

When the water vapor caused by the iron gun jade dissipated, the Third-Kazakage in the thick smoke also revealed the figure.

He didn't have time to dodge, he just defended hastily. Although he was not directly attacked by Fire-Style or Water-Style, the water vapor was with no opportunity.

The face that was sharp and angular, as if it were cut by a knife, has now been burned mostly. Not only the face, but even the exposed arms are also severely burned.

This feeling is the same as Pakura's Super Steam Kill.

But how can I put it, so far, the biggest damage to Third-Kazakage is not the fiercest Sakumo, nor Orochimaru who wants to kill the other side, but the crazy ob Jiraiya on the side. .

This is more embarrassing.

"I want you all to die!" Third-Kazakage's hideous expression at this time, coupled with his burned face, has an abstract style.

——Magnet-Style Iron Sand World Method.

Driven by the huge Chakra, a large amount of iron sand began to regroup from the edge area. While the entire ground vibrated violently, part of it flew into the sky.

As the ultimate great move of Third-Kazakage, Ninjutsu is naturally extremely amazing in terms of formidable power and imposing-manner.

As for why not before?

Please, where is the reason why group battles are opened first and cards are played first?

Let's not talk about the cost of this move to Chakra. Even Third-Kazakage himself didn't look down on these four people before the war. He still had to get a quad kill before coming back to fight the group. The idea is.

If there is another big late stage comeback, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Unfortunately, the ideal is plump, and the reality is skinny. Now that his teammates haven't collapsed, he will be left with blood.

In desperation, this kind of trump card can only be thrown out.

But these people are not the kind of people who wait for the opponent to prepare a great move. Sakumo and Orochimaru carrying the White Fang have already moved towards Third-Kazakage.

Uchiha Tatsumi on the side snapped his fingers quickly, and a Genjutsu followed the sound.

Previously, this kind of Genjutsu was naturally ineffective, but Jiraiya's Fire-Style broke the tortoise shell of Third-Kazakage, and that layer of iron sand blocking the ears is gone.

"There is only one second." Uchiha Tatsumi reminded again, and then rushed up with Kunai with both hands.

This is not Sharingan Genjutsu after all, it is much shorter than before.

At this time, Sakumo and Orochimaru have appeared beside Third-Kazakage. One second is not long or short. In this time, Orochimaru slashed at Kazekage's At the shoulder, Sakumo's short blade stabbed Kazekage's chest.

Third-Kazakage without the protection of the iron sand shield, defensive power is no different from ordinary ninja, it will be half-life if you go down a brick.

But Uchiha Tatsumi is a bit strange. Does battlefield have unwritten rules that cannot kill the enemy's Village Kage? Otherwise, why both Orochimaru and Sakumo avoid the key points at the same time?

But he was pondered again and found something wrong. The number of shadows that died on battlefield is also a lot, let alone say that Second Hokage died in Land-of-Lightning.

"The living Third-Kazakage is more valuable than the dead."

Jiraiya who walked over seemed to see Uchiha Tatsumi's doubts, and quickly explained: "Only the living People can create the greatest value."

Uchiha Tatsumi nodded.

Indeed, such a Shinobi World War is not to create life and death. For the real upper layer interest group, how to create more favorable conditions is the most important.

Don't say anything else, at least the alive Third-Kazakage is worth a lot of money.

What, Daimyo is not willing to pay?

Don't be funny, Kazekage is already very embarrassed to be taken prisoner. If you don't even want to pay the ransom, then this village should be dissolved as soon as possible.

And Uchiha Tatsumi wants to say: Don't think too much, it's a tradition for Kazekage to be captured by others, and you will get used to it soon. Since you can't resist, learn to enjoy it with peace of mind.

The looked Third-Kazakage needs eyes opened at this time, Orochimaru's hands quickly formed a few marks, and then fiercely slapped his forehead with a palm, and finally hit the back of the neck on the other side , So that the other side completely entered the coma stage.

Followingly, he took out a Roll of Sealing Scroll from the Ninja Tool Pouch, took out a bundle of strong twine from it, and skillfully tied the unconscious Third-Kazakage to Wuhuada. It easily hit the shoulders.

"It's just a small means to seal Chakra."

The strange look in Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes, Orochimaru rarely explained.

Uchiha Tatsumi is a bit speechless. He doesn't see that it is Seal Chakra, but how many times have you done it to have such a skilled technique?

Sure enough, success has never been casual, and even trafficking is a technical activity.

"Let's go to the main battlefield. Jiraiya, send a victory message to Jonin Captain who is fighting over there.

It's time for this boring war to end!"


Jiraiya was nodded with excitement, with a triumphant expression on his face. He contributed the most in this battle, and no one took credit for this.

Thinking about relying on this wave of prestige, maybe Tsunade agreed to be his girlfriend when he got excited, Jiraiya couldn't help showing a wretched smile.

If he had a tail, he would probably be able to fly into the sky by wagging his tail now. Several people think so.

Just like how the lyrics are sung: I will come to see you forever...

This is probably the truest portrayal of Jiraiya.

After a while, looked that he has not moved yet, Orochimaru impatiently said: "Hey, Jiraiya, hurry up."

"Wait a minute! I'm giving it to me Name the child of Tsunade."


In desperation, Sakumo can only summon two male hawks, this kind of small Ninja Beast summon is a skill that must be learned as a Commander.

Soon, the neighing male hawk hovered into the sky, and the high-pitched neigh circled the battlefield.

At the same time, Orochimaru and Uchiha Tatsumi, carrying Third-Kazakage, ran to the final War Zone.

The tweet of male hawk in the sky lasted for a long time. Hidden Sand did not understand this signal, but Konoha Captain who was present was very clear.

This is a sign of victory...

Konoha Ninja who fought in Land-of-Rivers knew the name of Third-Kazakage Strongest Kazekage, even if they reported the biggest to Orochimaru Confidence, but most of Jonin feels that they are awkward.

After all, that is a character as famous as Third Hokage.

This four-year war that started from Land-of-Rain, is it about to end?

At this moment, Tsunade, standing on the head of the huge Katsuyu, suddenly shouted loudly.

"Konoha ninjas,

Third-Kazakage has lost,

We have won this war!

Now the village Just behind,

Your parents, child,

are waiting for you to go home.

So what are you still hesitating?!

Let these rats hear our roar,

see our imposing-manner,

and the blood on our hands,

our spine The power of

and Willpower in our hearts,


Fight for Konoha!"

Her voice Under the mixing of Chakra, it quickly spread throughout the battlefield.

For a time, countless ninja lifts the head, looking at this bloody woman who has been rushing to the forefront, a wave of pride stirred in the heart of every Konoha Ninja.

"Everyone rush, kill this group of losers!"
