
Out of control - 1

*Swish* *bam*

In the middle of a dense forest, came the sounds of trees falling and crashing on the ground. If one were to look at the forest with a bird's eye view, they would see a straight path cut through the wilderness where there stood no trees. And this path was constantly growing in one direction.

'Don't blame me dear trees, it's just that you're making it hard for me to move across this forest, so I have no choice but to make some space.. Don't worry, I'll make sure to return the forest to its previous greenery once I'm strong enough to do so. As of now, you're just gonna have to bear with this…'

As Alaukik tried to pass the time by imagining a conversation between himself and the trees, he kept swishing his wrist left and right, and everytime he did that, a few trees in front of him would be cut down.

Ever since he woke up, he had started to move back in the direction he came from, in hopes of finding people. He had thought about going in the opposite direction, but he had no idea how large this forest was, and whether the direction he came from was closer to humans or the opposite, but he couldn't bet on the fact that the opposite on was, cause if he was wrong, he would keep walking and walking without any idea of when he would reach a settlement.

Walking in the direction he came from had a few advantages, one, he knew exactly how much distance he covered, and thus knew the distance at which he could find a human settlement, and the second and most important one was that he remembered he had passed by a lake with a few fruit trees beside it. Once he reached it, he would have a supply of water and food and wouldn't die of hunger or dehydration. While he had quenched his thirst for a while by drinking the dew off leaves, he couldn't do that all day could he?

Of course, if he remembered the location of the stream, why didn't he just teleport till there? Why did he instead decide to walk all the way there, using only space welding to make a blade and cut his way there? That was because, after a bit of thinking, Alaukik decided not to overuse his powers, as he did not know whether using his powers had an effect on losing his emotions. To make sure he did not end up as an emotionless doll, and also to preserve his energy in case of an emergency, Alaukik decided to just walk till there. Of course, he still had to be careful in this matter. If he mistakenly chopped an animal and saw blood, he had no idea what would happen to him. Especially after the huge reaction he had to the small amount of blood on the bandage, he didn't know what would happen to him if he saw the blood and internal organs of an animal spilling in front of him.

After long, long hours of walking through the forest and avoiding those wild animals, Alaukik finally reached the lake.

'Finally! It took so long to reach here!! I thought I would be here in 2-3 hours, who would have known it would take me 12 hours? I never thought walking would be so slow…'

Looking around the lake, Alaukik saw groves of fruit trees, with sweet and juicy looking fruits (possibly) growing in bunches on them. Immediately, he went to the closest trees and broke a bunch of fruits using his blade, and gobbled them up quickly… which turned out to be a bad idea…

'Damn it, these fruits taste so bitter… but at least they can fill my stomach a bit… But anyways, I want to drink some water now!'

Thinking this, he moved towards the lake and knelt beside the water surface and bent down to drink some water directly from the lake. As he gulped down huge amounts of water, Alaukik noticed something odd about the lake.

He realized that the lake water was slowly decreasing, as if it was being drained, however, that should not be possible. To make a hole big and deep enough to drain a lake in such a way that it is visible would require a lot of effort. Although, it could also be that he was able to sense the decline in water level because he was using space location and not using his non-existent eyes to look at the lake.

'Or magic. Meaning, there has either been a magician here, or there was a natural change, but I think the former has more possibilities… So, someone made a drain for the lake? But why would they? And as far as I can sense, there is no one within a 200m radius of me, and underwater, there is no one on the waterbed either… So what would they want to accomplish by draining a lake? Shall I try and find out? But, I don't know how dangerous that could be. On the other hand, if there are some magicians here, they might be able to help me get in touch with civilization, but what if they are bad magicians? After all, what could a normal magician be doing out here in the wild? But then again, this could be my one and only chance to find someone… I mean, the nearest place I remember where humans were was a semi-tribe living near the edge of the forest… and that was 91 kilometers away from him.'

Having thought it through, Alaukik decided to explore the bottom of the lake once, in hopes he might find someone. Although, he was fully on guard in case this person turned out to be a wicked person, and was ready to teleport at a moment's notice. After all, while teleportation would consume some energy (which he had recovered some of), it was also the best way to lose people. And so, he dived into the lake, and started to swim downwards. The lake wasn't very deep, only 15 meters, and with Alaukik's barrier and him being able to make a breathing tube with by welding space, diving down was easy. To his surprise, finding the drain was also easy. Sensing the water currents around him, he just followed them to find a hole big enough to fit two humans side-by-side through it. Seeing this, he went down the hole, and swam for about 10 seconds before the water level slowly declined, and then eventually he was able to stand, albeit the water was up to his knees.

He paused for a moment, to take in the surroundings. Touching the walls around him, he felt that they were of some extremely hard and dense rock, meaning he couldn't really sense through them a lot, and his 200m domain became only 10m. Sensing around him, he found out that this place was like a maze. There were lots of paths on either side of him, and one main path that continued straight for as far as he could sense (200m). He decided to explore the main path, and then go through the side paths later.

And as he moved forward slowly, he reached an end to the path. At the end, he sensed a wall in front of him, a wall made of the same kind of rock that the other walls were made of, meaning he couldn't sense more than 10m through it. What was even surprising though, was that this rock was at least 2m thick, meaning his range further decreased from 10m to around 6m only. As he approached the wall and tried to sense what was on the other side, he only saw what he imagined was a room and some small things on the ground. Deciding to go through with his initial plan, he carefully cut through the rock, making sure not to mistakenly make this cave collapse due to losing its support, though it would not be likely…

And so, when Alaukik finally cut through the rock and came on the other side, what he sensed left him senseless and in an instant, he started to scream and hold his head as he felt immense pain course through his mind, as his powers started to go out of his control again, and started affecting the world around him. The walls around him started to collapse from the immense pressure on them and even the flow of time around him started to become chaotic.

The reason for all this, lying about 10m in front of Alaukik, were dead bodies with the top half of their skulls missing, lying on top of each other in a pile, as if they were garbage to be thrown out. Immense amounts of blood flowed around them, and collected in what seemed to be a moat separating Alaukik and the bodies, except, this was a moat filled with blood, lots of blood.

And as Alaukik slowly lost consciousness due to his overflowing power, the last thing he did was to channel his powers in one direction and successfully teleport out of this cave system before it collapsed on top of him. Reaching the surface of the lake opposite of where he originally was, Alaukik collapsed into a ball and once again, lost consciousness.

Space location is now shortened to domain, considering it is kinda like that. When I say 200m, I mean it radially.

Also, yea Alaukik is going to have a lot of fainting in the first volume.. so just get used to him just screaming in pain, curling into a ball, and then just fainting. But I assure you that things get better, way better for him later down the line... I mean, it obviously will won't it?

SoManyAngelscreators' thoughts