
Reincarnated into Abyss

Story about a man reincarnated into NTR manga in the body of the main character who already lost everything, can the reincarnated person gets justice for the main character in the face of the overwhelming disadvantage? this is a story about guilt, revenge, justice, punishment, and redemption

Drakeey · Urbain
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21 Chs

Reincarnated into Abyss (The Eleventh Chapter)

'You're..... ramona?' i ask the girl who suddenly appears behind me

'Yes,long time no see john' she reply

'Wait katsuo, you know ramona?' i ask him

'Yes John-san, she's the one who brought me here' katsuo smiles

'So,what are you doing here ramona?' i ask her

'What else but to observe, I'm an observer, remember?' she winks

'Hmmmm okay, so katsuo, you said you wanna talk with me right?' i ask katsuo

'Yes,john-san, first of all i want to apologize, you get to deal with all the mess I caused, it wasn't my intention to do so' katsuo apologizes

'Hey kid, it's alright no worries, i do it all by my own will, i feel like you deserve some justice after all the things you've been through' i comfort him

'I'm sorry john-san if only i was strong enough, i wouldn't have to choose the easy way to resolve my problems' he is starting to tear up

'Katsuo, it's okay, you've been driven to your limit by Kiichiro, it wasn't your fault, actually it's amazing you can hold on for so long, don't worry kid you're just unlucky that's all' i pat his shoulder

Ramona sighs.... 'actually katsuo, you're not the only one that summoned him'

'What?' i ask Ramona in disbelief

'Katsuo is not the only one that summoned your soul here john, a lot of people did' Ramona explains

'What do you mean ramona-san?' katsuo asks

'Remember during your all out attack to Kiichiro in the club, even though i specifically warns you not to engage directly....' ramona tone changes to sarcastic

'Well yeah I'm sorry ramona.... my emotions got better of me' i tell her

'Yeah anyway you see a vision of hands trying to reach you, and when they did you see a glimpse of their memories' ramona explains

'Yes... yes... that's right i remember, it was sad... and hopeless.... i see a lot of people have similar fate to katsuo... 'i tell her

'Yes, John they are the ones who summoned you in this world.....' ramona tell me

'What? they are the one who summoned me? but how?' i ask ramona, puzzled by her explanation

'You remember my explanation of the laws in this world?' ramona asks

'Yes, this world will follows a specific set of order, and when that order is disturbed, the world will take action to correct it, and the world is also in favor of Kiichiro somehow' i recall

'Correct, but it's not all of them, there's a second rule that absolute in this world, you probably heard it too from the voices' Ramona tells me

'Oh i remember the "Protagonist" "Antagonist" thingy?' i reply

'Correct, no matter what happens "antagonist" will always wins against "protagonist", that's the absolute rule of this world, and all those hands who reached you they are the "protagonists" of many worlds who has the same rule like this' Ramona explains

Then i remember all those memories that revealed to me, all those "protagonists" they are tortured, humiliated, beaten, and finally plunged into the depth of despair....

'But ramona, i remember a specific memory this one is different i see the "Antagonist" become a good person and actually try to avoid hurting the "protagonist" i explain to her

'Yeah, but in the end he still got gets all the people who loved by the "protagonist", it's very simple, if something goes astray, the world just make an adjustment to still favor the "antagonist", it's an exception that proves the rule

"Antagonist" wins

"Protagonist" loses ' ramona firmly tells me

'So then, how did those soul summoned me?'

'Because of their wishes, all of their anger, regret, sadness, and their despair accumulated together and become a single wish, the wish for a better outcome, wish to break the law of these world, and that wish summoned you here, you are anomaly in this world, not just because you're reincarnated, but because when you're reincarnated here your soul fused together with katsuo, the original "protagonist" of this world, and created the anomaly, that is you..' ramona explains

'I see, so I'm bound together with katsuo?' i ask ramona

'Correct, that's why katsuo is still here, if your soul didn't fuse with him, he would be gone, so in conclusion every decision every emotion, every accomplishment you've done in this world it's his too ' ramona smiles

'Wait hold on... so katsuo wasn't dead yet? ramona... tell me is there a way..... a way to somehow revive him?' i asked her

'Hahaha if i have to answer that, yes.. there is... but remember the greater your wish the more price you have to pay, but still nothing is set in stone yet' ramona tells us

