
Chapter 1

"Hey Aki, do you want to go get a bite to eat later?"

"Yea sure, what time do you want to meet up at Kyoko?"

"How about around 5:00?"

"Ok, see you then."

As I was walking away, I suddenly heard people yelling, and screaming about something. When I looked to see what everyone was making a fuss over, someone rushed up in my face so all I could see was his black shirt along with long gray pants with a tic tac toe pattern, and then I felt my chest getting warm after the person stopped for a brief second.

After I checked my chest I realized that there was something hard in it. Then I collapsed after seeing my white shirt stained red with blood.

While everyone was huddling around me, I heard not only my friend Kyoko worrying, I also heard a different voice. At first I thought that it was just one of the people around me, but it sounded as if it was coming from inside of my head. While thinking about that, I heard it say something that had to do with skills, so I just ignored it because I was about to die.

I feel so cold, but yet hot at the same time. Surprisingly, in my last moments of my life, the main things that I could think about was how hungry I was, and the fact that I could prove that before dying, your life did in fact not flash before your eyes.

While thinking that I was about to die, and how much more I wished to know, I didn't realize everything that this weird voice had been saying, although I heard something about a sage and about being able to eat anything.

I had noticed that I had finally died when I showed up in a black hallway while being sucked into the light.

"It's a boy!"

"Aww, honey come look at how cute he is, with his little chubby cheeks!"

"Now now Fleur, you must give him at least a little bit of space."

"But he is our son so why can't I hug him right just this one time Amir."

"Fine have it your way, but only for a little while."

Turns out that I was lucky enough to be reborn into another world, that looked like an older time, but had skills for magic, martial arts, and sword fighting, along with any other fighting technique that could be thought of. Not only that but I also got to keep my same name, Aki.

And with that, I was officially reborn into another world.

like my book then read Solo Diving

Tyler_Longbonscreators' thoughts