
Reincarnated in Death Note with the power of Tabloids (DROPPED)

What was one supposed to do when being thrown into a new world? Adapt. However, how was he supposed to adapt when his own brother is the evil protagonist of this strange world of death gods? And how was the world going to adapt to his own cheats? (Mentions of Elsword, MHA, and other games and anime.) (I don't own any of them) THIS HAS BEEN DROPPED!! READ NOTICE (CHAPTER 16) FOR MORE INFO!!

Tundertale · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs



<Generating skill set>

In the endless warm darkness, a mechanical voice and the whirring of a disk invaded the quaint quiet of the never ending. The single visible speck of light in the void shook at the sudden noise that awoke it from its sleep.

"Who?" It shivered, trying to look around to see anyone or anything. The small light could only feel the faint warmth and see the endless void.

<Random skill generation complete

Skill- (El sword) Add's Mechanical knowledge

Skill- (BNHA) Koda Koji's quirk>

"Those... seem rather random?" The ball of light bristled. As both a gamer and an anime nerd, he knew full well on both Elsword and My hero Academia. However, what did that have to do with the nothingness that surrounds him?

<Selecting world...>

So, it was a skill set before being thrust in a new world? Was he going to be one of the many OC's that end up in BNHA, perhaps even Naruto if the author felt rather trigger happy? To be honest, he didn't mind either. he just hopped to God he didn't become the main character for either or become the "twin sibling" or any sort of sibling to that character. It would simply be torcher and a bunch of emotions he didn't wish to get into.

<Earth (Death Note) selected. Selecting family>

"God dammit!" Death note was a great anime, don't get him wrong, but there wasn't anything he could do! yes, he knew that Kira is Light, but what the hell?

Well, he shouldn't be complaining much, the world may be dark but at least it was similar to his original one. He didn't need to be worried about being killed by ninjas or villains... and all he had to do was not commit heinous crimes! easy.

<Family- Yagami Household. Siblings- Twin of Yagami Light and older brother of Yagami Sayu>

"Fuck!" He jinxed it! The twin of the MAIN character! The one that ruins his whole family in the end, the one that will spare no one if it meant keeping his own fucking god complex!

What was he supposed to do now?!

<Sending down Yagami Hikaru...>


"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Yagami. " The doctor smiled at the worn-out couple as a nurse walked over with a small crying bundle leaving to get the second one. "You have 2 healthy baby boys."

"Raito... my boy." Soichiro smiled at the small bundle, a nurse walked over with the second crying infant, abet louder than the first one. "Hikaru..."

It was a warm moment for the family, but a horrid one to the youngest Yagami.

He cried his lungs out, trying to get the attention of whatever sent him into this hell hole of a family. He'd much rather be Deku's brother any day! At least he didn't have a homicidal- well that was questionable- with the AFO theories... At least he didn't have to live with the maniac!

His endless crying came to an end just a few minutes later, ending in one of the most embarrassing situations he's ever been in. And he sure as hell is moving onto bottles as fast as he fucking can.

"Look, Hun." The woman looked into his bright amber eyes, that where angerly glaring at her chest, with astonishment and shock. "His eyes..."

The father looked down into his youngest son's eyes, to which stared right back into his own. He didn't notice his child's amorality and gave his eyes a closer look. A flash of Suprise dotted his normally stoic face.

"Doctor!" He rushed out. "Nurse!"

A nurse rushed over, "What is it?"

"My son, He- His eyes-" The nurse went serious and rushed into the room. She walked over and looked to the child the young mother was fussing over. her eyes stopped at the wonderous bright amber eyes, but that wasn't what caught her attention, the 2 different colors of pink surrounding the pupil like a small flower.

She immediately took a closer look and slowly stood up with astonishment. "Your son has a very rare eye mutation. It doesn't affect his sight, and it shouldn't in the future."

"Really?" Soichiro asked, looking closer at his son. The small infant promptly ignored them and closed his eyes.

...wait what's wrong with his eyes?


At the Yagami household.

"Yao' um ie. (You're dum)" Hikaru bopped his elder brothers head with his small puggy hand, however the infant murderer grabbed his hand and starred at it with curiosity. The youngest desperately tried to get back his hand, but it was soon used as a pacifier by his older brother. "Eago! (Let go!)"

Sachiko quietly took a picture of them, happily watching her 2 children get along. with the ding of the oven, she walked away from the 2. Hikaru was left to fend for himself from the droll monster before him.

He sighed and resigned to his fate.

It's already been a whole month since he was born, and by the looks of his older brother he probably didn't look like a ragged red monkey anymore. It was comforting in a way, but he was still sour that this brother of his was a whole pound heavier than he was at birth.