'Oh my.... katsuo.....listen to her, there's a way to revive you kid, hahahaha that's really great, don't worry kid, i will revive you, i promise' i pats katsuo shoulder repeatedly

'I.....don't know what to say.... thank you John-san..... thank you.....' katsuo sobs

'Hey no worries kid, we're partner, we are like Venom, and I'm the symbiote you're eddie brock, of course I'm the symbiote, I'm cooler right? ahahahaha' i laughs to him

'Ummm john-san, i have no idea about what you told me' katsuo confused

'Oh yeah right...my bad' i reply

'Wait.... if our souls fused together that means you can see and feel whatever happens to me right?' i tell katsuo

'Yes john-san, that's correct, that's why I'm able to warn you that time....' katsuo tells me

'Wait hold up hold up hold up..... that means when i do that thing with lady Hebiyama..... you....' i panicked

'Ummmm yeah... i can, it was.... something else john-san' katsuo blushes

'AYYOOOOOO WHAT THE FUCK..... OH HELL NAH.... just.... oh my god...that means it's.... a threesome between us' i grimace to remember that moment knowing my current connection with katsuo

'Nonono.....john-san it's okay....I'm only can vividly feel.... and see.... but wow I didn't know you can do that kind of position and movement with...' katsuo tries to explain

'KATSUO SHUT UP!' i yell in embarrassment

'Ah okay... sorry John-san....' katsuo bows down in embarrassment too


'Oh by the way John-san, i can also feel your urge to do it with hiraya.....' katsuo tries to tell me but i shut his mouth with my hand

'NO... THAT'S NOT TRUE, THAT'S FAKE NEWS.... FAKE NEWS I SAY.....' i shut him up again

I look at ramona now she's looking at us with a black sunglass attached to her eyes and she's eating a freakin popcorn, god knows where she gets it.....

'John-san, may i talk to you about something' katsuo tells me his expression become serious

'What is it katsuo?' i ask him

'I want to thank you for making akemi goes back to her old self, she's a good girl and she deserves better than being kiichiro's toy' katsuo tell me

'But katsuo, she also hurt and drives you into suicide, didn't you hate her?' i ask him

'Yes...i do, but after i saw her trying so hard to redeem herself, i can't help but feel sorry for her, i think she's genuinely sorry for her actions, i want her to be herself again' katsuo reply

'Katsuo, do you still love her?' i ask

'I don't know .... i... i mean my heart still hurts remembering what she did to me, but john-san, akemi is my childhood friend and my first love, i know it's illogical for me to still care about her, but....we've been trough a lot, akemi has been there for me too for a long time, i just.... i just can't leave her alone..., even if i don't love her like i used to, i just want to have a healthy relationship with her' katsuo explains

'I see.... so you atleast wanna be friends with her right?' i tell him

'Yes.. being friends might be the best outcome for us' Katsuo adds

'Hahaha well then, don't worry kid i'll do my best to tell akemi that' i tell him

'Ah also john-san about my sister, rei, and aunt hana....' katsuo tells me

'Nonono.... i don't wanna hear it, they don't deserve any mercy.... especially akemi's mom, i will make her pay for what she did to akemi' i reply with hostility

'I understand you're angry john-san but just like akemi, maybe they can still be redeemed ' katsuo pleads


'Yes i do... but just like ramona-san said, they are just victims of this world manipulation, they need your help to be redeemed ' katsuo tells me

'Ahhh fuck no, if akemi can break free from her manipulation herself, then they should have too, they don't, because they don't want to! understand?!' i yell at katsuo

'John-san please....just this once.... this is my wish... at least just try... then if they don't repent then, you are free to do as you wish...' katsuo begs

'Arghhhh goddammit okay, i'll give them one chance, just once to redeem themselves, but after that.....it's on sight!'i yell at him

'Jesus....you're so naive katsuo' i grumbled

'Thank you John-san..... as for Kiichiro' katsuo adds

'Don't tell me.... you're.....' i stutters

'No' katsuo firmly answer, his expression getting darker

'I want you to inflict every pain imaginable to him, i want you to make his life hell, i want you to destroy him and break him into pieces, and when he finally begs for his life, ends him slowly and painfully' katsuo tells me while wearing angry expression in his face

