
Reincarnated into a place called Jujutsu kaisen?

Gaming_Arch · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


1 hour prior to the cursed womb mission...

"what exactly do you mean I'm not a Six Eyes user?" I sat there, stunned, grappling with the shocking revelation Satoru had just disclosed. Throughout my entire life, he had drilled into my consciousness the significance of being a "six eyes" user. That was the entire purpose of him keeping me safe, wasn't it?

Sipping his meticulously brewed tea, Satoru remained composed behind his signature shades and immaculate attire. "There can only be one six eyes user and a star plasma vessel at a time," he reiterated, his tone even and composed. "And right now, that person happens to be me."

His words made a certain sense, but it was a sense I struggled to fully grasp. "Then what was the point of hunting me down if I'm not a six eyes user?" I asked, my bewilderment genuine and unmasked.

"It was a precautionary measure, a backup plan," Satoru replied, as if he were explaining the most mundane concept. "You possess abilities akin to mine, which made you a potential threat that needed to be exterminated to whoever was seeking your demise. But I observed your technique when you faced that ice curse," he paused, stirring his tea thoughtfully. "Your use of cursed energy, it lacks finesse, even for a novice six eyes user."

The disappointment weighed heavy in my chest as I glanced down at my hands, trying to process the weight of this new information, Satoru's words stung. A smile played on his lips, hidden behind the raised edge of his shades "The limitless technique, that's a privilege reserved solely for those endowed with the six eyes yet you possess that ability..." he declared, a hint of excitement creeping into his otherwise composed demeanor. "It just means you've got something completely different, something even I don't fully understand,"


I cringed at the memory of those loud, boastful words I had thrown at Itadori. Sure, I could back them up, but seriously, the thought of yelling something so cheesy with that much pride? Nope, not my style. My exhaustion from RCT had settled somewhat, but my current abilities only allowed for one more deployment of red and blue at most. RCT demanded so much focus, leaving me wide open, but hey, I was definitely going to win. Man, I was starting to sound just like my uncle.

The curse appraised me apprehensively considering it had just barely managed to avoid a life threatening blow. More than half of it's body had been torn asunder in the attack I had unleashed upon it. I wasn't worried though, not in the slightest. I took note of Itadori's disheveled form, I felt bad having not come earlier but at the very least I was glad I could prevent sukunas takeover.

"Fucking hell..." I muttered, drawing nearer to him. The pungent stench of seared flesh hung heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the recent battle. His fingers, reduced to mere stubs of their former selves, and the mangled state of his other hand, painted a grim picture of the struggle he had endured.

"Go...jo-san," he uttered weakly, acknowledging my presence. The tears streaming down his cheeks gradually abated, though the shadow of despair still clung to him. I reached out, grasping Itadori's shoulders firmly, and offered him a gentle, reassuring smile.

"Everything's gonna be okay now, there's nothing to worry about," I assured him, my voice steady and resolute. Itadori's breathing gradually calmed as he nodded in acknowledgment. However, the curse, having completed its rapid regeneration, surged forward with renewed ferocity, intent on overwhelming us both. Without hesitation, I extended my hand, seemingly halting the curse in its tracks, the aura I had released pulsating with unwavering confidence. In my other hand, I conjured a bright blue ball of energy, preparing to unleash it with the most amount of force I could muster.

"Amplification: blue, maximum output," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the crackling energy. With a surge of power, a blinding flash of intense blue light erupted, hurling the cursed spirit backward with unprecedented force. It slammed into the ground, its body torn and tattered, the force of my attack rendering its regeneration futile. Struggling to rise, the cursed spirit attempted to regain its footing, but the remnants of its form were in shambles, barely able to hold itself together.

"A proper death," I said suddenly, addressing Itadori, whose tears had begun to dry. "That's what you wanted, right, Yuji-san? You have to understand that not everything will go your way in the world of jujutsu. That's why Principal Yaga asked you that question on your first day."