This rotten brother probably stole his vital nutrients when he was in the womb...

He sighed and continued to mess with the eldest Yagami child, despret for any source of entertainment for a 1-month-old child.

It was no wonder why infants sleep most of the day, it was simply way to boring to even do anything. If he didn't have this brother of his, he'd probably have to stare at the sky with nothing to do.

His parents didn't even think about investing in a cat or dog, so he couldn't possibly see if what that strange voice said was true about his quirk and he couldn't figure out how to access Add's mechanical knowledge... It was simply a pesky and irritating prosses that left him with many questions but no way to answer then.

He couldn't only wait and see as he grew up.


2 years later

Hikaru carefully stacked the last triangle block on his rather impressive tower, his imaginative building made a rather impressive coliseum like structure that looked rather babyish due to the various colors.

if someone put that aside, it would have been a sight to behold.

Sadly, the only one watching was light, who helpfully (not) put more and more blocks to his coliseum. Making the wonder turn into a what looked to be the tall ruins of the once great arena. he'd have to make do; he wasn't about to argue with a 2-year-old.

"Aru-can!" light rushed over to give his little brother a hug, to which Hikaru happily leaned into.

it was sad, but due to the constant cuddles and affection being thrusted Apon the regularly touch starved weeb, he'd grown addictive to such affection.

"Wha' is i'? (What is it?)" He looked at the taller toddler curiously. Light gave a toothy grin to his little brother and looked to the coliseum.

"estroy!" Hikaru stared, but quietly looked at their handy work. A shit eating grin adorned his small features as he let out a battle cry. Light soon followed as they both went to terrorize the building, that they both worked so hard to create.

mom -with her baby belly- Walked in at that very moment into the Childrens bedroom, watching as her 2 small children rampaged and happily threw the countless ABC blocks.

"It's snack time for the tiny monsters." She happily placed a bowl of flavored rice crackers and 2 sippy cups filled with baby milk. Light immediately rushed to the bowl and grabbed 2 crackers, one in each hand. Hikaru also ran over and ate the blueberry flavored rice cracker, happily immersing himself into the addicting taste of blueberries.

"Dad's going to be home soon, so be good, okay?" She rubbed the 2's heads and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Oh? The father of the household was finally going to be home? What a shocking development.

"Daddy?" Light looked at the door in bewilderment. Hikaru jumped to the taller toddler and gave him a tight hug.

"More boks?" He asked.

"No!" Light decisively pointed to the dinosaur plushies. "Rawrs!"

"Rawrs!" Hideki happily let go of light and rushed to the blue tetradactyl plushie. Light obviously had to choose the generic green T rex and they both rushed around the room acting like they were both back in the age of dinosaurs.

"Cawwww!" He let out a piercing cry as he dived in for a plush fish. Light followed and had his T rex kill a poor triceratops.

Hikaru froze for a moment when he heard a deep voice talking downstairs, light saw his brother's reaction and looked to the door. They both stopped for only a moment before returning to their game.

The old man was back, great. he'd have to listen to him constantly questioning their current education prosses and give the both of them random things to read just in case they were falling behind.

The man seemed to want his children to grow into machines rather than actual people, it was no wonder light turned crazy in the end.


Speak of the devil

"How are my 2 boys?" Soichiro walked into the mess of a room but ignored it as he walked to the 2 children. "Have you been good?"

The 2 toddlers happily ran into their fathers' arms, Hakiru leaning into his brother more than their father.

it was pure curtesy as a 2-year-old to greet their father like this, and he needed pocket money in the future.

"Good!" Light chipped as his younger brother hummed along with him. His bright amber/ pink eyes looking up at him adoringly. The older toddler happily held onto his little brother as the man picked them up, keeping his little brother safe as they made their way downstairs.

Hikaru froze and slowly turned his eyes to the television.

His mother never turned on the TV when they were downstairs, hearing that it was bad for children to watch Tv at such a young age... but the TV was on with the news on display... that wasn't the problem, he could care less if the TV was on or not...

It was the sudden influx of information his mind took in, with the entire workings of the television and all he could make out of it.

So... He really dose have...

"aru-Can?" Light gave his younger brother a look, mildly curious to what caught his attention. He also looked to the Tv and stared at it, entranced and confused. He thought that thing could only play music!

Father Yagami Put them both down Infront of the tv.

"who's 'at?" Light pointed to the man forecasting the news.

"wefer man." He replied, still staring unblinkingly at the Tv, going over every piece of information in his mind.

"How know?" Light looked to him.

"Boof." he leaned into his brother, enticing a hug back from the older. They both soon fell asleep.