
Reincarnated in Dragon Ball

A man is reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball without a system, cheat, or any special powers with no idea what will happen to him if he dies again.

Monkey115 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Leaving the Tiger School

Tora smiled confidently walking forward dropping his guard slightly. "Haha!" As he stepped back into the arena he laughed arrogantly. "What's wrong? It seemed like you had a sense of humor before."

The disciple's expression changed from shock to anger as he clenched his fists. "Don't get cocky! That only worked because we weren't ready!" Tora gave a cocky smile "Are you ears working? Surely you heard the master say begin."

The disciple recklessly charged forward. "You!" Tora charged forward as well, he couldn't stay defensive and let his opponent get comfortable. They collided with their leading forearms pushing against each other before both got pushed back a few feet. The disciple couldn't believe that Tora was as strong or stronger than him. Tora yawned.

"I really thought this would be more exciting." Tora thought a vein might have popped his opponent looked so angry. This time the disciple was more careful, he had no way of knowing how much stronger Tora might be than him which is just want Tora wanted. The complete change in attitude and action made it seem like Tora had been holding back this whole time, it seemed unbelievable but the disciple couldn't think of any other way to explain it.

"Well, come on, I'll show you the difference in our strength!" Tora yelled. The disciple was too nervous to charge in again, instead slowly inching toward Tora. Tora took his stance and waited. He knew that the disciple's attacks were full of openings, they never thought Tora would dare attack back before.

As soon as Tora was in the disciple's reach a kick flew at Tora. Tora ducked to the left and with a step forward had his opponents back to him. "Ha!" Tora punched as hard as he could into the disciple's back knocking him into the ground 10 feet away. The disciple slowly got back up in clear pain only to be hit again by Tora, this time a kick across the jaw that sent him 30 feet away. This time the disciple got up as quickly as he could and took and stance regardless of the pain.

"What's wrong elder disciple, please don't hold back on my account, surely you're not this much weaker than me." Tora said as the disciple's face turned red in anger and embarrassment. "Surely there's something you're better than your junior at?" Tora said smugly but internally Tora thought "Come on, figure it out already, I may have the advantage now but if this gets dragged out even if I win I'll be hurt badly, the difference in our strength isn't nearly as great as he thinks it is. Besides the geezer can't be trusted he may not even let me leave if it's a close match."

To Tora's relief the disciple took the stance for the Tiger Strike before shouting. "You brat! I'll put you in your place with the Tiger School's strongest technique!"

"And only technique." Thought Tora who took a identical stance 30 feet away.

"HA!" They both shouted at the same time firing their Tiger Strikes forward. The shockwaves loudly clashed before Tora's smashed through the disciple's weaker attack. His eyes lit up with fear right before the strike hit his body. Tora watched his opponent fly back and fall outside of the arena unconscious.

"It worked! I did it!" Tora thought to himself. He turned towards his father to see disbelief on his face. "He wouldn't go back on his word would he?" The Tiger Hermit was a cruel man, and one obviously willing to sabotage his own son. If he wouldn't let Tora go there was no way Tora could defeat him as he is now or even escape with the difference in speed. He needed to make sure his father let him leave now. Tora has played his hand and if he had to fight another two on one match another day he knew he wouldn't stand a chance.

"Master! Thank you for your guidance or I would never be this strong! Your student shall travel the world and show the world the Tiger School's strength and it's name will spread across the land!" Tora shouted while bowing toward his father. He had to appeal to his pride in his school, Tora was sure it was his only chance. Silence followed but Tora didn't dare look up or speak, he knew saying anything else would only diminish his chances of his father letting him leave.

"Rise Tora." He raised his head to find his father in front of him with an expression Tora had never seen on his face before. "You've made your master proud, go forward into the world and let the strength of the Tiger Hermit and his school be known!" "Ah, that's what it was." Tora thought. His father's expression was a fake one, he was covering his surprise and now pretending to be a wise master who put his own son through so much to make him stronger. Tora didn't believe it for a second, not that he'd say that out loud now.

"I'll head to my room and start packing, then leave at once master!" Proclaimed Tora with a quick bow before quickly turning to leave. "I got to get out of here before he changes his mind or the disciples recover in case they try and get some payback before I leave." He thought as he dashed down the mountain toward his hidden bag. Tora had prepacked a bag full of food and clothes so he could get as far away from the mountain as soon as possible. He also wanted the others to think he was heading back to the main temple in case any of them tried to stop him, Tora couldn't take any chances.

After an hour of running at top speed Tora finally reached the bottom of the mountain the past Tora has spent his entire life at. "It's so much easier to breathe down here." Tora felt like his body became lighter and practiced a few moves finding he was even faster than before. "I know I'm not that strong relative to Dragon Ball Z but man I feel superhuman." If there was any enjoyment in this situation so far this was it, being this strong and fast was just fun.

"I need to focus!" His priority was to find Goku as soon as possible so Tora could figure out how far into the story he was. Tora took a deep breath and started running into the unknown.