Yuji paused, a brief moment of recollection flashing across his expression. It was a question posed to all of us, from first-year novices to the seasoned third-year students.

"Jujutsu sorcerers do not die with regret," he echoed softly, the weight of those words reverberating through the air.

"You won't have the luxury of such a death. It's impossible not to feel scared or worried. If it weren't, curses wouldn't even exist in the first place," I spoke, our gazes locked. I couldn't deny my own fear, the apprehension of what lay ahead, a turbulent storm of uncertainty fueled by the haunting visions that had plagued me. Until now, my path seemed clear, and I had believed I grasped the world's dynamics firmly. Yet, even as things unfolded contrary to my plans, I hadn't chosen to flee. Why? Because "Jujutsu sorcerers exist to protect others."

Itadori wiped away the tears, his jaw clenched, and he struggled to regain his footing.

"Think you can take it on?" I inquired, observing his determined nod, taking note of the curse's visibly weakened state.

"Yeah," he affirmed, his voice resolute. Relief washed over me because I knew I couldn't continue at the intensity I had first displayed. The reverse cursed technique had not only repaired my injuries but also exerted a toll on my abilities. Each use of RCT put me at risk, especially considering its efficient utilization through the prefrontal cortex. Any further use of the limitless power would undoubtedly result in excruciating pain and potentially cause irreversible damage to my brain.

Aware that resorting to another amplification would undoubtedly exacerbate the significant damage already done, I hesitated. However, in this critical moment, seeing Itadori on the verge of unleashing his cursed energy, I couldn't deny him such an opportunity.

Guilt gnawed at me as I looked him over, taking in the severity of his injuries.

"Itadori, I know you're angry, and I'm well aware of that buildup of energy within your body," I acknowledged, raising my fists as if to demonstrate.

"I'm not going to tell you not to feel anger or rage. In fact, those emotions can help under controlled conditions," I assured him calmly, channeling a surge of cursed energy into his fists.

"Yeah," Itadori responded, his voice edged with a cold, seething fury. He mirrored my actions, conjuring a red tempest of cursed energy that enveloped his clenched fists. With teeth tightly gritted, he charged forward, his determination blazing as he hurled himself at the weakened cursed spirit.

I followed after Itadori not bothering to stop him despite his fury, after all his senses would be heightened in such a state, albeit his recklessness.

As Itadori's clenched fist struck the cursed spirit's face, the force of the blow reverberated through the air. Anticipating the curse's imminent counterattack, I swiftly maneuvered behind Itadori, unleashing a punch of my own since the curse had failed to notice me shadowing him. Without allowing the curse a moment to recover, Itadori deftly converted the forward momentum of his punch into a swift spin. His leg, whirling at lightning speed, lashed out like a whip, catching the cursed spirit off guard and causing it to stagger backward. Our assault, however, was far from finished.

Despite its weakened state, the cursed spirit launched a furious onslaught of cursed energy, but its attacks proved futile against my infinity. Straining slightly from the exertion it took to activate it, I groaned, yet the curse had inadvertently left itself wide open, presenting an opportunity that Itadori swiftly seized.

Itadori thrust his fist into the curse's gut. The initial impact forced the curse to stagger back, while a second unseen force, emanating from Itadori's strike, prompted the curse to expel its own innards.

I had to hold back a smile having witnessed his divergent fist for the first time.

IItadori, undeterred, prepared to deliver another decisive blow with his fists. The curse, attempted to retreat beyond the range of Itadori's reach, having felt the impact of two powerful punches in one attack, but I wouldn't let it.

"Gravitational pull," I uttered calmly, sensing the last remnants of my cursed energy leave my body. The curse was drawn in mercilessly toward Itadori before meeting its swift demise. The initial impact from Itadori's punch resulted in a sharp snap, breaking the cursed spirit's neck, while the second divergent strike cleanly severed its head from its shoulders.

