
Reincarnated into a place called Jujutsu kaisen?

Gaming_Arch · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Satoru vs Akito

I stood before the higher-ups of the Jujutsu world, they had lied most likely to draw Satoru off of what they were currently doing.

"You're actions go against the protocols all sorcerers adhere too, what exactly do you have to say for yourself, Akito Gojo?" One of the upper echelons in Jujutsu society questioned, and I sighed.

"Does what I say really matter? Regardless whatever punishment you have in store better at least be reasonable, otherwise... Well I'm sure youre we'll aware of who the strongest is..." I retorted, a threatening smile playing on my lips.

"Such impudence! Jujutsu law must be upheld, regardless of the balance your uncle may maintain in our world. If we deem you unfit, well, you know the consequences," he mocked, mimicking my earlier tone.

"You're hubris will be your undoing" one of the many higher ups that stood before me warned in an eery tone. My eyes narrowed at his words slightly on edge by his words.

A man in a traditional Japanese kimono, obscured in the dimly lit room, rose. His thundering voice revealed his clan.

"I have but one thing to say to you, Akito Gojo, do not involve yourself in Zen'in matters. Any contact with that failure will result in even further punishment than the one you are about to receive here," he spoke up his voice clear cut and concise.

I narrowed my eyes at him, anger boiling up within me.

"Failure?" I spoke up garnering his full attention, cursed energy rose and crashed within me like a raging tempest. "My ears must be playing tricks on me because I know your not talking about my Mai"

"My? A failure like that is what you consider to be yours...?" He restrained boisterous laughter, but a subtle crackle of cursed energy from my fingertips silenced him instantly. His body tensed, ready for any attack I might unleash.

His words ignited my blood, angered by his view of Mai as nothing more than a possession, a failure. The man's resolute yet somewhat disgusted expression fueled the uncontrollable welling of anger within me.

Just who the hell did he think he was!?

"She has a name, and she's no failure. She's not a possession whose life you can control on a whim. So, I can't quite agree with your request," I gritted my teeth, eyes assessing the surroundings at lightning speed, devising strategies to eliminate every possible threat in the room.

"How dare you! Gojo Satoru may support you, but don't think you can get away with every idiotic thing you say in this room!" The man yelled, his effort making it seem like any more strain would burst a blood vessel.

"To be blunt, none of you can get passed my infinity. In a battle of domains, none of you old bastards are winning. Let's make one thing clear here," I stated, my sky-blue eyes assessing the surroundings carefully. They glowed mystically as I finally made eye contact with the higher-ups, causing them to flinch.

"With or without Satoru Gojo, I, Akito Gojo can eradicate you at any moment in time" I said defiantly before exhaling a deep breath of air. "I just thought that should be made clear,"

"You disgraceful dog! Just who the hell do you think you are brat!" The Zen'in elder stood up from his glorified litterbox.

"Such displays of disrespect will not be tolerated" another said outraged.

The hidden sorcerers in the shadows begun to emerge, cursed beast users and people from various clans all wielding various techniques came from the shadows in preparation to deal with me.

"Me I'm the one who will..." I considered my next set of words carefully, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place as to why the Jujutsu world was so corrupted in the first place. An idle government stuck on their archaic ways.

"Destroy the major clans,"


"You did what!?" Principal Yaga looked at me with widened eyes, his body quivered as he clenched his heart as though it could give out at any moment. My threat weren't empty but that didn't also mean that the opposition didn't hold some leverage and power over us.

He attempted to punch me but was stopped short of my infinity.

"I let my anger get the best of me," I said feeling somewhat remorseful, but, perhaps, with the higher ups added scrutiny upon jujutsu high, they'll find something even I cannot locate.

Preventing the future from coming to pass was my top priority. I let out a sigh of relief as I noticed Satoru and Yuji approaching me from a distance, a bright smile appearing on my face but before I could even anticipate it, Satoru's hands were shoved straight into my gut.

I gasped for air but nothing came as I reeled over coughing and spitting out what had been digested earlier.

"Just what the hell are you thinking?" Satoru's eyes were calm and composed, yet at the same time held a fire of anger I hadn't witnessed for quite some time.

"Saving everyone is what I'm doing" I said In between gasps of air.

"Mai, you, Megumi's and everybody else," I said confidently.

"Nobody is dying on my watch," I said confidently, but, before I could make eye contact once more, his fists came in contact with my face rather than my guts and the power behind it sent me flying into a nearby wall off the lobby.

The aftermath was marked by a cascade of small pebbles that fell upon my face from the now-damaged walls.

"You're protecting everyone?" Satoru's voice sliced through the tension, a glint of animosity dancing in his eyes.

"Is that what you're doing?" He posed the question rhetorically, already familiar with the sentiments I had expressed.

"Then stop me, right here and now," he issued a challenge, and a quizzical brow rose at his provocative words.

I managed to use RCT to heal the damages sustained because of Satoru but before I could fully grasp his earlier words, he lunged for another assault.

This time, I anticipated and deftly sidestepped his oncoming strike. The walls and ceilings, already weakened, crumbled as I burst through the skyscraper's windows. Satoru's onslaught wasn't confined to a mere punch; he crashed through the collapsing floor, joining my freefall.

Diverging from Satoru's clear superior experience, my infinity held a clear weakness yet to be fixed—it lacked the autonomous spark. As the echoes of the second blow lingered, I found myself compelled to seize control and set my infinity into motion, a pivotal moment etched in the unfolding narrative of our encounter.

As we plummeted, both aware that bypassing the other's infinity was nearly impossible, no further words were exchanged.

"Domain expansion," echoed simultaneously.

