
Reincarnated In Dxd As The Twin Of Sirzechs

*Male to Female* *Yuri scenes, R-18 scenes, Gore scenes.. * Synopsis: A man dies and reincarnate with wishes in Dxd as the twin broth.. sister of Sirzechs with the mutated Innate Ability. *Mc will travel to different universes after a while, i dont know if after the Canon or before the Canon. *Additional Tags: Female (?) Protagonist, Devil, Evolution, Smut. *I could update chapters every day or once a week, i dont know sometimes i could wait for 1 weeks and then publish so if you are looking for a series with steady updates i dont reccomend it.

Unhonored · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 14

The next chapter will include a 5-year time skip.

I've also added a new "character and more" auxiliary chapter; you should check it out.


Chapter 14 Begins


Elesis (MC) Pov

Sirzechs, Serafall, Ajuka, Falbium and I take the stand and begin to adress the army.

"Today, we will eradicate the 4 Satan Families-those who have tormented you, who have made your lives a living hell (haven?)."

"They never once looked at you as equal, as members of Devil Race. Instead they saw you as mere slaves, beneath them, not worthy of respect or dignity. But today, we will make them pay."

"We will hunt them down to the very last member. No mercy,no hesitation. We will make sure their entire bloodline cease to exist."

"We will slaughter their clans men, just as they mercilessly slaughtered ours. We will lay waste to their homes, destroy their legacies, and bring their twisted reing to a brutal end."

"Their wifes, husbands, childrens, friends-non will be spared. We will not rest until every last one of them has been wiped from the face of the underworld."

"Once and for All Devils, are you with us!" I bellowed, my voice echoing through the masses

"Yeahhh!" the crowd roared back, their voices filled with bloodlust and fury.

Of course, these shouts were not heard by the nearby city, as I had erected a barrier to prevent the sound from traveling that far.

"Then, stand with us! Fight alongside the Five Inferni, and together, we will bring down the 4 Satan Families! We will be their undoing!" I yelled and crowd once more roared back.

"Then lets march!" I yelled and our army marched to the Lucifaad, the capital of Devils.

The rest was easy. While our army wiped out the opposing forces, we, the Five Inferni, merely toyed with the heirs of Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus.

After toying with them for a while, we killed them. Serafall, Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Falbium went to oversee the army, while I began casting a curse.

I created this curse using the power of Devour. With it, I can consume all beings of the devoured bloodline. Of course, I can't overuse it and those stronger then me can resist it.

And so, I began casting the curse:

"By the abyssal hunger within, I invoke the ancient rite of consumption. Let the bloodline of Leviathan become mine, devoured and claimed through the essence that flows within."

"Through the veins of the devoured, I connect, like a web of fate spun from their very core."

"As I consume, let none escape, for the bond is eternal. Those who share this blood, near or far, are bound to my insatiable maw. From the first to the last, all shall be devoured, their life force drawn to me like moths to flame. So it is decreed, by the power of Devour."

I chanted and the curse activated.

A sinister aura spread across the Underworld, felt by everyone-especially those with the Leviathan Bloodline.

Every devil with Leviathan Blood perished, their bodies devoured by me.

The last thing they saw were gaping maws and countless eyes beneath them, consuming them whole.

In that moment, I felt my devour power hesitate—not because it couldn't devour, but because it sensed that this individual might be someone I would want to spare.

My devour power is sentient and always acts in my best interest, no matter the cost. Through its eyes, I looked at the person it resisted consuming, and I understood why it had hesitated.

I teleported to the spot and gently caressed my devour power—its maws and eyes responding to my touch. My devour power, sentient and loyal, would never act against me or my interests, just like Raphael of Rimuru. The reason for its hesitation was clear: the person before me was someone I desired as my wife—Ingvild Leviathan.


She is a half-devil afflicted by a sleeping disease, incredibly beautiful, and possesses a Longinus, Nereid Kyrie. Nereid Kyrie grants the power to control dragons and the sea. I gazed at her sleeping form and brought her to my residence. I would help her awaken her Sacred Gear and overcome the sleeping disease. Afterward, I chanted my devour curse two more times, consuming the entire Beelzebub and Asmodeus bloodlines.

"Huuuh, this is exhausting. Thank Lucifer they didn't have anyone at the rank of Super Devil or higher, or I would have failed." I said.

