
Reincarnated in Touhou with the Trolling system

A Internet Troll Was Walking Down The Street And Got Hit By Truck-Kun, and so was granted a troll system upon transmigrating in the world of Gensokyo -If you have anything to say then you can speak to me directly here https://discord.gg/fzgaHb4J Touhou Project, art and Story elements belong to their respective owners. I don't own anything, so please don't send me to swim with the fishes~

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Christmas Festival

The crisp winter air enveloped Gensokyo, bringing with it a festive atmosphere. The human village was adorned with colourful lights and decorations, each building emanating a warm glow against the snowy landscape. The anticipation of the upcoming Christmas festival permeated the air.

Richard, bundled up in a warm coat, walked alongside Reimu through the lively streets of the human village. The sound of laughter and cheerful chatter echoed, and the aroma of various winter treats wafted from the food stalls lining the streets.

Reimu: "It's been a while since I've been to one of these festivals. I don't normally go here to do anything except exterminate Yokai."

Richard looks over beside him to Reimu, showing Reimu a faint smile before responding

Richard: "So then what made you change your mind?"

A faint blush tinted Reimu's cheeks as she responded.

Reimu: "n-no body, I mean nothing did, I just, wanted to go this time"

Richard's grin widened, appreciating this glimpse of Reimu's softer side but he decides to change the subject.

Richard: "So, about when you said you had all my memories do you mean like my memories of when I shapeshifted into your body, or like ALL of my memories?"

Reimu: "I have your memories of when you transformed into me"

Reimu: "Although its really fuzzy so I can only recall just the important parts"

Richard: "Huh, is that so."

Richard wipes some sweat off of his forehead since he thought that Reimu would know about the system if she gained his memories

Richard: "Oh look over there, its Marisa"

Richard then points to a Marisa that has also spotted them and Marisa is approaching mischief evident in her eyes.

Reimu internally sighed, realizing she was going to ruin her one on one unofficial date with Richard.

Marisa: "Having a good time, you two? You've got to try these enchanted snow cones! My treat, ~ze!"

Marisa handed each of them a vibrantly coloured snow cone

Reimu: "You stole these Right?"

Marisa, with an unapologetic grin, responded.

Marisa: "Well, it's Christmas! Gotta spread the cheer, right?"

Reimu sighed again.

Reimu: "I'm paying the person who made these after the festival"

Marisa, ever mischievous, teased Reimu.

Marisa: "You want to do that after the festival?, I would of thought you would of wanted your date to see your good side by doing some kind deeds ~ze"

Reimu: "EH! date!, no no we are not dating right now"

Marisa, with a playful glint in her eyes, prodded further.

Marisa: "What do you mean by 'right now'? ~ze."

Richard starts to grow a blush at the unfolding conversation and Reimu face is bright red at this point

Old Male Villager: "Oh that couple reminds me of the good old days Margret"

Old Female Villager: "Oh you stop, they can hear us"

Reimu, flustered by the unexpected turn of events, glanced at Richard.

Reimu: "This isn't a date! Why is everyone saying that?"

Richard, clearly embarrassed at this point try's to change the subject

Richard: "Uhh, I don't know. Lets just get to the village centre"

Marisa, unfazed, grinned mischievously.

Marisa: "Don't worry I will leave you guys alone now, I don't want to be a third wheel after all ~ze"

The duo continued through the bustling village centre, where stalls adorned with festive decorations lined the snowy streets. Laughter and cheerful chatter filled the air as villagers and youkai alike joined in the celebration.

As they approached the village square, a makeshift stage had been set up for various performances. Reimu, still blushing, shot a glance at Richard.

Reimu: "..."

Richard, trying to ease the tension, looked around at the various stalls.

Richard: "Hey, there's a fortune-telling booth over there. You interested?"

Reimu nodded, intrigued by the idea.

Reimu: "Sure, why not? I wont believe what they say though."

The two strolled towards the fortune-telling booth, the enticing aroma of roasted chestnuts wafting through the air. The booth, adorned with mystical symbols and vibrant tapestries, drew them in. An old youkai with a mysterious air about her awaited, her eyes filled with ancient wisdom.

