
Reincarnated In Dxd As The Twin Of Sirzechs

*Male to Female* *Yuri scenes, R-18 scenes, Gore scenes.. * Synopsis: A man dies and reincarnate with wishes in Dxd as the twin broth.. sister of Sirzechs with the mutated Innate Ability. *Mc will travel to different universes after a while, i dont know if after the Canon or before the Canon. *Additional Tags: Female (?) Protagonist, Devil, Evolution, Smut. *I could update chapters every day or once a week, i dont know sometimes i could wait for 1 weeks and then publish so if you are looking for a series with steady updates i dont reccomend it.

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22 Chs

Chapter 10

I Put * to the chapter title for short sex scene.

I Will Put ** to the chapter title for chapter long sex scene.


Chapter 10 Begins.


--Elesis (MC) Pov

We enter the dungeon and what greets us is that 7 naked woman all chained and 3 of them are pregnant.

After a few years of them being here I change my mind about them not being able to leave.

They could leave but they had to be here when I wanted them to be.

But for the past few years non of them left this dungeon, saying they dont have anything they want in the outside world and all they want is for me to give a little attention to them.

So I did give them attention and they dont leave anymore.

Anyway when we came in one of the pregnant one's water broke so I teleported her to the delivery room.

In the next 10 minutes the remaining 2's water broke down too so I teleported them too.

After 30 minutes of non pained operation my 3 children born.

I gave them the names of Eses, Eres, Eles and gave them to Zekram.

I also created a soul coridor that is guarded by my devour power. The reason I could create a soul coridor with these children is because they have the power of devour.

Anyway after giving these children to Zekram, the 3 maids wanted to have sex with me for a reward so I fucked them with Serafall.

After fucking them and saying goodbye to Serafall, I went to Hindu Pantheon.

The Hindu Pantheon is very reclusive pantheon and they like fighting so I went there.

I unleashed my presence when i am near their country and flew to the entrance of Hindu Gods Dimension.

I waited there for a while here and Shiva himself came.

"Oh? A Devil with this strenght. This is a first."

"Nice to meet you Lord Shiva, my name is Elesis Gremory and I come to have a fight with strong person as there are no strong person among the devils right now."

"If I may, I want to ask you to have a fight with me" I asked. I am very respectful towards him as he has strenght. Tho if he was a woman it would have been better.

He looks at me and I sense that he looked right through my soul and saw my Power of Devour.

"Now this is more interesting. Come, we will have a fight" he said and then go towards a mountain in the Hindu Dimension.

The moment I arrived, he attacked me but I sidestepped at the last moment and dodged.

"You have good reflex's. Now come attack me"

Like this I attack him for straight ten minutes but not once I could touch him.

I breath heavily as this has been pretty tiring. I did not just attacked him mindlessly for ten straight minutes. I tried to angle my fists in unnatural ways while using devour to weaken him.

I accelerate my mind to one in thousand to read his movements while trying to think of strategies to strike him.

But nothing worked.

So I unleashed my True Form.

[Elesis Normal Form]

[True Form]

When I unleashed my True Form, I felt complete.

Like I was missing a part of me I didn't even know. I was feeling very good, very powerful but the laughing of Shiva interrupted me.

"Hahahaha, so you have True Form. This is incredible. Your Form is perfect. Your power skyrocketed both your DE and Power of Devour.

Your other Devoured powers fully become yours once you opened this form Elesis! Your power grows in seconds!" he shouted and hearing his words I was surprised.

I could feel what he said as well. In the past I didnt fully devoured these powers but now they are completely mine.

Like from Tensura, where you would have bunch of Skills and they all combine to create unique or ultimate skills. This situation is like this.

It is like Rimuru's Beelzebub Ultimate Skill but my devour make these powers more mine, it is encripted to my being, can never be sealed or destroyed.

I also looked at my appearance and I got to say, I have gotten more beautiful.

I have 4 pair of wings (I couldnt create an ai image with 8 wings, stupid App didnt do it no matter how many times I try) 2 pair of horns and my eyes become red.

My clothes too changed from my battle ready clothes to a dress. Even though my dress looks fragile, it is though and strong enough to withstand 2 small ranks above me if we are at the same rank.

I also noticed that my DE and strenght rose by the seconds.

Lets say a Devils Average DE units is like this for these Ranks.

