
CHAPTER 1°My boring dead and reincarnation °

my name is Kamizato Aerli( 敬お金アニメ,). I'm 14 years only, My parents died in a car accident when I was a kid, and now my mother friend adopted me

My life was just going fine, i was playing volleyball 🏐 for under 16 national team. My love for volleyball was Unlimited, { I was a fit Boy}{ I love watching animes and cartoons although I'm an adult, and my fav was Perman •it's like for kids but i like watching it }but one day as I was going out to buy some groceries, suddenly I saw a little girl running towards the road to pick up her ball, when a truck was coming forcefully I had no choice but to save her I ran towards her .

     Luckily I saved her but unfortunately I lose my life, At that time I just wish I could be reborn again in anime world's And Continue to play volleyball 🏐.

When I open my eyes, I saw a Bright figure. That figure told me he/she was God, and I was killed accidentally, Wow hearing that made me little sad but i accepted my fate. The God told me I was indeed a good person and asked me if I wanted to go in heaven or reincarnated again but in other world.

THAT WAS MY change, I love volley and helping others and I don't intent to stop that so the god ask me How I want my physical to be "ummm that was a good point I thought to MYSELF---{no magic stuff all)

   I said, Uh i want a Fit Body, Tall, handsome, Perfect in all, athelete, And super High stamina (fast).

the God said " ok i granted all of this

And said I will be reincarnated in my fav anime world.

my thoughts (shit, it would be probably Perman but, if im in that world I can't focus because I have this stupid crush on Pako aka sumire){ I WAS SOMEHOW SHOCK BECAUSE IT WAS A FICTION THING AND DOUBT, but God suddenly Said that it is just a piece of cake for him andto no worry }

      After some hour or mins,

when I open my eyes, Ive finally reincarnated and found a beautiful young lady holding me and saying " aw my son looks so handsome " and another guy said yes He looks like u honey""""

    They were my mother and father.

{ my mother was a famous actress and my father was a famous businessman. }

My father said" His name will be Aerli Tuatha Dé "

When i look around I saw a mirror and saw myself

Wow I was shocked I was really handsome I guess {I have pretty blue sparkling eyes and shiny white/silver hair  just like my father }.

   Just like that time Pass


I was little grown up..

i Know I was not the main character and Don't dare to bother This Permans group or intend to not talk Sumire and Mitsuo etc .

at the age of five I was already a successful young actor,,, i haven't started playing volley because i don't have that strength yet to even Spike a ball.


Imagination_3creators' thoughts