
Reincarnated in gate op

This is a translation of my story, please note that it was only translated by Google Translate. Also feel free to leave your comment. // Well, to begin with, this will be the first story I do so I hope you like it, although I only do it because I found the idea of ​​doing whatever you want in a fantasy world interesting and the idea of ​​reincarnation is something interesting as well. Like the idea of ​​traveling to other worlds, if you have any suggestions or something you want to add, comment as well as how fortunate you got here in the first place so thank you.// // The protagonist is good and bad, you could say his personality is changeable and somewhat strange, as he does bad things, he also does not know the reason why he does them but he does not like the idea that others do them, he thinks that only He has the right to do them, it seems wrong for others to do them, but if he does them, he does not care as well as he does not mind manipulating people or changing people in his favor or taste no matter who he is or because it is his love, If you can do it quickly, that's fine, but you will also take your time to do other things and also to take action in other places and events in the world.// // All credit to the respective creators of Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri the only thing that belongs to me is my character and this fanfic itself.//

Keisolu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs


[In a certain town and in a certain tavern]

"They chased away a fire dragon?!" was heard the surprised voice of several drunkards.

"Yes, that's right, I saw them myself" was heard the voice of one of the villagers that kei helped.


"You expect us to believe you?"

they complained, not believing the story she had told them.

"It's true!!!" She exclaimed in annoyance as they were taking her for a liar.

"Are you sure you didn't dream the whole thing?" one of the people around her asked as he took her for crazy making everyone around her laugh.

"grrrr!!!" She growled in annoyance "I don't care if they believe me" she grumbled as she stomped off the floor beneath her and went back to her work.

"What do you think?" asked Hamilton one of the knights in the pineapple order and one of the most loyal within her order.

"What do I think?" he asked himself "The bar is filthy, the beer is horrible and the food worse" replied Norma another of the pineapple order.

"Norma." grey reprimanded this time the one who could be considered the master of piña and her order since he trained them "We are on a secret mission, heading to arnus hill and we are also talking about the fire dragon."

"You're too loud." piña reprimanded them telling them to speak quieter "Hamilton, continue." said piña giving a signal to her to continue speaking.

"Yes" Hamilton nodded her head and continued speaking "this is a rumor spreading fast, a group of green clad mercenaries evacuated the inhabitants of coda and while doing so, they chased away a fire dragon."

"There are all kinds of dragons: ancient, newborn and also winged." added Norma without fully believing what he had heard.

"It really was a fire dragon, dear customer." came the voice of the village girl, whom kei had helped.

"you can't fool me," Norma said at the girl's protest.

"I saw it myself." she tried to counterattack as she rested her hands on her hips.

"Could you tell us more about the ones who defeated the dragon?" this time Hamilton interjected who was trying to get more information, after all people like them who work in taverns are notorious for always being on top of rumors.

"mmm... I don't know" she said vaguely, showing that she wouldn't talk if there was nothing in return.

"I believe you" Hamilton said as she pulled out a coin, clearly understanding that is what was needed for her to speak.

"Thank you, young knight!!!" exclaimed the girl as she directly snatched the coin from hamilton's hand. "Alright, I'll have to tell you a special story. When the dragon attacked us that day they saved us, they had a magical weapon that looks like a steel phallus and they moved in powerful vehicles that could not be damaged, and they were dressed in green."

"Thank you very much" Hamilton replied as she and her group processed the information.

"Don't worry young knight but I will give them some extra information." she commented as inwardly she was relieved that finally someone believed her so she decided she would give them a little more information "they all seemed to be led by a mage which helped us a lot, along with his blue haired maid they were both completely in another league, because if it wasn't for my family I would have stayed with that handsome mage." she commented again as a blush formed on her cheeks as she remembered kei's face. (side effect of kei's aura)

"cof cof" piña coughed a little to snap her out of her little trance as this information was now much more valuable.

"Oh!" she quickly came out of her trance and continued talking even with the blush on her cheeks " they two were the ones who finished chasing the dragon away, the magician for his part whipped the dragon on the floor while the maid called a white colored snake and ripped off one arm of the dragon." she said as she quickly moved on to pick up the empty plates from pineapple's table. "That would be all, thank you very much." she said quickly as she left the table.

Leaving a piña somewhat surprised as well as the others at the table, and that she only gave superficial information, since she did not give any names and only gave a vague description.

[Arnus Hill]

After arriving at the hill, Esdeath separated from kei and went to arrange everything needed for the refugees even though the houses and most of the things were already in order, but still, esdeath decided to check it herself.