Low Class Devil --> 10 DE Units

Mid Class Devil --> 100 DE Units

High Class Devil -->750 DE Units

Low Ultimate Class Devil --> 5.000 DE Units

Mid Ultimate Class Devil --> 20.000 DE Units

High Ultimate Class Devil --> 100.000 DE Units

Low Satan Class Devil --> 1.000.000 DE Units

Mid Satan Class Devil --> 5.000.000 DE Units

High Satan Class Devil -->20.000.000 DE Units

Low Super Class Devil -->250.000.000 DE Units

Mid Super Class Devil --> 500.000.000 DE Units

High Super Class Devil --> DE Units

Lets say these are average DE Units for Devil Ranks and i am at Low Super Class Devil Rank.

In my true form I am gaining 1 DE Unite every 10 seconds. If I say like this in 80 years I could break through High Super Class Devil without doing anything.

I think Sirzechs was Low Super Class Devil during the Devil Civil War and when in the Canon he was High Super Devil.

He should break through in a few years too and strenghten more.

While thinking these Shiva spoke to me "Enough about looking at yourself. Attack me with everything you got"

I smile "Gladly" I said and then started to attack him.

I first created a time chamber around myself to give myself more time. Shiva directly punch the time chamber and destroyed it but the milisecond he was trying to punch the time chamber was all I needed.

I used my Devour Power more primal. Without any flashy moves and attacks. I unleashed pure Devour Power at him that looks like mouths and eyes

[Like This]

I said it isn't flashy but this is very flashy. But meh, I didnt tried to make it flashy.

Anyway when I unleashed this I saw surprise in Shiva's eyes. At the last second my attack was about to hit him he ran away from it's trajectory but I dont let him have a moment of rest and attack him with my devoured powers.

First I create millions of small flies and then I infuse these flies 83 different devil houses powers randomly.

These things are unstable because of the power I infused so I send these flies directly to Shiva.

Some of these flies use fire, water, ice, time, space attacks. Some teleport near him and explode, some use time attack, some create Destruction energy to attack.

But it was all either negated by Shiva or he dodge the ones that could possibly harm him.

I tried to use devour one more time but he doesn't let me. He attack me and I dodge, run, do everything possible to not get hit as I know if he some how manages to even touch me he could easily kill me.

But I know he wont kill me, he will just defeat me.

After 30 seconds of me dodging and me trying to attack him, he finally touched me and I flew over a few mountains until I stopped.

He teleported next to me "You are good. Stronger then Hades but you need experience." he said.

I nod at him "Thank you for the spar"

"Hahahaha, no worries. You can come whenever you want to have a spar with me" he said.

I thanked him again and left the Hindu Dimension.

When I left I didnt know a conversation about me was going between Shiva and Indra.


"She has so much potential"

"Yes. It is a pity she is not from our pantheon."

"Indeed. She will achieve so much in the future. My future predictions shows that she will change the destined future and help us escape from our fate. We have to befriend her"

"If it is as you said, she is our only hope to save this universe or to run away"


When I left I look at my Status to see my gains in this fight.

[Name: Elesis Gremory


Current World: High School Of DxD

Existence Rank: Low-Level Super-Class Devil

DE Units: Before the fight with Shiva= 251.360.000 DE Units

After the fight with Shiva= 274.470.000 DE Units

Demonic Power: Devour

Devour: You can Devour everything your strenght allows you to. At most, you can devour Mid-Level Super-Class Devil.

Devoured Bloodlines: Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Bael, High Dragon Bloodline, Phenex Bloodline, 9 Tailed Fox(Youkai) Bloodline, 63 (last checked 35) more Devil Noble's Bloodline, God Bloodlines (Several)

Devoured Powers: Lord of Flies, Immense DE, Sea Serpent of The End, POD, Time, Manipulation of Natural Energy, Strenght Divinity, Poison Divinity, Fire Divinity...

Forbidden Rune Knowledge Profiency:

Basic Runes: %100

Mid Runes: %68

High Runes: %0

Top Runes: %0

Primordial Runes: %0

Forbiddden Runes: %0]

My Status look like this. I forgot to mention that I devoured about 11 gods and their divinity.

I stored their divinity in my Devour Space. When I upgrade my power to Infernity (Infernity is same as Divinity but for Devils or Evil aligned beings) I would devour these Divinities to further develop my Infernity.

I went to Underworld to rest and like this 25 Years passed quickly while training, traveling the human world, speaking with other Pantheon people, having dates with Serafall and many more...





Chapter 10 Ends.