"Unlimited void," Satoru declared.

"Void," I responded.

Third person pov

Within milliseconds, the Unlimited Void began to overpower its inferior copy. Yet, in those fleeting moments, Akito Gojo had already formulated a plan to dismantle Satoru Gojo's domain entirely.

Akito's sky-blue eyes locked onto Satoru's similarly colored ones. While Akito's eyes lacked the processing power of Satoru's, he was keenly aware of the nuances of the six eyes. including it's greatest weakness domain wise.

It's range.

Much like the king of curses, Akitos first domain was without the need for a barrier.

In the last 100th of a second Akitos domain burst forth as Satoru's began to crumble away. Satoru Gojos eyes widened in disbelief, quickly becoming aware of his situation he prepared himself for the onslaught of attacks that would follow.

"Gravitational globe, gravitational exertion, gravitational field, inertia," Akito Gojo unleashed a rapid series of attacks, wasting no time. The limited time frame urged him to press on.

The first of Akito's attacks struck Satoru's arm with gravitational exertion, tearing through every ligament. Sensing weakness, Akito surged forward, employing gravitational field and gravitational globe to weigh down Satoru's body, impeding any movement.

"Gravitational pull," Akito summoned power from his cursed reserves, pulling Satoru towards him without resistance.

One might question why Akito had refrained from using the limitless technique. The reason was simple: against another user of the limitless technique, the attacks were less effective than employing a different technique.

Akito willed cursed energy into his fists as Satoru Gojo loomed mere inches away.

"New shadow style, simple domain," Satoru retaliated. Initially surprised by the onslaught and the dismantling of his domain, he quickly regained composure. The gears in his brain whirred together a counterattack, swiftly discovering one.

Satoru's hand surged forward, reaching for the younger man's collar. With a swift and deft blow, his other fist rammed into the boy's face.

The blow received far stronger than it shouldve been thanks to the moment Satoru had gained from Akitos gravitational pull.

Akito Gojo attempted to back away and create some distance, but Satorus Gojos grip was unyielding, another blow was landed upon the boys face and then another and another and another, the sheer ferocity of Satoru's beat down would have reminded those bearing witness to a cattles slaughter.

As Satoru prepared for the finishing blow, his simple domain crumbled. Within milliseconds, Akito picked up on it, launching a barrage of attacks from all angles within the domain.

Satoru's body endured repeated beatings, broken but sustained by RCT, while Akito, using his own Reverse Cursed Technique, backed away to heal his wounds.

Raising his hands once more, Satoru invoked his domain.

"Unlimited void."

Before Akito could resist or process the information, void had been engulfed, and he took the full force of Unlimited Void.

Satoru's face held a glint of excitement not seen before as he approached his seemingly inanimate nephew.

"To be honest, I didn't expect this much from you," Satoru admitted, surprised by his nephew's prowess. In a split second, he received a blow that had never managed to land due to his infinity.

"You've already processed everything from your infinity, so you're well aware of the variables for mine," Satoru remarked, intrigued by the young boy. With a swift chop to the neck, the young Gojo fell unconscious.

His ice blue eyes appraised the boy wonder.

His ice-blue eyes appraised the young wonder.

"You might be stronger than me when I was your age—no, without a doubt, you're stronger than me even during my first few months as a third year," he admitted as Akito Gojo managed to stop the blow aimed at his neck.

"But you didn't stop me. So, how exactly do you intend to solve everything on your own?" Satoru asked the young boy curiously, receiving no immediate response.

"You can't solve everything through physical means. There are times when you get your hands dirty, and there are times when such things are unnecessary," Satoru advised the younger Gojo.

"This is one of those times. Rather than just protecting Mai, you drew attention not only to her but yourself. They know how much you care for her, and you've put her in danger," he spoke calmly, locking his blue eyes with his nephew's. "They'll try to use her as a catalyst for your capture."

The young teenager absorbed Satoru's words, realizing how quickly anger had clouded his judgment. Akito was unable to retaliate since Satoru was being more logical. His mind fixated on the word "love," and his cheeks heated up as he prepared to speak.

"I don't love her, we're friends," he quickly asserted. Satoru eyed his nephew with curiosity, a raised brow as he hummed.

He stifled a laugh as his domain faded away, ruffling Akito's hair, choosing not to engage in a debate about his nephew's love life.

"All that matters is that you've learned your lesson," he concluded.

Satoru's pov

The car ride back was silent, neither me and Akito able to break the silence that hung heavily in the air. The car slowed to a stop pulling into the location Yuji had been hidden.

I had decided it would be wiser for Akito to stay with me since he was currently the center of attention, until it all died down at the very least.

The two of us exited the car and I glanced over at Akito who still seemed to be processing the information I had told him, which was quite understandable.

But he had showed me a glaring weakness within my domain expansion. I had never lost a domain battle in my life, so imagine my surprise when my domain began to crumble away at the hands of my supposedly much weaker nephew.

Ryoumen Sukunas domain was one without a barrier as well, which quickly made me realize that in a battle of domains, I would lose.

There are other ways to combat someone within a domain of course, but this glaring weakness wasn't something I could simply cast aside.

A smile threatened to overcome my features, I had trained all my life, put everything into my technique, and thought I had perfected everything the Jujutsu world had to offer yet I had lost a domain battle to a boy who hadn't even turned 17?

Both me and Aki entered the dark room Itadori had been patiently waiting in. His gaze looked at me expectantly as I had promised to teach him how to use CE.

Their was a glint of excitement in his eyes and I reflected his expression just as brightly. I hadn't plateud just yet and my nephew had just opened a new door for me.

There was something I could improve upon!