
Reincarnated in Chainsaw Man(Paused)

A protagonist willing to break the cannon or die trying Mc:Does the world hate me or love me? My first Fanfic

MoisesTWO · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

CH1: That was not God

"It is useless to live". a soldier said in a dying state on a battlefield in an operation in some place similar to Iraq was seriously injured a shot in the leg, another in the left lung, another in the right kidney, and another on his chest and his hands completely destroyed.

"At least I managed to serve my country and not die like a virgin trash who never had sex, hehehe" .The soldier would say rejoicing with a smile even in his dying state while the light slowly escaped from his eyes jet black from him.

In my house since i was a little boy, My father always told me from an early age that I was useless and that I would never be anything that would be like my mother, someone cowardly who was useless and who escaped his responsibilities.

My mother was a person who, from the age of 17, inherited a finance company that was famous at that time. My mother, the eldest of 2 brothers, had the responsibility of taking over the company once my late grandfather died. In short, what happens if a person Who likes to be free without responsibilities, is a big burden imposed on them? Simple, that person suffers from extreme stress in the next 2 years, the company plummeted, red numbers everywhere, my mother due to the stress of not being able to live her life as someone from her normal age she becomes addicted to all kinds of things or substances that take her out of her constant stress and depression.

At the end of those 2 years, she decided to disappear without a trace, bankrupting an entire family and a company. My mother who had known a military man who had retired due to vision problems, nothing intense but enough to be removed from the armed forces, a fairly young person in his 30s.

Time passed and after they had sex, I was conceived "happily wanted" Or so they told me.

5 years later there was a boy named Aaron Darnles who loved to spend time with my family at least I thought. My mother abandoned us and left me and my father alone, my father, like an unhappy husband, began to mistreat me, training me and physically torturing me, leaving me in the dark for 10 hours, teaching me self-defense and making me fight with every friend I had and making me study and get . perfect marks in everything.

Total shit also forces me to have girlfriends and manipulate them crazy. In that time until I was 17 I watched anime as a way to escape from the world, my bad situation and my damn traumas.

One day my father would die at the age of 18, excessive alcoholism, smoker, and drug addict, his vision problems worsened. Luckily I moved away from him at 15, he worked and supported me, One of the animes that I liked was Chainsaw man Reason, simple, I liked the series and Makima was a very good antagonist. I understood her way of thinking and how manipulative she is. At 17 I entered the army thanks to contacts my father had. 1 year later he was a very award-winning soldier-sergeant. They sent me to an operation where we had to attack a little protected city in Iraq. Summary a fucking ambush killed almost everyone including me or well.

I'm already dead.

In a blank space with a sound that possessed quite calming frequencies, a human-shaped body was found on the ground.

"What am I doing here, I'm already dead where I am?''.While looking at his body, he uttered in a confused but not terrified voice since he knew he had died, the problem, however, was that he was on the ground white and his body was in an unrecognizable state.

Suddenly, while looking around him, the sight of him would notice white, a being wrapped in majestic and brilliant layers that covered his body in a soft and elegant way, however, he did not allow his face to be seen.

The being that was standing in front of him gave off an elegant and graceful aura in his purest expression, as if he were a swan.

This Entity would look at the man in front of it with some disdain and calm.

"You're dead".he said bluntly and with a somewhat distorted but clear voice although she feels a bit malicious behind his words.

"I know".I said resigning myself to my fate before continuing."And now what will happen to me?"I said curious since apparently there was no need to be afraid of the Entity in front of me.

"You will revive in a world of your choice with 5 wishes of your choice".he Said again bluntly with a slightly softer although somewhat distorted voice.

Hearing these words I smiled and sighed to myself.

""Apparently this being is god and he will be somewhat merciful to me for my great life of shit"".I told myself in my mind while on the outside he remains silent

The Entity would ask me again.

""What will you ask for now? But before that I must tell you that as soon as you fall into the world you will only be able to use 2 abilities that you ask for at will, the rest will be in passive mode until you know how to master them"".He said with a slight air of amusement in his words apparently,he enjoyed doing this.

Hearing this, I sighed to myself since I knew that this was not

It would be easy so I should take advantage of what they are giving me.

I never watched many animes but I still know others, but one I quite like would be Nanatsu No Taizai so it wouldn't be bad to get some powers from there.

"Sighing, I began to speak".Well, I'll take the Full Counter of Meliodas and Estarossa together with the Demonic power and the Assault Mode of Meliodas.

The Entity would nod behind his cloak before speaking again."You have 2 wishes left"'.Said the Being, the air of amusement that he gave off was something that could be noticed.

"Eh?, 2 wishes?".I said confused and stunned by his words, since he had said that originally there were 5 wishes.

Simple, Bringing Demonic powers from other worlds is something difficult, It doesn't matter if it is fictional or not, That energy or power has emotions and condenses a lot of negativity, it is very difficult for me to fully collect it and bring it here, And counting The Full Counters would be 3 wishes. ""He said in a neutral and calm way, his somewhat distorted voice was something I had gotten used to".

Surprised by his words, I simply shut up and contemplated what my next options would be. Although I have 2 wishes left, I had to ask for things that regardless of their Passive or Active status would help me in combat.

Once I have decided to express my decisions.""Okay, I'll take a vision of absolutely everything that allows me to have information on everything around me within a maximum of 300km and 360 degrees around me"".I said and the entity would nod his air of fun was much more noticeable. My goal with this skill was to get something similar to Satoru Gojo but I'm not interested in knowing that most of my skills will be in a passive state, I needed some skills that help me regardless of their state.

My last wish would be to be able to use Minato's Hiraishin No Jutsu, adding the use of the Shiki formula and using it inversely, making objects or people who have mi mark them to be teleported to me."I said describing the last part since I knew that Minato's Hiraishin did not have that ability at least as far as I knew".

"Well, now it's time to return".The Entity said calmly, his voice turned dark in the last part.

Before noticing it and because I was already standing I noticed, something wet and cold was coming down from my neck before seeing how my head had been cut in a fine and clean cut, my head at that moment came detached from my body and see how I descended to the ground and hit the ground, with an immense noise while immense pain ran through my body.

Even though my head had been severed, I felt that even white was connected to my body and an incredible agony began to feel as the majestic cloaks turned into Night-colored black cloaks and a gloomy smile could be seen between its colored cloaks. ebony.

The agony that I already felt increased horribly as I watched as I felt and saw my body disintegrate in acid and an incredible layer of blood and my head disintegrate as well as slowly my blood and body evaporated into a mixture of red vapor and a mass of Meat that disappeared without leaving a single trace of it on the majestic and pure white ground.

Before I died I saw them, Sharp teeth like those of a shark and bigger with a complete smile as he looked at me and said to me.

"Thanks for dinner".The Entity said with a gloomy voice before my body fell apart on the ground.

The Entity would stare at the ground and smile."I hope to see you in Hell, Aaron, your body was very delicious and your soul will surely be too".Pronouncing these words it would disappear never to return.

Tell me how I can improve my translation or how to enable the translation ability

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