
Reincarnated In Naruto

A guy reincarnated into Naruto with 3 wishes. MC will date only one girl of my choice and I did not decide yet. I don't care if you like this or not and I'm just writing this for fun. I will upload when I feel like it but I will try daily.

TheZatwood2 · Action
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6 Chs


"Well my first wish is to have the highest talent inside Naruto world for example I want to learn jutsu faster than a Uchiha with his Sharingan on." I answered resolutely

"My second wish is to be born with all five elemental affinities like fire and wind." I answered hesitantly

"For my finale wish, I want a system that only gauges my stats and proficiencies of my skills like my wind release and what level I'm at." I answered

"The first one can be done but you will have to learn the hand signs for the jutsu and what takes a regular Shinobi a year to learn you will take two months to learn effectively, the second can be done but I'll put a limit on it so that you can't combine elements, and for the last one well I'll allow it but it'll unlock itself when you join the academy." God said

"I guess that is fair but what about the timeline and body will I be in?" I asked

"Well for the timeline, I will make you a year older than Naruto and for your body you'll make it yourself." God said

"Ok, for my body I want it to have blue hair, ocean blue eyes, a slime build, built for speed and not so much for strength, and be 5'11 at full majority" I answered back

"Done, now for your name what do you want it be be?" God asked

"I want my new name to be Takemoto Masaki" I answered back

"Well good luck Masaki for your new beginning in life and new adventure." God said

((A/N) I will try to use Japanese honorifics but I'm not promising I'll be good...)