
Reincarnated in cobra Kai

Ben valasgez a fan of cobra Kai dies by getting shot by a robber and finds himself in a void.He then meets Rob who is kind enough to let him reincarnate in a world of his choosing.and you know which world he chose? “cobra Kai”

Shadowking123 · TV
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18 Chs

chapter 14:Fight at the cobra Kai dojo

Terry silver:Well well,Hello Danny boy!Terry silver says as a smile grows on his face.

Johnny looks at Terry and then at Daniel who stands frozen in shock and anger.

Johnny:What do you want Larruso?No shoes on the mat have some respect for my dojo!


Johnny:Look I don't care about you and Terrys past ok I mean geez that shit is ancient history now Shoes off the mat!

Daniel:Or what!You gonna strike first!

Johnny:No,I'm gonna be the better man.

Daniel click his tongue and grind as he start to walk out of the dojo when.

"Suprised to find out your still soft Danny boy,I mean I guess your teaching that miyagi bullshit huh?wonder how that's gonna turn out."

Terry silver says with a grin plastered on his face.

Daniel looks back at Terry with an intense glare and runs up to him but is stopped by Johnny who grabs him,Daniel then punches Johnny in the face and gets into a fighting position.

"Oh,shit that was a clean hit!"

"I think he broke sensei Lawrence's nose"

Terry silver looked at Daniel with a smirk still plastered on his face as Johnny looked pissed and charged at Daniel as the students cheered them on.

Johnny charged at Daniel and speared him into the wall Daniel groaned and elbowed Johnnys back.

Johnny stumbled back and once again got into a fighting position.

Terrry and the students watched the fight with suprise and shock the students also watch on with intensity as Hawn and Nathan cheer on the fight.

Miguel try's to stop the fight but silver holds him back and says "Diaz,let them continue it's there fight."

Miguel looked hesitant but stepped back and began watching the fight with the other students.

Daniel circled around Johnny who went for a super kick that Daniel dodged with his forearm he then went for a left and a right which Daniel blocked,Then Daniel hit him in the abdomen.

Johnny stumbled back in pain and got angry and hit Daniel with a back kick to the face.Johnny the rushed at him and hit him with a punch to his nose.

Johnny tried to kick Daniel but Daniel grabbed his leg and takedowned him to the ground.

Daniel then recovered and got up Johnny then also got up.

Johnny then charged at Daniel who had blood on his nose when Miguel got in his way.

Miguel:Sensei stop!Thats enough look what you've done!Hes bleeding just end the fight here!

Johnny:He started it,so I have to finish this!

Miguel:Sensei,please your better than this!Be the Better man sensei!Please!

Miguel said as he looked into Johnnys eyes Johny then smiled at him and hugged Miguel who hugged him back.

Terry clicked his tongue and the rest of the students looked shock with Hawk looking the saddest about miguek stopping the fight.

Johnny:Get out ,Larruso!Never come back into my dojo again!

Daniel looked at Johnny with frustration as he said"This isn't over Johnny,Teaming up with him?You crossed the line!"

"It certainly isn't Danny boy!"

Terry silver said as he stepped forward everyone was looking at him as he said "Tou started a war coming into this dojo and picking a fight with sensei Lawrence here and now we will end it!"


Daniel said with anger as he left the dojo leaving a shocked and bewildered students.

Larruso household

Daniel returned home with blood on the top of his shirt and cuts on his face as he walked in the house Sam noticed and said "Omg dad,what happend?"

Daniel:Nothing, sweety just go to bed.Ill tell you in the morning.

Daniel then went upstairs leaving a worried and confused Sam.

West valley high

Sam was angry and confused after cobra Kai's trashed the miyagi do dojo and then stole the medal of honour?And then her dad came home all beaten up and bruised and after whag he told her this morning?

Sam had told Shawn and dimitri and the other miyagi dos who were now going to confront the cobra Kai's at lunch.

Sitting at the lunch table was Nathan,Hawk,Robby,Miguel Brandon Edwin and the other cobras who were laughing with each other and telling jokes.

Hawk:Hey,and did you see when he punched him in the nose?Mr Larruso looked like he was gonna piss himself!

The cobra Kai's laughed as Edwin said "Man that shit was Elite,Sensei Lawrence fucked him up!"

Miguel looked guilty as he looked at hawk and said "Hey,guys what are you guys excited about?do you know what sensei Lawrence could have done to me Larruso?Or worse mr Larruso do to sensei Lawrence?!That wasn't cool!what is wrong with you guys!

Miguel said looking Hawk with confusion and disgust.

Hawk then clenched his jaw as he looked at Miguel and said "Yeah,ok then how about you go back to being Sam's puppy again,that bitch doesn't stop talking always thinking that 'she's innocent and above everyone'you two would be the perfect match!

Miguel looked at hawk angrily as Robby then speaked up and said.

Robby:Hawk,Miguel is right what my dad did was messed up he escalated the fight,and how could you say that about Sam?what did she do to you?why do you guys bully her?You know what I'm even questioning why I joined cobra Kai.

Robby said to the cobras which made Nathan click his tongue and say "Then fuck off"

Robby Miguel and the other cobras tuned to Nathan as he said "Go leave cobra Kai go run of to miyagi do or be Sam's little puppy since you've fallen for her,oh and while your at it you Miguel and Sam should probably have a threeesome she would probably love that.

Robby and Miguel looked angry and got up from there seats but Hawk,Edwin Brandon and the other cobras stopped them.

Hawk:leave Miguel,and take Robby with you both of you are pussys!

Hawk said as he clenched his jaw.

Miguel and Robby then walked away when they saw The miyagi dos heading to the cobra Kai lunch table.but they both continued to walk away from the cobra Kai table and walk in a different direction then the miyagi dos.

Sam Shawn dimitri and the miyagi dos headed to the cobra Kai lunch table the cobra Kai's saw them and Nathan,Hawk Edwin, Brandon and the rest of the cobras got up.

As the miyagi dos and the cobra Kai's faced of other people began to notice and got out there phones.

Sam who had her arms crossed leading the miyagi dos said"Time for some payback!"

Larruso auto

"Yeah,he was assaulted by Johnny Lawrence and Terry silver!"

???:Ok Amanda I understand but Daniel attacked first we can't do anything with that all they have to say is that it was self defence and is there actual proof of the fight?

Amanda:No,but my husband has been burt badly are you sure there's nothing we can do?But I did look into that Terry silver guy Daniel mentioned and I did some digging and found something.

Amanda:what?what did you find?

???:Hes a buisness man he owns quite a lot of property's and owns a lot of property's in the valley there no criminal records whatsoever.

Amanda:wow,so is it possible someone could have cleared it up?

???:Yeah,it is but It wouldn't be possible to know who because it was probably done years ago and Terry silver had probably lost contact with him.

Amanda:Ok,thanks for the help bye.

Amanda sighed as she thought to herself the danger she could be putting herself in by looking into this man.was it worth it?if it meant helping her husband get rid of this lunatic that tormented him when he was a kid then she would!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter drop some power stones!

Shadowking123creators' thoughts