
Reincarnated into Genshin Impact

This is my first story so it may not be so great. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dying one night from being electrocuted. Our main character Alex is reincarnated into the world of Genshin Impact. What path will he make as he makes his way through Genshin Impact. Or Teyvat which ever you prefer. This story will be a au. As things in their childhood was not explored that much in the game. Also the system will not have shop function. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact nor its characters

Yuu_Tamari · Jeux vidéo
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14 Chs

Training with Father

After everything that happened during the day, Alex just stayed in his room the whole time. Since even if he was not injured from the fight he was still a child. No matter how long he trained this was still his first real battle. Even back in his previous life he never experienced a real battle that could have ended with his death.

Alex woke up the next day. Feeling mosh refreshed than he ever did since he came to this world. He went downstairs to the dining room to get some food to fill his empty stomach.

Breakfast can not be skipped since it is important for the body to have nutrients to sustain itself. Plus if he started skipping meals at such an age then he won't grow properly.

When he went into the dining room he saw his Father and Mother already there. They seem to be already eating their portion of the food. While his seat and plate were left untouched. So Alex joined them on the meal they were having.

"Moring Mother, Father. How has your day been so far." Said Alex

(A/N: Don't you just hate it when people ask about your day in the morning. Like you just woke up, what would even be the correct response to such a question.)

"Morning Son, my day was great so far. It would have been better if your Father would have helped out with the house more through." Said Amanda

"Morning Son, also Honey we have been over this. I was busy with my Knightly duties. Plus I was getting ready to train Alex." Said Keith

"Even if you're doing that. It wouldn't hurt if you help out a bit more since I'm also busy managing our finance. Plus I have been teaching Alex for a long time now. So that excuse really doesn't work, does it?" Said Amanda

"Let's talk about this another time alright? We shouldn't be arguing about this in the dining room. Plus our Son is still here." Said Keith

"Fine, but this is not the end of this conversation. Do you understand?" Said Amanda

"Yes, Mam. Now Alex meets me in the yard after you are done with your meal. I will be waiting for you there." Said Keith

"Yes, Father." Said Alex

Keith got up from the table and left the dining room. When he was leaving he never brought his plates to the sink making Amanda even more frustrated than she already was. She didn't say anything since now really isn't the time to start arguing again. Alex was already eating the meal presented to him. With Keith now gone the only people remaining were his Mother and himself.

His mother did not seem to be really in the mood for a conversation. Leaving them to eat in silence. When he was done eating he took his plate along with his father's to the sink and left through the way his father went. Leaving only Amanda at the table to sit by herself.

When Alex got to their yard he could see his father standing in front of some straw dummies and there was also a rack of wooden swords.

'I wonder how long Father and Mother been arguing like that. Well, I hope they fix their relationship soon since I wouldn't want them to have a divorce over something like this.'

"Alex come and take one of these swords. I will be testing on how much you already know." Said Keith

'How does he know, that I have knowledge about the way of the sword. I doubt he saw me doing any sword training since I never done any.'

"How did you know Father? I don't think I ever showed that I knew how to use a sword?" Said Alex

"Ahh, it was not that hard to figure out. Since there was a sword lying next to you when I founded you. With the sword next to you, it was quite easy to figure out how you defeated the slime." Said Keith

'So he saw the sword I had on me. And then made an inference about it. My Father really does live up to the name of Cavalry Captain. It also seems my sword didn't go back to the inventory of my vision since I was unconscious. That was an interesting discovery.'

(A/N: This may seem to not make sense but it really does. Since he is a captain then he should be at least smart enough to figure this out right?)

"Anyways pick up a sword and show me what you got son. Don't keep me waiting now." Said Keith

Alex picked up a sword and started sprinting towards his Father. Hoping to catch him off-guard but it was no use since his Father parried the strike with his own. Alex jumped back a bit after to make it so he couldn't strike him.

"You got to do better than that to bring your old man down Alex! Don't tell me that's how you got in you!" Said Keith

"There is way more I can do Father. I won't be holding back anymore father, so get ready." Said Alex

"Don't tell me, Alex, show it to me. Prove it with your actions rather than empty words. Cause that is the way of warriors." Said Keith

Alex started running towards his Father once again. Slashing his sword at a horizontal point it hit his Father's sword once again. Not relenting he followed the strike with another one aimed at the legs. Hoping to break through there and catch him off-guard but it didn't work this time either. The strike at the legs was just a distraction. The real aim was to make it so the sword was farther away from his Father's chest. With one last swing filled with the enhanced power of Electro Burst, making it more deadly than the other two slashes.

Keith eyes widen just a bit before narrowing and slashing his own sword against it boosting his own speed with Aenmo. Making him faster as a whole. The clash of the swords filled with power broke both of the wooden swords at the same time when they met. Sending the wooden shards everywhere. It also launched Alex back as well.

"Well, that was certainly more than I was expecting from you, Alex. The last swing of yours was really clever. Making it faster than the others, certainly got me off-guard for a moment but you will need more than that to land a hit on your Father. If it was someone else then it would have worked to a certain extent." Said Keith

"Thank you for the praise, Father. So what are we gonna do now?" Said Alex

"Well before we worked on any actual swordsmen ship. We got to get you stronger. Since most of your slashes did not have much power behind them. If your slashes had more power in them, then it would have been more difficult for someone to block it."

"I understand Father. Then let's start with my physical training." Said Alex

'That was such an exciting fight. Especially the end. That rush of air when my sword met with Fathers was such a great feeling. It made me feel so alive. Well, I guess this means more training for me. I was hoping to learn about wielding a sword more but since he is a knight and the Cavalry Captain then he should know better ways to train your body. Wept training here I come cause I will get stronger no matter what!'


A/N: The chapter came out one day late. For that I apologize but I did not know how to write the fighting part. Also please tell me how it was and also leave a review if you enjoy the book I'm writing. Have a great rest of your day.