
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Livres et littérature
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King of Werewolves

[Cedric Diggory's POV]

I felt drowsy; it was hard for me to open my eyes. When I did, I was blinded by white light. It seemed I had been out for a while.

"Where was I?" The question popped into my head. I remembered! I was at my aunt's home in America, out on a walk when I felt something hit my head.

Ah, so that was the source of the stinging pain I felt. I looked at my surroundings. Two more people were beside me, their hands and legs tied with wires like mine. But what surprised me was the boy's face.

He looked exactly like me, well, not exactly. He looked quite older. I was confused. Did the people who kidnapped me want to clone me or something? I was terrified, to say the least. What did these people want from me?

I looked at the girl beside that boy. She was pretty but too skinny. Her black jeans were torn at the thighs, her white skin was showing, which stimulated me a bit. I shook my head and dismissed the bad thoughts. I am not a bastard like Agustus. Cho is more than enough for me.

I used wandless magic to break the wire holding me. Why did they use this thin silver wire? It could be broken with a little force, I could have broken it with bare hands but using wandless magic was cooler. And silver? Really? What do they take me for? A vampire?

Heh, I chuckled at the amusing thought. As I removed the wire from my legs and stood up, I touched the back of my head and felt a bump.

Shit, it hurts. Seeing the dry blood, it seemed I had bled quite a lot. I reached into my pocket for my wand, but it seemed my captors had already taken it. I had to get out of here. As for the clone and the girl, I wanted to help them, but first I had to contact Agustus. If I could reach him, it would ensure the safety of all of us.

I walked toward the gate, which I guessed was made of very hard iron. Now this was tricky. I could blast the walls with a wandless Bombarda, but I didn't see a window or anything. We might be kept underground.

Blasting the gate would be hard and create a lot of noise, which would alert the captors. What should I do now?

[POV end]

[Harry Potter's POV]

I was having dreams... No, they were not dreams. Nightmares is the correct word for it. I saw Voldemort torturing many Muggle men, killing them after inflicting pain that sent shivers to my core.

He killed their loved ones in front of them, he laughed hysterically at their agony, they pleaded for mercy, grovelled at his feet, rubbing their head to the ground just to be thrown into a room filled with hungry mouse which enjoyed the taste of human flesh.

I was afraid of sleeping. It had been a month since I truly felt fresh; my senses had gone dull. Sirius noticed this too, but I couldn't tell him now.

Sirius and Alice had been meeting frequently. Alice visited us a lot, and I really enjoyed being with her.

Me, her, and Sirius were the perfect family. She was really sad when she came one day; it was disheartening to see her cry like that. It made me angry towards her husband.

Neville visited us too. He felt angry and confronted his father, but that man didn't even answer his questions and called Alice a traitor to the house of Longbottom.

My nightmares had become more and more realistic as time passed by. It was as if I was connected to his mind with a thread. I could hear his thoughts, why he tortured people, and the answer was disgusting. He did it for his amusement.

"You okay, mate? You don't look good," asked Ron, concern visible on his face.

I was at the Weasleys'. The summer was coming to an end; only two weeks of holidays were left.

"I'm alright, Ron. Thanks for asking." Ron had changed a lot too. He started studying and exercising with me.

I asked him about his change, and he answered with, "Mate, I'm not the heir of an ancient noble house with thousands of Galleons as inheritance. I know I won't be a great wizard. Heck, I am sure Fred and George would be better at magic than me, even though they barely study. After seeing your growth, I... I just want to be good, Harry. A good son to my parents, a good brother to my siblings, that maybe the least I could do for being a selfish brat for years." He was crying at the end. It made me sad that he felt this way. I hugged him and consoled him. Since then, our friendship became a lot stronger. Neville too had joined our training. The three of us had become like brothers.

"Harry, can you talk to Ginny? She's been avoiding me after I ate her pumpkin pie. Only you could make her forgive me," he said casually, which made me glare at him.

"Oh, weren't you on a diet? Future great wizard? And what about being a great brother!" I said to him.

His face was a little flushed. "Ahmm, oh! Dumbledore eats sweets, yes, and he's a great wizard, and pumpkin pie won't make me like a fat pig and I don't want Ginny to get fat either so I chose to make a sacrifice for her" he said dismissively.

Nope, he didn't change at all, atleast he's studying and exercising.

I sighed. "It's not about one pie, Ron. It's about discipline, commitment, and willpower. You have to learn to control your urges."

"Alright, mate. I'll give it my all. Let's go inside now; today's training is over anyway," he said as we started walking towards the Burrow.

It was 5 in the evening. Both of us were sweating as we were doing push-ups and running around the garden. As we entered the house, we saw Fred and George sitting at the dining table quietly. Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley were talking to them.

"They'll find him. MACUSA people are highly trained. Don't worry, boys," said Mr. Weasley.

"We are not worried, Mum. Agustus would surely find him. It's just we are confused—" said George.

"—why he got missing in the first place?" finished Fred.

[POV end]

[Peter Stubbe, Alpha of the largest werewolf pack in Europe - POV]

"So, how many this time?" I asked my friend Henry, one of my most trusted betas.

"Twenty Pete, he was experimenting with them, apparently he found a new hobby of testing muggle torture methods" he said, with his eyes glowing blue in rage.

Henry rarely got angry, of he was, then shit is getting out of hand. I've know him since we were ten.

We we're born as a werewolf nonwe were just normal kids who did dumb shit for fun, before turning into werewolves, we wanted to become the best football players in the world, and I was sure Henry would become one of the greatest player in the world, he was so talented and hardworking. But one night, it all changed. Our fates were sealed due to an ancient curse or because we were smoking outside the field, it was dark, past 9, we were supposed to be heading home when a big wolf bit us both and ran away.

It's fine, though—we made it work. Now I am the strongest Alpha of the largest European werewolf pack, Yes I killed the bloke that turned us, and also renamed the pack as Arsenal...

But coming to England was a mistake of mine. I thought it would be easy, but it wasn't. That madman killed twenty betas because they couldn't find a house that was magically hidden!

They were normal betas; they didn't have magical powers. It was then I realized how wrong I was about all of this.

But as an Alpha, it is my job to take revenge for what he has done to my pack, and I got great information about him.

It seems the Dark Lord has been beaten by a fourteen-year-old boy. I know how crazy that sounds—I nearly bit off the neck of my beta who gave me this information.

"Don't worry, mate. We'll avenge all of them. Did you contact him?" I said, patting his shoulder.

He raised his eyebrows and tried to suppress his grin. "Of course, and he said, and I quote, 'Get ready to rule the werewolves all over the world.' I couldn't believe what I saw, brother."

I laughed at that. It was definitely my best decision to come here. I am going to be the King of werewolves.

[POV end]


Sup I aced my tests now I've got time, I will try uploading every day.

Seeya tomorrow.