
Chapter 2

I was able to pick up on the language rather fast, or at least at a rate that I thought was fast. It has been just a little over 3 years since I came to this new world, and have yet to hear the voice that I heard when I was dying again.

As I was stumbling around the house one day, I had found that the door that I was repetitively told not to enter was unlocked, and not only that but it was also open. Out of pure curiosity of what my parents were hiding, I helped myself and entered the room.

At first I did not see anything of importance, just that the room was painted a dark shade of yellow, with a few pictures of what looked like people shooting different things out of their hand including what looked like flames, wind, and water while a few of them were sending boulders to places, not only that but it looked like some were controlling light, and darkness itself. While only paying attention to the paintings that were on the wall, I had knocked into a bookshelf.

"Ow. That really hurt. Come to think of it these are the only books that I have seen in this life so far, much less bookshelf."

After barely being able to get up and almost falling over a few different times, I had just barely managed to stand up without the bookshelf supporting my weight. While looking around at all of the books that had fallen off the shelves, I picked one up and realized, that even though I could speak the language fairly decently, I could not read it at all. When I realized that, I had decided to attempt to come in here every night to start to practice reading.

On my way back to the pantry, where we kept the few pieces of food that we did have, which consisted of bread, rice and some fruits that weren't in my previous life, I ran into my father, someone that goes by the name Amir.

My father loves me a little too much, as every time he sees me, he greets me like he hasn't seen me in years. After he hugged me, he started talking about how he was going to start training me to use the sword.

After that day my routine was to eat breakfast, train with the sword, eat supper and then go study to try to learn to read after I figured out that I can reach the door knob if I get a chair, then go to sleep.

like my book then read "Solo Diving"

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