Fortune Teller: "Ah, welcome, travellers! Would you like to know your destinies?"

Richard and Reimu exchanged curious glances before agreeing. The fortune teller, draped in flowing robes, gestured for them to sit across from her. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on her face as she began her mystical predictions.

Fortune Teller: "I sense a extremally difficult journey, unexpected yet fateful, for the both of you. Threads of destiny intertwine, creating a tapestry woven by the whims of Gensokyo.".

Fortune Teller: "Beware, for challenges lie ahead. The threads of fate are delicate, easily influenced by the choices you make."

the trio stand still in silence for a bit

Reimu: "is that it?"

Fortune Teller: "Oh no, of course not"

Reimu: "spill it out then"

Fortune Teller: "Couples get 15% off every telling :) "

The fortune teller's unexpected twist left Reimu visibly flustered, and Richard couldn't help but chuckle at the unforeseen turn of events.

Richard: "Haha, it seems like the whole town thinks we are a couple at this point."

Reimu, clearly unamused, shot a glare at the mischievous fortune teller.

Reimu: "We are not a couple, and here is your money"

As Reimu handed over the payment, the fortune teller winked playfully.

Fortune Teller: "Not a couple right now anyway"

The mischievous fortune teller's parting words hung in the air as Reimu and Richard exchanged bemused glances. The night continued with various attractions, performances, and stalls showcasing Gensokyo's unique blend of tradition and magic.

As the clock neared midnight, Reimu and Richard found themselves near the illuminated Christmas tree at the village center.

Richard: "Well, this was unexpectedly fun. Thanks for bringing me along, Reimu."

Reimu, a rare hint of warmth in her eyes, offered a small smile.

Reimu: "It wasn't so bad, I guess. Let's head back to the shrine. Yokai patrol can't wait, even on Christmas."

However, instead of heading straight back, an idea seemed to spark in Richard's mind.

Richard: "You know, there's something I forgot to do in the village. Mind if I take a quick detour before heading back to the shrine?"

Reimu raised an eyebrow but nodded.

Reimu: "Sure, just make it quick."

Reimu, feigning nonchalance, agreed, and they split ways with a subtle understanding. As they navigated through the lingering crowds, both had the same secret mission – to find the perfect Christmas present for the other without letting on that it was their intention.

Richard: "I forgot to get her a present, I need to get one quick!"

Reimu can also be seen sprinting in the other direction"

Reimu: "I forgot to get him a present, I need to get one quick!"

The village was filled with vibrant stalls, each offering unique treasures. Richard stealthily perused the displays, considering what would bring a smile to Reimu's face. On the other side of the village, Reimu discreetly scoured for a gift that would match Richard's tastes.

And so, the night unfolded with the promise of surprises, both given and received, as the duo navigated the village, each blissfully unaware of the other's covert Christmas preparations.

Richard suddenly stops searching and facepalms himself

Richard: "I have a damn system, why am I searching for a present when the system can tell me where to get one"

Richard: "Hey system, what can I get Reimu that is not too expensive?"

[User Request Received]




[Answer - Yourself ]

Richard: "???"

Richard: "I'm already working for her so I don't really understand this?"

Richard: "Can you give me an item name?"


[The User is so dense]

[The second best Item to give is]

[The second-best item to give is: "Hakurei Talisman Bracelet"]

The system's response left Richard momentarily puzzled. Nevertheless, he followed the guidance and made his way to a quaint stall where a variety of enchanted bracelets were displayed. Among them, a Hakurei Talisman Bracelet caught his eye.

Richard, smirking at the serendipity, purchased the bracelet, feeling a sense of satisfaction in his choice. Meanwhile, on the other side of the village, Reimu navigated through the stalls, her thoughts focused on finding the ideal gift for Richard.

As the clock ticked, they eventually reconvened at the village centre, each concealing their chosen present. The subtle excitement in the air hinted at the surprise awaiting them.