But leaving that aside, Itami took roll call of all the refugees and when esdeath came back she assigned the housing so it didn't take long for almost everything to be in order.

While right now, kei is sitting at the table where the food will be served, while in the distance you can see how esdeath and lelei walk back and forth, while esdeath explains things to lelei and teaches her to speak more fluently, although kei was more focused on how it is that the two of them look like sisters, although you would only think this by the hair color of both of them since esdeath's hair color is a deep blue and lelei's is a light blue color.

So while kei was looking at them from afar something unexpected happened, esdeath who was feeling kei's gaze began to move more seductively, causing kei not to take his eyes off her, although he was interrupted by a plate of food which was placed next to him.

"hmm??" kei said nothing, he just made a sound with his mouth in question.

"Would you like some ramen?" asked Itami who came over for a moment to talk to kei since it was thanks to him that he wasn't scolded too much.

"Sure, why not." replied kei without much thought, after all, who would waste a bowl of ramen, so without much thought he directly took the bowl and started eating.

*ufs* *ufs* (slurping sound.)

"it's delicious." x2 both praised how good it tasted.

"what didn't you make it?" asked kei since he thought maybe Itami or someone in the kitchen had made it.

"No" Itami shook his head " in fact it was kurokawa who made it she told me to give you a plate." said Itami as he remembered how hard it was to get Kurokawa to give him a plate for him to eat.

"She's over there." added Itami as he pointed towards one of the nearby tents.

Kei, turned his gaze to the tent pointed by Itami to see how esdeath and mari were trying to teach lelei how to cook ramen, which seemed to be something not so difficult, by the ease in which lelei repeated all the actions given by both of them.

But while kei was thinking about how to thank mari about the food, Itami was trying to find a way to ask him a question, which had him a bit intrigued so he decided better not to think about it too much and just ask it plain and simple.

"Can I ask you a question?" said Itami as his voice became slightly more serious.

"sure" kei replied without much thought, it was rare for Itami to strike up a conversation with him.

"what do you think about this new world?" asked Itami because he had always wondered how a genie thought about this matter.

"Power" kei answered with just one word, after all right now that Japan had in their jurisdiction the portal they could subsist isolated and without the need of any other country, plus they would have all the freedom to impose their government on this new world with the military power they possess.

"With power eh." Itami also thought the same thing " and you don't want some of that power?" asked Itami, if kei knew how beneficial the new world would be, then it will be easier to explain the reason why he also wanted to be on this side of the portal, because after all who wouldn't want a piece of this big cake. (now that I read it in English, it sounds kind of weird).

"of course not." kei didn't bother to think about the question, he could do whatever he wanted with everything he has already achieved so far "you really think I need it? right now I control the entire technology and energy industry, two of the most important things for everyone and yet I have a backdoor for every single one of my inventions so even if they wanted to use them against me nothing would work... so now that you know this, you still think I need it?" said kei while leaning his head on his arm.

Itami was left with his mouth shut, while he could only think that everything kei said was correct, who would be so stupid as to create things that could be used against himself, so he better decided to drop the subject and finish his meal like kei even though right now it was already cold.

So the afternoon went by and after everyone had eaten, esdeath, tuka, lelei and Rory wanted to take a bath to which esdeath called kei to take one too even though he didn't need it because of the cleaning magic, but even so he wouldn't refuse a hot bath, although he would take it alone, because he doesn't get used to enter a bath full of people unless they are women.

But leaving that aside, we focused on a conversation that was going on in the women's bathroom right now.

"I can't believe they built a fancy bathroom in a place like this." said Rory as she really missed taking a bath like this as she was always wandering all over the place, so it was rare for her to have a bathroom like this.

"I've never taken a bath indoors." mentioned lelei.

"No?" said Rory in the form of a question.

"No" lelei shook her head and continued "I originally belonged to a nomadic tribe called Rurudo. So I used to bathe in rivers and streams." lelei said as she remembered a bit of her past and origin "you had an indoor bath, priestess?" lelei asked.

"call me Rory." replied Rory.

"Okay, then please call me Lelei." said Lelei without much thought.

"Yes, the temple had a luxurious imperial bath" said Rory while remembering how good it felt to take a bath in that place "But as an apostle, I have to wander all over the land" she said somewhat disappointed, what's the use of being praised as a god if you can't enjoy it "so that's why I'm surprised there's a bath like this in the middle of nowhere." said Rory while splashing some hot water on her face.

"You can take a bath like this anytime you want, master kei entrusted me to take care of you." mentioned esdeath who was helping a little girl wash her hair.