'Heh.... for that request, I'm gladly do it for you' i offers my hand to him

'Thank you John-san' he shakes my hand


'Bravoooooo, now this is what im talking about, two protagonists working together to defeat the bad guy, this is cinema' ramona claps her hands and smile at us

'Anyway John, your time is almost up, i need to return you back to katsuo's body' Ramona informs me

'I see then thanks katsuo, it was a good talk.... goodbye for now' i smile at him

'You too john-san, i'm truly grateful you're helping me and gets revenge for me.... stay safe' katsuo smiles back

'But before you go John, you have earned yourself to be granted a small wish, katsuo already used his, which is meeting with you, how about you?' ramona asks

'If so then i want 3 double cheeseburger, 2 large coke, 3 boxes of pepperoni pizza, katsuo revived, and a pony' i smile nonchalantly

'Small..... wish....' ramona is annoyed

'Ramona, is it possible for me and katsuo to switch places for few minutes?,if so maybe he can talk to akemi directly' i ask ramona

'Eh? it's okay john-san no need to use your wish for me' katsuo reply

Ramona scratches her chin thinking and pondering, and she finally says 'one minute tops, that's the best i can do'

'I'll take it, how about it katsuo?' i smile at katsuo

'Well if it isn't causing too much trouble, then I'm glad' katsuo smiles

'Okay.... ramona, I'm ready, please bring me back' I tell her

'See you later john-san, again i'm sorry for troubling you for taking revenge for me and face overwhelming disadvantage for yourself' katsuo tells me

'Nah it's okay kid, i beat Fear & Hunger 2 maso mode using olivia, this shit is way easier' i reply

'Okay it's time john, get ready' ramona then place her hand in my forhead and suddenly my consciousness is pulled to the ground and then as usual.....

'Remember john, trust your allies, doing anything by yourself will only result in failure' she tells me

'Aye aye captain' i reply

'Reach the end of your journey in your own way.....john' she smiles



'Ha.....ha....ha.... coughs coughs..... where... am i?' i wake up and ask someone' it seems im currently moving

'Oh you're awake kid? good, i thought you're dead....' someone replies

'Mr Tatsuya is that you? how did i get to your car.... argh... ow.... ow... ow' i suddenly feel all the pain in my body, my adrenaline has wore off and now it's time to feel the pain

'I saved you from that bar, when you're surrounded by your enemies, when you tell me you wanna go somewhere while we are at the penthouse , i slipped a tracking device in your jacket, I'm glad it works' Tatsuya explains

So I'm saved because mr tatsuya tracks me down and saved me from kiichiro's minions, damn how strong this man is to defeat many people so easily

'So how about kiichiro, he's a tall blonde guy wearing white tuxedo,with a personality resembling garbage that missed the weekly pickup,did you see him in the bar?' i ask him

'Nah I don't see anyone like that, he probably escaped, when i arrived at the bar i see you unconscious surrounded by many henchmen, that's is all' Tatsuya replies

'Fuck how can... arghhh he can't keep getting away with it...' i yell

'I must say kid, that's actually impressive that you can survive and take down as many men as you do, but remember kid the only difference between bravery and stupidity is the outcome, and you're absolutely the latter' tatsuya scolds me

'Yeah I'm sorry mr, god it hurts.....'I'm still wincing in pain

'By the way mr tatsuya, why did you help me?' i ask him....

'Because milady told me so.... she warns me to keep an eye on you, because when you're desperate, she said you usually do something stupid' he reply

'Well thank god lady hebiyama is not here, i can prepare myself for her scolding later' i tell tatsuya

'Heh, she's the last person you have to worry right now, you should worry more about your friends, especially that strong girl with short hair, she's really pissed' tatsuya informs me

Holy shit i forgot about rin, especially after that speech i give her earlier, she's gonna be super pissed

We arrive at the penthouse and mr tatsuya props me and walks me through the lobby into the elevator, we then arrive at the front door of my mansion

Shit it's time to face the music

The front door opens and mr tatsuya brings me to the living room

'What the hell kat-chan?!' Miki is shocked

'Katsuo-san where have you...' keita is confused

'Oh wow you look like shit' gaeun adds

Without saying anything rin furiously walks up to me and look me straight in the eye