Richard: "Hey Reimu I got a present for you"

Richard then reveals the Hakurei Talisman Bracelet

Reimu: "Oh wow, How did you find something like this here? I love it!"

Reimu: "Thank you, Richard!"

Richard nodded, pleased with her reaction. In return, Reimu reached into the folds of her coat and pulled out a carefully wrapped package.

Reimu: "And here's something for you."

As Richard unwrapped the gift, he discovered three small "golden" chains with a small infinity sign at the end of them along with a big "golden" infinity symbol that's meant to be wrapped around something

Richard: "This is amazing, Reimu. Thank you!"

Richard: "But what is with this big belt thing"

Reimu: "I know that your ability uses infinity or something like that, and you have a wizard that you got from somebody I cant remember"

Reimu: "but these are meant to be attached onto that"

Richard: "Oh wow thanks, ill try them out right now"

Richard then stealthily pulls the wizard hat out of his inventory so that Reimu cant see it appearing into existence out of thin air and starts to attach the accessory's onto his hat

Richard: "Does it look good?"

[Image] - pretend I can draw people that are not a 1 stud Lego brick, also pretend that I did not draw the Roblox man face, also there's no sword

The golden infinity chains gracefully adorned the wizard hat, adding a touch of magical elegance. Reimu nodded, a smile playing on her lips.

Reimu: "It suits you. Now, let's enjoy the rest of the festival!"

Richard: "Well about that, its nearly midnight so it about to end, but the fireworks are about to start

As the clock struck midnight, the night sky illuminated with a dazzling display of colors. Fireworks painted intricate patterns against the canvas of the dark heavens, casting a warm glow over the snowy landscape.

Reimu and Richard stood side by side, enjoying the breathtaking spectacle.

Reimu: "I've always loved fireworks. They make the winter nights feel so magical."

Richard: "Yeah, they're pretty amazing. It's been a great festival."

The vibrant bursts of light reflected in their eyes as they shared a quiet moment, appreciating the beauty of the display.

Reimu: "I uhhh, h-have s-s-something to say"

Reimu's face Is completely red

Richard: "hmm?, what is it"

Reimu's face turned even redder as she fidgeted with her Hakurei ribbon.

Reimu: "Well, it's just that, you know, this festival has been really nice, and, um, well..."

She paused, struggling to find the right words while stealing glances at Richard. The festive atmosphere and the enchanting backdrop of the fireworks seemed to embolden her.

Reimu: "I appreciate everything you've done, and, um, I enjoy spending time with you, Richard."

Reimu: "I-I-I-I l-love y-"

Reimu's words hung in the air, a mixture of surprise and anticipation etched across her face. Before she could complete her sentence, a sudden disturbance interrupted the tender moment. A mysterious gap, adorned with red eyes, materialized beside Richard, and a pale hand reached out, pulling Richard through with an irresistible force.

Reimu: "Wait, what?!"

The gap closed as swiftly as it had opened, leaving Reimu alone amidst the fading echoes of the fireworks. Her face transformed from surprise to a mix of confusion and concern.

Reimu: "..."

Reimu: "..."

Reimu: "im going to fucking kill yukari the next time I see her!"


{A/n here, or should it be Blender? I don't know 🤷, but anyway school is kind of weighing in on me right now, I was planning to upload bi daily on the winter break but I will be very busy}

{We have a new poster thumbnail thingy for the novel thanks to TheAnPlayer2, thanksss :) }

{Festival will be a double part thing, the finale being on Christmas 🎄🎄}

{also remember to use you power stones blah blah blah}

{thank you 2memos2igual22 Kind_Chara, for the power stones 。:.゚THANKヽ(*´∀)ノ゚YOU.:。+゚}

{You can put your donations here, I kind of forgot to add the donation and I only remembered that I did not because I have to write this paragraph, so Good news, ill add 2 donation, one from this paragraph and the other from the last one }

{octuple thank you to kind_chara for uhh, something}


{send me more comments and gifs since it makes my brain give the good chemicals}


2103 words