I sank to my knees, my gaze fixed on my trembling hands. My vision blurred slightly, but it was manageable, nothing I couldn't handle.

"Great job, Itadori," I managed to utter, pushing myself back to my feet with a noticeable effort. "At least you're not dead."

He met my gaze, and for the first time, I found myself contending with a situation that others had often faced when they were around me.

Itadori collapsed, his body convulsing from the shock, his injuries clearly proving too much for him to bear. Without a moment's delay, I was at his side, doing my utmost to alleviate the violent convulsions.

I carefully laid him on his side, attempting to use the last shreds of cursed energy I possessed to ease the spasms wracking his body.

"Damn it..." I muttered, my brow furrowed with concentration as I intensified my efforts to regulate his energy flow. Beads of sweat trickled down my face as I focused intensely, yet it was all in vain. His cursed energy gradually dissipated, his ragged breathing subsided, and the grim reality began to sink in.

Itadori Yuji... was dead.

Placing Itadori on his back, I began pumping at his chest with all my might, desperate to revive him. Tears, fueled by a potent mix of frustration and despair, pricked at my eyes, though I loathed to acknowledge them. I applied even more force, my determination unwavering as I continued the compressions.

With trembling hands, I carefully opened his mouth and blew air down his throat, carefully avoiding any semblance of lip contact. I repeated this process tirelessly for nearly ten minutes, yet there was no response, no flicker of life returning to his still form.

A haunting thought crossed my mind. Could all the events in Jujutsu Kaisen have been set in motion by some vow Sukuna placed upon Itadori after his apparent "death"? Was this destined to be nothing more than a tragic repetition of the same storyline?

Tears streamed down my cheeks, the bitter realization weighing heavily on my soul—I had failed to save anyone. If the timeline were to repeat, would it even be within my power to save my uncle and everyone else who had suffered?

Cursed energy surged around my hands, gathering like an impending tempest. This was my final reserve of strength, and even if I were to remain trapped in this cursed existence, it seemed inconsequential. I had reached a point where achieving anything felt futile.

Summoning the last vestiges of my resolve, I pressed my palm firmly against Itadori's chest, a surge of energy coursing through me, infused with a sense of finality.


At first, there was nothing.

But after nearly 10 seconds, the longest 10 seconds of my life, Itadori's chest heaved as he coughed, and to my utter astonishment, his breathing gradually steadied, rising and falling in a renewed rhythm.

Itadori was alive!

Megumi's Pov

I positioned myself at the threshold of the cursed womb area, my gaze fixed expectantly on the entrance. Soon, two figures emerged from the shadows—one with hair tinged with a pinkish hue and another with a distinct jet-black mane. From the shadows, Akito Gojo materialized, appearing entirely unscathed, while Yuji Itadori stumbled out, bearing a multitude of severe injuries.

"Hey," Akito greeted calmly, a small smile playing on his lips. His concerned gaze flickered momentarily toward the battered Itadori, who struggled to remain upright, even with the support offered by Aki.

"I told you I'd make it, Fushiguro, and I survived without Sukuna," Itadori managed to say, a forced smile playing on his lips despite the evident agony he was enduring. He had lost a dangerous amount of blood, and most of the fingers on his other hand had been severed, leaving only his thumb intact.

Rushing to his side, I offered my support, but before he could utter another word, he succumbed to unconsciousness, drained by sheer exhaustion.

"I thought you were resting, Aki," I questioned my friend, a tinge of concern lacing my words. Aki simply nodded, a small smile on his face as he placed his index finger against his temple, indicating he had used Reversed cursed technique.

"I used RCT to ease the exhaustion," he explained calmly.

"Even with RCT, there are other risks involved," I retorted, my annoyance palpable as I recalled his impulsive decision to join the mission. "Did they give you clearance to participate in the mission?!"

"Hell no," he responded, his tone unwavering. "But I'm prepared to face the consequences."