Afterward, I checked my status.

[Name: Elesis Gremory


Current World: High School Of DxD

Existence Rank: High-Level Super-Class Devil

DE Units: DE Units

Demonic Power: The Devourer

Devoured Bloodlines: 72 Devil Bloodlines, Dragon Bloodlines, Nine Tailed Fox Bloodline, God's Bloodlines...

Devoured Powers: Devour, Time Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Dark Light Manipulation, Divinities...

Forbidden Rune Knowledge Profiency:

Basic Runes: %100

Mid Runes: %99

High Runes: %0


Infernity Creation Percentage:

Infernity of Devour: %70 (by comprehending)

Infernity of Time: %14 (by comprehending and help of Faith)

Infernity of Space: %17 (by comprehending and help of Faith)

Infernity of Devil: %4 (by the help of Faith)]

I have begun my journey in creating my Infernity, earning worship from some devils after protecting and fighting for them.

I decided to establish four main Infernities: Devour, Time, Space, and Devil.

I created the Devour Infernity (Imcomplete) without using any Faith energy, but I did use Faith energy to create the Time, Space, and Devil Infernities (Imcomplete). Time and Space Infernities will merge once created (When complete).

Devour, Time, and Space Infernities are self-explanatory, while the Devil Infernity grants me the power to dominate all weaker devils who do not possess the Devil Infernity.

After reviewing my status, I take Lilith out from my Devour Space. I gaze at her peaceful, smiling, sleeping form.

"I am sorry but your existence will be devoured, for my benefit" I say, shedding a singel tear. She has suffered so much and her end will be me.

I take one last look at her before devouring her. The moment I do, I feel a special power form with in me - the power to create devils from my flesh, the power to control all devils created from both mine and Lilith's flesh, and their descendants.

I gain the ability to dominate all devils who are weaker than me and impose rules that they cant defy.

I wonder how Muzan from Demon Slayer creates demons. I think I will go there to observe his method, as I prefer not to use my own flesh to create devils.

After a few minutes of observing my changes, I attempted to tap into the power of devils, and to my surprise, it proved quite difficult. I could add rules for devils, but not anything too complicated. I could create devils with the powers of 72 Pillars and more, but I am currently unable to create Ultimate Class Devils.

I check my status again to see what has changed after consuming Lilith, and I am quite surprised by the results.

[Name: Elesis Gremory


Current World: High School Of DxD

Existence Rank: High-Level Super-Class Devil

DE Units: 4.680.000.000 DE Units

Demonic Power: The Devourer

Devoured Bloodlines:....

Devoured Powers: Devour, Time Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Devil Control,....

Forbidden Rune Knowledge Profiency:....

Infernity Creation Percentage:

Infernity of Devour: %78 (by comprehending)

Infernity of Time: %14 (by comprehending and help of Faith)

Infernity of Space: %17 (by comprehending and help of Faith)

Infernity of Devil: %66 (by comprehending and help of Faith)]

My Demonic Energy has quadrupled, and my comprehension of both Devour and Devil has significantly increased.

I began to feel these powers becoming an integral part of me.

In the past, they felt like possessions rather than extensions of myself, but now they are merging with my essence. They are becoming as inherent to me as my hair or eyes.

Once I fully integrate with these powers, my true form and its abilities will evolve accordingly.

As I continued to explore the extent of my changes, Serafall, Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Falbium burst into my room. Serafall immediately leaped towards me and hugged me tightly, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Eleeee, are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

"What happened?" I asked, confused, as they shouldn't have sensed anything.

"We felt your power radiating throughout the Underworld. What could you have done to cause such a disturbance? We also received reports of people being swallowed by maws and eyes,"

"We were worried that you might have lost control of your power." She explained.

I chuckled softly and embraced Serafall.

"Don't worry, nothing happened to me. I simply used a curse to eliminate all members of the Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus factions," I clarified.

Their reactions were marked by surprise, as they had anticipated that I would destroy their bloodline, but not in such a manner.

"I told you, nothing would happen to Elesis, Serafall," Falbium said with a sleepy tone.

"So, how did you cast that curse? It was so powerful that it could be felt all over the Underworld," Serafall asked.

I proceeded to explain how I created and used the curse.





Chapter 14 Ends