'Oh hi' i say to her while try my best to make a cute innocent face

She then pinch my ears and drags me to the sofa and throws me there


'Uhhhh because I've been punched in the face enough today? hihi?' i tell her

She then make a motion ready to punch me as hard as she can

'NO NO NO NO NO WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.... okay I'll explain' i sighs

'Talk now!' she commands

'That's because.... I'm afraid.... after what katsuo did to akemi, i know that this gonna be a serious matter...., last time i asked you to help because I'm 100% sure that we win, but right now, i don't know, if any of you guys are hurt next because of me, i... i probably would never be able to forgive myself.... ' i tell them

'So please... after today, i have a request for you, just go back to your own normal lives, there's enough victim here, just please forget about helping me.... it's my fight and i should've never roped you guys in... i... I'm sorry' i explains

'But kat-chan.... we help you because of our own will, really... we..' miki tells me

'Miki please...just please, go home, have a happy relationship with keita, it's okay you've done enough' i reply

'No kat-chan that's not what'

'No... it's just.... this is not your fight okay... it's mine, listen to me miki just stop...'


Someone just slapped me hard in the face not miki, not gaeun nor rin, but keita... yes keita the otaku....

Keita then grabs me by my collar and yells at me

'Since when did you become a wimp katsuo-san?! do you think we are all not afraid?! do you think that i for a second didn't fear for miki-chan's safety?!, we are all afraid katsuo-san! and we aware of the risk of helping you taking down katsuo but we still do it why?! BECAUSE YOU WOULD'VE DONE THE SAME FOR US! You help us when you don't have the obligation to do so! and now you want to push us away?! gimme a break!'

'Keita.... that's' I stutter to hear keita passionate explanation

'Good job keita, slap some sense to this fool' rin adds

'But you guys.....' i can't even comprehend my feelings right now

'Kat-chan it's okay... listen to keicchi, we are here equally afraid but we don't want you to recklessly throw ya life away to protect us, do ya think akemin will approve ya doing dat?!' miki scolds me

'Katsuo.... i might be not close enough with you to give you a lecture but listen to me, the showbiz world struggle is similar to your struggle here, we as aspiring young actress, are preyed by the people with power in showbiz industry, by the producers, agents, seniors, it's those assholes who use their power to hurt people weaker than them, i really hate those people, that's why i joined this group.... and the only way to take down people like that is by working together, trust me, I've been there' Gaeun explains to me

'I don't know what to say...., I'm sorry for disappointing you guys' i tell them while dejected

'You better be idiot, did you know how worried i am when i heard you suddenly left us alone here to do a suicide mission?, you dumbass idiot i hate you....hic... hic... 'rin hugs me tight and sobs

'Rin....you're right thank you' i grateful for her

'Shut up don't talk to me right now' rin tells me

'Okay okay.... but easy on the hugging part, I'm still hurt.... ow... ow... ow' rin tighten her hug

She then released her hug and tells me

'come on take off your ridiculous outfit and let's patch you up'

Rin, gaeu, miki, and keita then remove my elbow pad, knee pad and leather jacket, then rin remove my kevlar

'Wait are these bullets?' keita asks about bullets that stopped by my kevlar

'Ummm hehe,yeah I guess ' i shrug nonchalantly

'IDIOOOOTTT' rin slaps me

'owww owwww okay rin, point taken' i tell her rubbing my cheek

Then i remove my black shirt and they see the shape of my trained body, i have muscles visible now and six pack abs, thanks to my training

'Oh wow kat-chan..... uh.... ' miki blushes while keita side eyeing her with jealousy, miki then see keita and turn the other way

'Oh nice abs' gaeun says nonchalantly

'Humph.....mine is still better' rin scoffs

Then they treat my wounds there's bruises, slash wound, even stab wound, i guess one of them broke trough.....

After they clean and treated it, rin applies bandage to me and she says

'Okay time for you to rest, let me help you to bed'

'Thank you rin' i reply, then she props me to the empty bedroom and lay me at the bed

'Hehehe i feel like a kid tucked in bed by his mom... anyway thanks rin, you can leave now' i tell her

'No, I'm not leaving' she then pulls a chair to my bedside and sits there

'But rin it's okay, i dont need any help for now' I tell her

'No if i leave, you would disappear again' rin pouts

'Rin please, look at my condition' i sighs

'That didn't stop you before' she replies

'Well, fair point..' i tell her

'You stupid, why are you so frustrating? you think i will be happy if you're gone huh?' rin asks