Akito's gaze lingered on Itadori's weakened form for a moment before shifting back to me. With a deliberate motion, he retrieved something from his pocket, and dangling from his hand was yet another one of Sukuna's fingers.

"Why do you have that!?" I exclaimed in a hushed tone, not wanting to attract any unnecessary attention, particularly before we had made our way beyond the barrier.

"That curse was a finger bearer. This finger was probably why it was so damn powerful in the first place," he explained, examining the finger intently before tucking it securely back into his uniform.

"If you were to feed it to Yuji, he'd probably heal up," I suggested calmly, prompting Akito to glance over at me.

"No, not yet," he responded swiftly, and I raised an eyebrow in response.

"Why not?" I questioned just as quickly, eager for an explanation.

"He's not in the right state of mind, The Yuji I saw when I saved him... I'm not sure if he'd be even capable of suppressing Sukuna as he is now, and if by some chance Sukuna is freed, the both of us are fucked," he explained, the memory of that moment seemingly fresh in his mind.

"Well not like any of that really matters, it's clear this was a mission meant to be outside of our capabilities, an assassination disguised as a mission," Aki remarked as we reached the edge of the barrier.

"Meant to kill Itadori!" I concluded, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. Aki nodded in agreement.

"We'll discuss all of this with Satoru later, for now let's get him patched up" Aki suggested, and I nodded in acquiescence. Together, we stepped out of the barrier, the sky's hue shifting once more, casting an ominous shadow over our next steps.

Cursed investigators stood at the ready, prepared for any eventuality, while an emergency team stood on standby, poised to tend to the injured. My eyes narrowed slightly with a tinge of anger at them clearly selling us out, but I reined in my emotions.

Taking a deep breath, I, along with Aki, who was also supporting Itadori, took a determined step forward, heading toward the waiting team.

Satoru's pov

Itadori's eyes flickered open and he let out a loud yawn before stretching out.

"Yo, Itadori," I said calmly, the boy turned to me quickly acknowledging my presence, to my left was a familiar face.

"Gojo-sensei, Fushiguro! And..." Itadori exclaimed unsure of who the woman who stood to the right of his bed was.

"Shoko Ieiri" I clarified, gesturing towards her. "The woman who saved your life,"

Yuji glanced around the room, visibly puzzled at the absence of a certain individual who should have been present, given the nature of the conversation.

"Where's Akito-san?" he inquired, his confusion palpable.

"Currently serving some time with Yaga for breaching protocol," I responded, a sense of pride swelling within me. Despite his current predicament, my nephew had disrupted the plans laid out by the higher-ups, a fact that I intended to address in due course.

"Can you recall what happened, Itadori?" Shoko inquired, gently feeling his forehead. The realization dawned on the boy, who swiftly checked his hands to find that both had been completely regenerated.

"How is that possible...?" he began, but I interjected to provide an explanation.

"We fed you one of Sukuna's fingers. Naturally, you lost control, making your incapacitation necessary," I explained briefly, bringing him up to speed on the events that had transpired at Jujutsu High, all of which would, of course, be carefully covered up.

"Akito-san saved me... If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been able to defeat that curse. We made it out of the cursed womb, I saw Megumi, and then..." Yuji recounted, piecing together the events in his mind.

"You died," Megumi interjected.

"What? That's ridiculous I'm right here!" he protested loudly, his frustration evident. I couldn't help but chuckle at his bewildered reaction.

"As of yesterday, you, Yuji Itadori, died whilst on a rescue mission," I said and his growing confusion only made my smile grow wider.

This was gonna be fun.

An: kinda long so you can skip. Some of you may have noticed that the Mc has been nerfed and I myself who read through it thought the nerf was stupid after a sudden power-up. I still agree with my reasoning though on not wanting him to be a second Satoru Gojo, but I don't agree with wanting him to just be an extra who follows the og mcs around. So I intend on making Akito Gojo a high tier again, it won't be forced so don't expect it for a while, but I want to flesh him out and make him his own unique character who isn't Satoru.