more hidden part of the garden before summoning 12 of them "Ok, you guys stay here and train and make sure no one sees you, actually train in the the trees, more balance training and we stay hidden" they all agreed before jumping into separate trees and started to train.

He made his way back to his previous spot making sure to continue training and if he took a quick peek or two at Maki while she trained, well no one noticed so it was fine.

Hours later it was no longer fine.

"Hey, stop perving on me!" Maki shouted at Boruto who was caught looking, he blushed red, backing away slightly while flailing his arms.

"No!" Boruto shouted back before his eyes widened, Maki started to approach him "I mean no I'm not perving I just wanted to watch, you're pretty good with weapons and well I'm not great with them" he said in a rush panic in his voice obviously.

"So? Don't just watch me like a creep, just ask you idiot" His eyes widened in hope he really escaped, now he could ask something.

"Can-can you tea-" he was cut off brutally.

"No, now stop watching me and train your own stuff" she said as she was picking up her weapon, Boruto spoke.

"Where do you get your weapons? Because I want a good weapon but wouldn't know where to start?" He asked slightly nervous as he sat down and opened a bag he had brought with him to the garden.

"My family" she said in a tone warning Boruto to not bring it up. Boruto nodded and pulled out the extra food he brought with him.

"Hey, you want some?" He laid back on his elbows looking towards the sky.

He didn't hear a response so he looked over to her seeing her looking over at him clearly confused before she shrugged and walked over to him, she sat next to him taking the food he offered.

As they both sat down, the chirping of the birds reached them, the wind whistled through the trees and the fluttering of flower petals and tree leaves flew through the air like an orchestra.

Boruto took a deep breath and embraced how peaceful everything was currently, ever since he came to this world it has been constant, he has always been doing something but now. Now it is different, he is just sitting down doing nothing staring into the beautiful garden/forest.

Ever since he got here he could sense the cursed energy in the air, the causal cruelty and the worst humanity had to offer and it was all stifling. But now it felt all fine, it was good.

He felt his leg brush hers accidentally and it brought him out of his reverie and back into reality, he glanced towards her realising she's already done and seemingly ready to leave.

"Hey, you want the rest of this?" He offered her his portion still untouched, her eyebrows furrowed before giving him a look he couldn't read. "You can have it, I'm not hungry" he finished with a big yawn before laying down watching the clouds through the trees.

He noticed the food was now in her hands before he yawned again "you're a part of the Zen'in clan right?" He asked randomly.

She tensed visibly but didn't respond for a while.

"I am a part of the clan," she responded while she pulled off her glasses "I asked your teammates about you earlier this morning, I saw you training in the forest and was curious." She took a deep breath "and they said you were new to the Jujutsu World." Her voice still soft as she spoke suddenly gained an edge "So tell me how you know of my clan nevermind my link to it" she finished with her eyes narrowed.

"I'm not an idiot yknow, when I got here and found out about curses, I made sure to look up and search for the curse world's most powerful and influential members and the Zen'in clan was right at the top." He finished with another yawn still exhausted.

"That doesn't explain about how you know my link to the clan" she said with her eyes still narrowed not losing any suspicion.

"Well you look like a Zen'in, you have at least 3 different weapons I just saw you use. Each of those weapons were top quality, not many families have that many top quality weapons at all nevermind just for a single member, so it was all rather easy to put together" Boruto released another yawn before closing his eye.

"Oh one more thing, does your family sell its weapons? Or do they buy them from a manufacturer, because I really want one?" He said and then opened his left eye. The right eyelid was still hiding his Jogan.

"I can't tell you that" was said bluntly, he shrugged in response before closing his eye and resting.


"Wake up" Maki said while using her foot to prod the new first year until he groaned. He slowly opened his left eye, his right must not work anymore. The scar looks like it was made with a blade, it probably blinded him in the eye.

As she was thinking about Borutos scar, he slowly raised himself to his feet. His voice still groggy as he spoke "huh, oh it's dark, uh thanks for waking me up" he gave her a sincere if not slighly awkward smile.

"Now go on, head to your room" she said as she started to walk towards her room to get some sleep before his voice stopped her.

"Uh do you know where those rooms are? Because well I don't know where anything is" he muttered while scratching the back of his head.

"What? You're telling me Gojo didn't even show you around?" She looked annoyed before groaning "Okay follow me" She didn't wait for a response before walking off.

"Why are you wearing that and not the uniform?" A minute or two into the walk Maki asked him out of sheer boredom. She noticed him slighly perk up.

"Yep, pretty cool right" he spun around showing her the whole thing.

She scoffed "it's not cool, what about your uniform?" He looked like a kicked puppy, she nearly laughed.

"Ah well uh Gojo sensei said since this was so expensive he would just make it my uniform" Boruto shrugged still looking like a kicked puppy "you didn't have to say it was stupid though" he muttered as he glared at her from the corner of his left eye.

"I never said it was stupid" she said as she continued leading him to the First years rooms.

Boruto nearly gasped as he felt his clones suddenly despell, he completely forgot about them. They must have been training for ages, he smiled at the thought of all the experience he could feel himself gain.

Maki stopped before pointing to a door with a small 1 on the outside. "Okay through that door is another corridor with a lot of rooms so just pick one that isn't occupied" she said as she was going to head back to her room.

"Thanks Maki, yknow for waking me up and bringing me here and uh not killing me when you thought I was perving on you" He said in a slight ramble before he gave her a wave before going through the door.

Maki just watched on slightly shocked about the stupid thanks "Just say thanks next time idiot" she muttered as left for her own dorms.


"Right guys you all need to start learning the rasengan through out the night, if anyone comes through the door you need to dispel yourself and uh remember to not destroy anything" he said to the 5 clones he summoned.

"Anyway while you guys do that I need some sleep" he said as he yawned again, he closed his eyes and finally got some good rest.