'No rin i wasn't intend to, I'm sorry' i reply her

She then wraps her arms around my head and hugs me

'I'm scared katsuo.... I'm really scared.... the thought of losing you forever... the thought of not being able to see you again, I'm really scared.... please promise me never do that stunt again' rin sobs while keep hugging me

'I promise rin, I'm not going anywhere' i tell her

'And if you lie?' she asks

'Then i will be bitten by a thousand mosquitoes' i tell her jokingly

'Not enough' she adds

'Ten thousand?' i tell her

'Still not enough' she replies

'One million, deal or no deal?' i tell rin

'Okay...., good enough' rin then release her hug and i see her eyes is tearing

Then i wipe her tears from her eyes....

'Rin... it's okay... I'm here.. I'm here....' i tell her

She smiles and holds my hands and rubs it to her cheek

'Do you want to leave?' i ask her

She shakes her head

'Hehe...well, please watch over me while i sleep okay? ' i tell her and my eyes is fluttering

'Before you sleep' she tells me

Rin suddenly dips her head to meet mine and she kisses me in my lips softly and tenderly, as our lips meet, i indulge in rin's show of affection.... her thick lips really give me a hint of sweetness in it finally she pulls her head up

'Rin that taste so sweet....' i smile telling her

'That's my first kiss,please treasure it katsuo' she smiles

'I will' i replied smiling back at her

'If only i don't injured right now we would have done more than just kiss..' i adds jokingly

'Pervert....' she tells me, but she can't help smiling herself

We both then fall asleep ad my hand an rin intertwine together giving me peace and comfort

Next morning i begrudgingly try to open my eyes and hear murmurs

'Ohmigoshh they are so cute together...'

'Wow katsuo-san is with rin-senpai, i thought he is with akemi-san'

'Hmmmm is katsuo two-timing them?'

I open my eyes and see rin still fast asleep holding my hand and rest her head in my bed, while behind them miki keita and gaeun is observing us behind the door

'Hey what are you guys doing here scram! ' I yell to miki keita and gaeun

And they scurried away.....

Hearing me yelling woken up rin and i greet her

'Morning rin.... uhh thanks for watching over me' i tell her

'Hmm no problem, I'm just worried about you that's all' she replies

'Hey kat-chan, rin-paisen, breakfast is ready, come here' miki yells from the dining room

'Okay miki, just a minute' i yell back

'Here... let me help you' rin props me up and help me walk to the dining room

'Hey rin if i had a nickel for you helping my broken body walk, i would have two nickel, not really strange but it's just weird it happened twice' i smiled at her

We then sit at the dining table with miki, keita, and gaeun, mr Tatsuya is also here

We then proceed to have breakfast together


'Yeah, i also couldn't believe it at first but he left trails of unconscious guards along the way' tatsuya says

'That's soo cool katsuo san, you're like luffy from the romance dawn manga!' keita is being giddy like a children

'And almost get killed because of it' rin snarks

'Aw come on rin, at least i got some payback on Kiichiro and i would have finished him of if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their talking dog!' i yell while raise my fist to the air

'Talking dog, what do you mean?' gaeun asks

'Nah it's okay don't mind it hihi' i reply

'You're weird sometimes, you know that' rin sighs

'And you love me for it... hahaha' i tease her

'Whatever.....' rin really tired of my antics

Suddenly a man whispers to mr Tatsuya and he quickly rise and commands his men to prepare

I don't know what happen but seems his men is preparing for something

We finished our breakfast and we wait for the news of akemi condition, few hours passed while we waiting, and suddenly mr Tatsuya and his men forms a formation on the entrance door like they are welcoming someone

And there she is....lady yumie has arrived in my house

Shocked, i quickly gets up to greet her

'Milady... nice to have you here, why did you didn't infrom me you're coming' i greet her

'It's okay, i want it to be a surpise' lady yumie looks at my bandaged body and head then sighs

'Katsuo you did something stupid again don't you?' she asks

'Ahhhh yeahhhh I'm sorry milady' i apologize to her

'No matter, i know when you are resolved to do something you will do it anyway even i forbids you, just remember you are a valuable member of Hebiyama group, don't be afraid to ask us for help' lady yumie then caress my hair