"Kei? Ah. the handsome mage" mentioned Rory as she licked her lips.

"Was it him who saved me?" came tuka's voice, which had said nothing until this moment "mm... I was wondering if it was him who saved me and my people" she explained unconsciously to the attentive looks of lelei and Rory.

"Yes, it was master kei who pulled you out of the well and the one who chased the dragon away that time." esdeath replied as she stepped into the hot water. "ahhh~~~" esdeath let out a sigh of pleasure at the sensation even though the sensation was nothing compared to the massage kei was giving her while she thought he was asleep.

"Kei" tuka said softly, as if trying to burn the name into her memory, so she repeated it many times under her breath, under the attentive stares of the other girls.

"You seem more relieved." mentioned Rory.

"huh?" tuka didn't understand what Rory was referring to.

"You seemed worried about something." added lelei.

"Well, I..." tuka paused for a moment to think about her words "I haven't been able to thank the person who saved my life and my father's, along with the village so I was wondering if it was okay for me to be here." mentioned tuka somewhat downcast as she remembered how her dad bragged that a wizard had saved his life and that one of these days he would have to thank him, although, well, he wasn't the only one since all the other female elves were looking for a way to thank him.

And as for the other elves... well let's forget about them (XD).

"Don't worry, master kei would never take you out of this place for something so small" esdeath replied to tuka's concerns "besides I think he has some interest in you three, after all he asked me to take care of you" she added with some mischief in her voice.

"That doesn't bother you?" asked Rory which was somewhat confused with what esdeath said, because earlier she wouldn't let Rory near kei.

"Why would it?" asked esdeath somewhat confused.

"Well... he is your partner isn't he? so and I don't think you want to share him right?" asked more confused Rory while tuka and lelei just listened with red ears and red face, although the face was because they had already been so long submerged in the hot water, and even if they wanted to get out right now they decided to stay, although tuka didn't know why is it that she was getting so interested in the answer since she hasn't had a direct interaction with kei.

"It's normal for a strong male to attract a lot of females isn't it, so why would it be wrong?" said esdeath as she also got to thinking something else, why she wanted there to be more females besides her.

They were all somewhat surprised by esdeath's answer, although in this world it is normal for nobles to have more women, it is also normal for a man to stay with only one woman, so they didn't think too much about it and let it pass as normal although they didn't expect esdeath's next comment.

"Besides, I'm sure if I did it alone with him I would end up completely broken." add esdeath while remembering with a red face how from time to time she felt how something big, hard and hot pressed against her.

it was now, that they all decided to leave the bathroom, for her part Rory just licked her lips while thinking that the idea of being broken didn't sound so bad judging by esdeath's dreamy expression, while lelei and tuka couldn't process everything well and left quickly as they started to feel dizzy.

"Ahh" kei let out a sigh of pleasure as the conversation ended and so he decided that he would have to give esdeath a gift, for being such a good maid and such a good girlfriend, since who knew she would be the one to end up furthering the expansion of his harem.

[Inside a church in the middle of nowhere]

"Your Excellency Duran." said piña in a low voice.

"Princess piña??" came the confused and surprised voice of Duran, the man kei let slip away. "What are you doing here?" he asked as soon as he managed to locate her inside the room.

"when I was looking for information about Arnus, I heard a rumor about a noble man, who was recovering in this place." piña answered the question.

"information?" asked Duran because as far as he knew some people managed to report what happened "You don't know what happened in Arnus!?" asked duran somewhat exalted, only for the realization to come to him, 'ohh what a fool I was, even with all those years of experience I didn't see it coming.' was what he thought.

"Uh.." piña was a little surprised at Duran's sudden exaltation.

"You haven't heard anything? You don't know about that?" asked duran again as he remembered what happened that night. "What happened to the allied army?" asked duran again.

"The imperial army was defeated since before we fought, wasn't it?" you could hear the paranoia in his voice "The emperor knew about it and yet he invoked the army of the allied countries, We were a threat to the empire, so he used the enemy to get rid of us." Duran finished tying up all the loose ends.

"T-that's right the imperial army was defeated, but.." piña tried to defend the empire but Duran didn't let her finish.

"Princess, the allied army fought to the end. But our real enemy was at our backs," Duran said.

"Behind your back?" asked piña.

"Don't you understand?" he asked as he turned to piña " THE EMPIRE!!! the empire was our enemy!!!" He shouted completely out of character, duran was always wise, but he never expected that an oversight would end this way, after all he had lost a leg and an arm in a mysterious way (XD).

