
Reincarnated into a dungeon core

A man from earth is reincarnated into a dungeon core

Lordyken · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

In the end he decided on making a dungeon town with the aim of producing resources and trading it with merchants of this world, something that can help him grow rich while maintaining peaceful co-existence with others. This sounds the most comfortable to his human psyche. His dungeon town will take the shape of a high rise building, with him as the CEO and his office will be located at the deepest part of the dungeon. The lobby will be nearest to the entrance where merchants and surface creatures will undergo a security check before they can enter his dungeon. After the lobby will be the retail area or the shopping mall where there will be open spaces for merchants to setup markets and his dungeon products will also be sold there. After the shopping mall is the residential area where surface creatures can stay, a mixture of inns for short stays and houses for long term residents. His dungeon creatures will be working away on the lower floors, producing whatever resources they can and the lower floors will be out of bounds to the surface creatures. Right now he didn't know what he can use as resource to trade but John has hope, hope for the future, that he can learn and grow step by step. Then once his richer, he can start outfitting his rooms in luxury and hire some sweet sexy babes to entertain him everyday.

Hoping to find resources to trade, John got his golems to first dig another small work room outside his first room. The small room wasn't acknowledged by him and it was just a crude hole in the soil. From this work room his golems begin digging in different directions to the edges of his domain. Although his domain wasn't that big but John was just trying his luck to see if he can find any gold ore or anything valuable. The golems reached a area of soil that was totally dark and John could feel that this dark area was not part of his dungeon territory. His golems refused to do anything with the dark areas and John started to dig upwards to the surface, however after a certain distance his instincts started to scream danger and caution. John was troubled by this and decided to stop exploring upwards. He explored downwards instead and in various different directions but never found anything useful.

Oh well, its no big deal. His still young and growing, he can find the resources later or see what else he can do. Since he had nothing better to do its time to start planning his dungeon layout. His current domain was a sphere which he will split into 5 square shape floors. Each floor will have 5 common staircases connecting them, 1 in the center and 4 more towards the corners. He will also need to have support pillars to prevent the floors from collapsing, John wasn't an architect but he has a dungeon instinct. The floors will be strengthened by his magic but they will still need several large pillars here , here and here. In his mind the layout for his new dungeon was beginning to take shape on the map already. John planned for the first five floors to be all retail, followed by three floors of residential and two empty floors for warehousing or misc. After the first ten floors his dungeon will start. The eleventh floor will be purely security to keep out any surface creatures and then the rest will be for production and stuff. Everything was still in planning stages but probably five floors of retail should be a good start. Right now he only had room for five floors but its better to plan long term rather then keep shifting stuff later on. His crystal body was at the very center of his domain which is the center of the 3rd level, later when the 5th floor is completed he will get his golems to move his crystal there.

John focused on the plans for the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels, he started feeling his magical body acknowledge his will and the different levels gradually became a hazy outline in his mental map. The golems automatically moved to start excavating the dungeon floors. Seeing as how there was so much work to do, John created two more golems, he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue creating more golems because if his mana got depleted he will fall asleep and that helps to fast forward time but is it healthy for him to keep doing this ?. If he waited patiently for his mana to recharge its kinda boring just watching his golems eat soil. Oh wait, he still wanted to find out where those mounds of compact soil came from, so he probably should stay awake this time. John observed his golems industriously eat the soil to excavate the layout of his 3rd floor, after some time one of the golems started to release lumps of compacted soil from its ass and John was appalled. I knew it, it was poop!. John ordered his golems to pause what they are doing and clear away the mounds of poop from his personal room first..... Damn golems... Pooping in his room !.

There was nothing else to do after the poop show so John started thinking of what his next step should be. After the dungeon is excavated, it will be bare and empty so he will need to fill it with furniture, fixtures and lots of interior decoration. He also needed more workers and where can he get fighters ?. John had a vague feeling, like 6th sense or instinct that once he connected to the surface he will learn a new spell for fighters. New furniture and decorations will need more workers to produce them so John started to experiment with his golem spell, can he consciously change the shape of his golems to make something more effective ? maybe a golem with 4 arms and a bigger tummy to process soil faster. He slowly casted the golem spell again, concentrating on the spell to interrupt its automatic formation of the default humanoid shape so that he can forcefully change it. With his full concentration on John hurriedly changed the body outline, 4 arms for better work efficiency, long hair, perky D cups, a slim waist, slim body and nice perky ass.... *GULP* John somehow got distracted and with his concentration broken, the spell snap back to normal, fixing the shape for the new golem. John gazed upon his newest creation... 4 arms with a smoking hot body��..Hmm actually not bad at all, it was worth taxing his mana reserves for this. This soil golem looked so much better then the others... Now lets see her eat soil and poop it out hehehe. John knew he was definitely a male crystal because his mind was full of sex. Maybe he should check below and see if he had little crystal balls with a crystal wand.

After making the female golem his mana was too low to do anything without over taxing himself. He rested and watched his 10 golems work. The female golem with 4 arms could eat soil faster then then others but her processing speed was slower probably because of her smaller tummy. She had to eat and stop to digest while the other golems could continue working non-stop, even pooping as they ate. John watched her first virgin poop, feeling its funny to see golem shit fall from her ass. He also tried to find different materials to make different types of golems but he couldn't succeed…... looks like he needed more advance version of the golem spell. The 3rd floor along with its various rooms was eventually completed and John felt his mana surge and then pause…..he didn't have enough mana to acknowledge the entire 3rd floor as his dungeon proper. John had to do it part by part, resting in between to recharge his mana. When he finally claimed the entire 3rd floor, his mana surged again and humongous magic runes appeared to cover the entire floor, transforming it into a proper dungeon level and defining it clearly in his mental map. He ordered the golems to skip the usual reinforcement with smaller magic runes and go ahead with excavating the 4th floor.

John was feeling a little bothered about the lack of REAL woman and resources in his dungeon but there was nothing he could do except daydream about his future glorious dungeon, observe the golems working on his current bare and poverty stricken made-from-soil dungeon, occasionally create new golems to increase the workforce and then back to daydream again. Occasionally he also experimented with new golem shapes, creating a sexy female golem, a 4 arm big belly golem, a fat lizard golem. The 4th and finally even the 5th floor was completed, By now John had 26 golems, 22 was the default golem and 4 special designs. The 4 armed female was quite a lousy design, her soil processing speed couldn't keep up with her eating speed, causing her to freeze before the soil was processed. The normal sexy female was better but because her body was slimmer, she also could not process soil as efficently as the normal golems and she also had to stop eating soil for short periods of time. The 4 arm big belly golem still had problems with eating speed being too fast, his bigger belly couldn't keep up with 4 arms. The big lizard was not bad but John realised that without hands the lizard could only eat soil but not create things or manipulate tools, whats the point in that ? in the end John stuck to the default golem shape.