'Thank you my lady... I'm honored...' i tell her

'Eeeehhhh kat-chan who is this? whoaaa maam you're so pretty' Miki intervenes

'Oh yeah my lady, let me introduce my friends, this is yozora miki, oguchi keita, hirayama rin, and shin ga-eun and the one who is in coma is shimada akemi' i introduce them

'Eh my lady? what's your relationship with her?' miki asks

'Hello dearie, my name is Hebiyama yumie and i serve as katsuo's benefactor for now, it's good to meet you all' Lady yumie introduces herself

'Hello maam we've met before, i used to perform in one of your hotel' gaeun tells her

'Ah.. miss shin ga-eun i know you, you're the actress and singer, I'm surprised katsuo make friends with a famous celebrity like you' lady yumie smiles

'Yes maam, being near katsuo is fun, somehow he always ends up in very interesting situation' gaeun tells her

'Ufufufu i can certainly vouch for that, ah this girl.... Hirayama Rin huh? is this the girl that my men see you coming home with?' lady yumie asks

uh oh... here we go...

'Yes madam, i often walk home together with katsuo because our houses is in the same direction.... is there a problem? ' rin asks

'Ufufufu no, there is no problem, after all I've share a lot of time with him myself dearie' lady yumie replies

The air feels with tension with lady yumie and rin, i have to divert their attention

'Anyway guys, lady yumie here is the boss of mr Tatsuya, she also the one who provides akemi with the best team of doctors and modern medical equipment' i tell them

'Is that true? then I'm really glad for your help maam, thanks for saving my junior' rin bows down her head

'Oh it's okay it's no big deal..... there's no harm helping people in need' lady yumie tells us

'Anyway i want to see this friend of yours, who is currently in coma, can you guide me?' lady yumie

'This way my lady' i tell her

We then enter the room where akemi being treated she laying in the bed peaceful her body is now bandaged all over with a cast wrapped at her broken arm

'Poor girl.... what happened to her' lady yumie asks

'This is going to be long to explain but here it is' i tell her

Then i explain to lady yumie what happened to akemi, her horrific injuries inflicted by aunt Hana at the order of Kiichiro, lady yumie gasps in disbelief

'Her own mother.... did this to her...?' she asks me

'Yes milady, at the order of my nemesis, kiichiro,she become like this to protect me,i should've accept your offer that night to get rid of him quickly ' i tell her

'I can't believe it, this poor girl, how... how can a mother did this to her own flesh and blood' lady yumie caress akemi hair where her tears start forming, this really hits her close to home

'Katsuo, whatever you doing... i want in, this... this just become personal with me, i don't know who this girl is but to see her own mother do this to her.... my blood is really boiling right now' lady Hebiyama hisses, now she's really pissed oh boy.... get ready Kiichiro

'Are you sure milady, it seems this man also has connections to the underworld since a lot of henchmen protecting him' i tell her

'I know, i have done my research on him, when i offer you to get rid of him, i do my research and i found he is under the protection of nakazawa family' she informs me

'Nakazawa family isn't that? wait a minute...' i stutters

'A family that owned the asagumi media group, they have really vast influence in Japan, probably as big as mine' lady yumie

'Wait...do you know something about nakazawa megumi?' i ask lady yumie

'Yes she is the last child of nakazawa family and the only daughter, she's also kiichiro's cousin' lady yumie tells me

What the fuck... now it's all makes sense... that's why megumi is so adamant to protect him.... fuck i didn't see this coming it's all make sense now...

'Something wrong my boy?' lady yumie ask

'Nah... just try to remembering something my lady....' my expression getting grim

'Katsuo please don't try to do everything yourself okay? i am here, so does your friends...' lady yumie tell me

'Yeah... i won't make the same mistake again' i smile and tell her

'Anyway my lady it's time for lunch.. let's go my friends is eager to have lunch with you' i tell her

'Ufufu okay... i can't wait to make acquaintance with this.... Hirayama girl' lady yumie smiles

'Oh come on milady... we're just friends...' i tell her

'Friends? what friend sees you with such intense passion? don't worry i just want to know your friends after all, a mother must deemed if her children is hanging out with the right crowd don't you think?' she tells me

'Yeah.....maybe i am too paranoid (i am not), come my lady let's go' i escort her to the dining room

but before i go i turn back and say

'Akemi... wherever Kiichiro hides right now, i fill find him and I will bring him'