"Your excellency, at least tell me what you know about the enemy, please!!!" said piña in a desperate way, she had nowhere to extract information from anymore, for her mission everyone who managed to get to report to the empire immediately was killed, so she didn't have many ways to get information, so this was her last way to get some kind of valuable information.

"If you want to know, go all the way to Arnus yourself, but I warn you one thing, no matter what the situation, never piss off a black haired mage and his blue haired maid, or we could all be lost." said duran, because while he escaped he got a glimpse of esdeath and kei's appearance.

Piña just walked out of the room, regretting not getting as much information as she would have liked, since all she got was a warning so even though she was a bit down, she made up her mind and will stand firm in her decision, then as she walked out to the front where the members of her order were waiting for her, she decided to give them the new announcement without hesitation.

"We are going out to arnus hill and this is an order. Under no circumstances will you anger the wizard we are looking for" announced piña while remembering one more die about the wizard she is looking for "his description is a black haired man who is accompanied by a maid with blue hair." added piña.

"As you command Miss Piña." For their part their members at first were confused by the sudden change of attitude of their leader, but they did not hesitate when they crossed glances, because the look that piña had was so firm that they decided that they had better ask at another time.

[The following day]

(Note: here the problem reported by mari (kurokawa) to Itami will not occur since tuka's father is still alive).

In the morning there was tuka, Rory and the teacher sitting at an outdoor table although the teacher was completely asleep.

"tuka?" asked Rory, as she was staring blankly "is something wrong?"

"No, nothing" was all tuka answered.

"This is awesome isn't it?" asked Rory trying to change the subject "Esdeath said this was all provided by kei and it would only be a temporary place" Rory said.

"There's plenty of food and a bathroom, plus it's much more comfortable than the forest." said tuka as she looked around "But..."

"But? is something wrong?" asked Rory.

"It's just that someday we'll have to take care of ourselves, and I don't know what I'm going to do." said tuka as she closed her eyes.

Rory for her part understood what tuka was referring to although, in Rory's case it was completely different since if she wants to she can get whatever she wants.

"Besides in the worst case scenario, we will have to sell ourselves to the soldiers on the hill." said tuka while shaking a little with her eyes closed.

"Wow!!! don't you think you are being a little hasty, after all master kei asked me to take care of you guys" esdeath's voice was heard which came with a lelei dressed in an anti chemical suit "besides if you are going to sell your body why not give it to master kei." added with a mischievous smile on esdeath's face.

"Ehhh!!!" tuka could only blush at the idea, even though she hadn't spoken to kei, she could still see him from afar talking to esdeath.

"the outside looks safe, so I'd like you to come with me." said lelei.

[In the surroundings of Arnus hill.]

"there are only dragon corpses here" said Rory looking around.

"yes, the self-defense forces killed them." explained lelei.

"Master kei said that you guys can keep them." said esdeath while remembering the conversation in the morning with kei.

[Flash back]

[kei's room] (although technically it's esdeath and kei's).

"Master ke--" esdeath tried to call out to kei, only to be cut off mid-sentence when kei kissed her for a full minute before the watchful eyes of lelei, who was standing behind esdeath.

"Good morning esdeath." said kei after releasing esdeath who was in a trance writhing in kei's arms.

"Ahh!!! yes, good morning master kei." replied esdeath after she came back to her senses.

"Do you need me for anything?" asked kei to then look behind esdeath and see that lelei was standing looking at him with red cheeks "good morning lelei" kei greeted lelei, deciding not to say anything to her because of the fact that she had seen them.

"Good morning kei" lelei said as she thought kei was too cheeky.

"Master kei" esdeath spoke "I would like to know if it was a good idea for lelei and the other girls to take the dragon corpses, lelei said she wanted to sell them."

"dragon corpses?" asked kei, because he remembers them flying away when he appeared on the battlefield.

"Yes" replied esdeath "Lieutenant Itami says that according to one report, they came back to attack after we retreated." explained esdeath.

"Oh!" kei was kind of surprised because he didn't think they would come back to this place, even though he was no longer in the place, which tells him that these dragon are more idiots than they look like.

"Yes, no problem at all." said kei completely brushing aside that he should have asked Itami, though he was sure that if he asked him anyway he wouldn't refuse, because he really doesn't have any other choice.

"Thank you very much" was heard the voice of lelei which slightly ducked her head.

[End Flash back]

"Ehhh!!!" tuka was heard shouting in surprise "winged dragon scales with very valuable!" said tuka as she kept raising her voice in surprise.

"They don't seem to have any interest in them" said lelei "so we can sell the scales."

So with that it was decided that same day, they would go and sell the dragon scales.

a slightly longer chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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