
Reincarnated into Eragon

Reincarnation into Eragon with a dragon egg but nobody knows who or where. What would you do? Would it work out the way you want it to or would you fail?

FallenEnt · Livres et littérature
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23 Chs

Truth & Meeting

"Yes. Everyone thinks they are invincible with those in their possession. I've discovered a way to make them useless against me." I said with a mischievous smile.

"Impossible." she whispered.

"Actually, it's not. Thoughts, Galbatorix?" I asked, sensing he was watching.

"Several, actually." everyone heard a voice from the sky.

"Theatrics. Speak normally, traitor." I said.

"I AM NO TRAITOR! I was betrayed by the humans back then. My story has been GREATLY exaggerated." Galbatorix insisted.

"Are you saying you aren't trying to enslave and kill everyone...essentially of course." I said.

"Well no! How it worked was the Humans on the high table would deal with the Human Riders directly, while the Elves on the high table would do the same with the Elven Riders. I found out about a conspiracy to kill off all other races by the Humans on the high table calling themselves the high council. So I formed a group with the Thirteen that had ONE plan. To wipe clean the high council and start anew. Not to take power from the other races, but to wipe the human slate clean. The Elves and Dwarves believed the lies from the high council after they realized their plan was revealed and made us the monsters. Now I just want to revitalize the Riders, but it seems the Elves have already done so." Galbatorix said.

"So you weren't trying to make Eragon serve you?" I asked.

"Well...yes, I was. But ONLY to try and keep the Dragons alive. If Saphira was the last female alive, as I believed at the time, she MUST be saved and protected at ALL costs." Galbatorix insisted.

"And what do you plan on doing now?" I asked.

"Nothing. I will remain King of the humans. But I won't be interfering with the other races anymore. My borders are open and I have no reasons to try and control everything anymore." Galbatorix said.

"And what about the remaining egg and Eldunari in your possession?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, most of the Eldunari I have are mentally broken. But I have no problem with returning them to the Elves so they can try to heal them." Galbatorix said.

"Very well. Bring everything to Ellesmera with a vow in the Ancient Language to not harm the Dragons and Elves except in self defense, and we can end this war. If what you say is true...YOU, will remain as the enforcer of law on the high table for the humans." I said.

After saying the vow in the Ancient Language using magic to reach every corner of Alagaesia, Galbatorix started to get everything ready to visit Ellesmera for the first time in his life.

Releasing the human Rider I said "Alright. Let's go introduce the Riders to the world once more. You as well young lady. I am now your superior in the Riders." I said.

"As my King has commanded, I will follow your orders. But I will still follow him." she said.

"I have no problem with Galbatorix having his own law enforcement squadron for when things go south. But you must pass the Riders tests we require. This is also to ensure that something like what happened in the past will never happen again. All Riders will be tested by EVERYONE on the high table, individually." I said.

"I already have my Kings approv..." she started to say.

"YOU will do as he says. He is a full fledged member of the high table and as it stands right now...he is my superior. If you fail the Elves tests, you will not be allowed to serve me. Am I understood?" Galbatorix interrupted her.

"Yes, my King." she said before going silent.

"Alright. Let's go meet the Dwarf King." I said as I dropped the spells hiding Ēborisk.

"He's HUGE!" the girl said.

"THATS WHAT SH..." cough, cough. "Thanks." I said as I jumped onto my saddle and we left to go meet everyone.


"Your Majesty." I said to the Dwarf King without bowing my head.

"HE IS A KING! BOW YOUR HEADS!" a random Dwarf guard yelled.

"A King does not bow to another. And neither does a Rider bow to royalty." I stated calmly.

"You are the King of the Elves?" the Dwarf King asked.

"Yes. My name is Evanyar Sianilo." I introduced myself.

"Then I will ask why the Elves have not helped in the war against Galbatorix. I now know he wasn't the devil we were all led to believe. But if the Elves had Riders before now, why didn't you aid us in the war?!" the King asked angrily.

"We have been Riders for less than a decade, and you wanted us to fight someone that had a century to build his defenses and army while we barely knew how to fight and fly?!" I asked incredulously.

"Well...I...if what you say is true, then why is your Dragon so large? He should be over a century old at his size." the King insisted.

"I used magic to increase his rate of growth. Galbatorix's Dragon can eat Ēborisk in a single bite. There was no rushing this fight against him." I stated.

"Oh, yes..." he struggled to argue with my reasoning.

"If you are looking for some sort of compensation, forget it. My wife spent years transporting that egg back and forth, trying to find a Rider. And when she was captured, you did nothing. In fact, when she arrived in Farthen Dur in a near death state, your people nearly turned her away." I said.

"...fine. But we are still hoping to join the Riders." he stated.

"I am fine with that, but all eggs will remain with the Riders until they hatch, at which point the new Rider and Dragon will need to go to Ellesmera to begin their training, then to Irilea to finish it with the Human Riders. Once you have a Dwarven Rider they can start the training but the details for after will be determined later. This is non negotiable. " I said.

"That is fine with me. I'm just sorry I could not talk to you after the battle of Farthen Dur. I was mourning the deaths of my kin." he said sadly.

"I understand. We will have time to talk later, but for now let the troops celebrate." I said with a smile.

The party lasted for three days.

Following Eragon, I noticed a young man walking up to him before standing in his way. After a few seconds the young man threw a punch at Eragons face, that he could but did not dodge. As soon as they had their conversation and started to walk away together I started talking.

"That will be the only time I will allow you to lay your hands on one of my Riders. Am I understood, young man?" I asked.

"Uhh, yeah." he stated.

"Good. Enjoy the rest of your night." I said before I walked away.

"I bet I could bash his skull in, same as anyone else's." Roran whispered to Eragon.

Taking slow steps away from his cousin with a look of fear in his eyes, Eragon replied "If you decide to attack him, you're on your own."

"Is he that good?" Roran asked.

"Better. I have never seen him bested in a group fight and you want to take him on solo? It's been nice knowing you cousin." Eragon said seriously as he grabbed Rorans shoulder.

Watching my back as I walked away, Roran could only feel like he avoided making a mistake earlier when he thought about just attacking Evanyar.

"They all look so beautiful." Roran said as he looked at all the Elves.

"Stop staring, it's rude." Eragon said as he led Roran to his tent so they could catch up in private.