

In the dark rainy night, with the high-altitude eagle and falcon, Shanmu chased the prey from a distance and stepped into a deserted mine.

He knows that the other side is deliberately tempting him, but so what?

Two years of life in the Rainbow Kingdom has already disgusted him. He has long wanted to be delighted and ready to fight.

Of course, he is very grateful for this ninja in front of him.

Eim is dead, and he can finally leave.

But as a thank you, he will cut off this person's head.

"Since you have selected the cemetery, then I'm not welcome."

Shanmu speeded up to catch up again, and at the moment of landing, suddenly turned around with his hands on With a touch on his waist, he pulled out the katana and turned around to fight!


Spark splashed everywhere, and the impact was loud!

Shanmu stepped back, raised a whip leg and pulled it fiercely.


Fugaku both arms crossed in front of you, blocking the blow, but under the violent impact, four five meters were drawn against the ground.

Yamaki stood with a mocking smile and said: "Don't run away?"

Fugaku hit the dust on his body, said with a smile: "I didn't want to run. "

"Yes, it's just hiding in Tibet just to lead me over."

Fugaku coldly snorted, myself split second, jumped high and swept straight to the mountain. Above, a kunai fiercely cut off in his hand.

It's just that Shanmu seems to have expected it a long time ago. Katana in his hand didn't even look at the sky in the sky and cut it down.


The weapons intersected again, and the land of the mountain underfoot was completely broken. However, his feet were firmly nailed to the ground, and Fugaku spun upside down. Got out.

"Fire-Style •Fire Dragon Bullet."

Fugaku in midair hand-sealed both hands, his chest bulged, and a mouthful of flame spurted out over ten meters in an instant.

"Wind-Style •Killing Formation."

Shanmu took a deep breath and spit it out suddenly, Wind-Style formed a vacuum airflow to block the front.

One end of the flame fiercely hit the airflow. From a distance, it is clearly visible that on this side of Fugaku, flames are surging out, and on the side of the mountain, an invisible wall is dead. Resisting the attack of flames.

After a while, Wind-Style and Fire-Style smashed at the same time, and the air waves generated by the explosion crushed the rocks in the pit into dust.

A Body Flicker Jutsu from Yamagi appeared in front of Fugaku. Fugaku shook his hands, and a Kunai straight thorn Yamagi appeared in each of his hands.

Shanmu Xingyun turned over like flowing water, and gently pressed his palm on Fugaku's shoulder and turned over. At the same time, he twisted and kicked Fugaku in midair.

Fugaku hands crossed in front of his chest, although he blocked Yamaki's this move attack, under one foot, he flew out more than ten meters again.


I don't know how long it took, Fugaku squatted on the ground panting, his tiger's mouth was cracked, and his body was covered with blood.

The condition of Shanmu is a little better, but the original black forbearance suit has been broken almost, and the exposed skin is even more burnt.

"What is the origin of this kid?"

Shanmu was surprised, looked that this kid is not too old, but did not expect that the strength is not weak, the two played for so long , He only had the upper hand.

It's a pity...This kid doesn't have any village logo on his body, and the Ninjutsu he used is not the Secret Jutsu of a specific clan.

Just as he was still thinking, Fugaku, who had come to rest, stood up, and an instant appeared behind Yamaki.

Shanmu didn't know whether his injury was too serious or he didn't react, and let Kunai, who was carrying lightning, stab him behind him.

However, after being pierced through Shanmu, there is no fear or even pain. What is unexpected is that his head turned one hundred and eighty degrees, his neck twisted and his head looked towards Fugaku.

"I expected you to launch a surprise attack on me.


Shanmu, who turned his head 180 degrees, his eyes filled Joking.

Although his injury was serious, the injury was far from serious.

Even the blood spit out from the corner of his mouth was deliberately vomited out by himself. One reason was to relieve the boiling blood energy in his chest, and the other reason was to lure Fugaku.

The mountain tree, which had been turned around once, appeared strange again.

From the depths of his mouth, a fang pointed that Kinoe also began to grow, and in a blink of an eye, the image of Shanmu changed from a middle-aged ninja to a ghost.

"Go to hell."

Yamaki opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, fiercely biting towards Fugaku.

"Did you know?"

Fugaku was unexpectedly calm in the face of Yamaki's attack.

"Not many people have dared to use Genjutsu in front of Uchiha Clan. Should I praise you for your courage, or... die?!"

Following his words After falling, Shanmu's mouth stopped at his neck, and it seemed to stretch forward a little bit, and that mouth would break his bloodline.

But for this last little distance, Shanmu really couldn't cross it anyway.


Just as Shanmu struggled with all his strength, bang bang, two noises came.

The whole picture like a mirror shattered, Shanmu's eyes widened in vain, and all the scenes just disappeared.

In the scene that reappeared, Fugaku held the kunai and pierced his heart from the front.

The corners of Shanmu's mouth were blood flowing, and at the same time he showed an incredible expression.

It turned out that Fugaku's eyes were scarlet, and the three-tomoe Sharingan was like a magnet, which firmly attracted his attention.


However, his words haven't been spoken yet. Kunai who Fugaku stuck in his heart twisted and crushed his heart completely. , A stream of blood poured into his trachea, affecting his pronunciation.

Shanmu smiled.

"No wonder your expression is so strange just now. It turns out that you saw through my Genjutsu a long time ago, and even used this moment to let me unconsciously hit Genjutsu.

Dead Uchiha Clan ninja has no loss in his hands."

For this paragraph of thought in my mind, Shanmu not at all said it, and the whole person slowly fell to the ground.

Fugaku sits on the ground and panting.

He had never used Sharingan in previous battles, just for the final blow.

The other side doesn't know that he is Uchiha Clan, so naturally he won't guard against Sharingan,

His Genjutsu can't compare with Uchiha Tatsumi, but it's better than ordinary ninja , It can come in handy at certain critical moments.

"Hehe, I won after all."

Fugaku who swallowed a few Food Pills, sealed Yamaki's head in a scroll, then got up and left.

As long as Shanmu, Jonin dies, no one can stop him from leaving.

"I can finally return to Konoha."

Half an hour after Fugaku left, a group of people came running wildly from the west, seeming to be marching in a hurry.


They have seven people in total,

Each person is carrying a Greatsword,

And Fugaku,

I don't know anything about it.