
Reincarnated in a world of Fiction! ( Hiatus )

Additional Tags: - Slice-of-Life, Magic, Superpowers, Incest, Late Romance --~A few notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty neutral, but there might be some situations where he might do something totally evil or mean. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters may have a slightly different personality, as I will be slightly adjusting their backgrounds to fit my story. ----------- 1. Died 2. Meet a God 3. Reincarnated 4. ....

Biggubosu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 7 Part 3 / ? [ Not Edit ]

After hearing the story of the Dew God, Natsume put his hand in his pocket and said as he pulled out a peach, "Then I will offer you a peach."

"I already have a peach right here.'' Answered the Dew God from the side of a peach that was about his size, he continued, ''You found it? Hana-san?''

The Dew God suddenly asked Natsume a question.

''So, her name was Hana-san.'' Answered Natsume as she crouched down to look at the Dew God.

"Yes, she is the only person who comes here to worship me now." Answered the Dew God.


. . .

After some time, Natsume, Nyanko-sensei, the Dew God, and Nyx who was sleeping comfortably on Natsume's head, returned to Natsume's house after finding out that the Dew God knew the other Ayakashi who had his name written in the book before him.

The only reason they came back to Natsume's house was that the Dew God knew who the Ayakashi who was stuck with his name was, so that Natsume could release the two Youkais of a voice and he needed some kind of image of the other Ayakashi and the Dew God had seen him before.

Natsume and Nyanko-sensei were listening to the Dew God, "After losing to Reiko, I was very frustrated. After hearing that Ayakashi's name nearby had been taken, I went to see him and cheer about his misfortune. 'Okay, it's ready.'

"I may have forgotten his name, but he was like that.'' Said The God of Dew.

Looking at the drawing on the paper, Natsume and Nyanko-sensei had strange looks on their faces.

"Is that really him?" asked Natsume.

"Yes, I would say it is very well drawn." Answered Dew God.

"By any chance, did he have thread?'' Natsume asked, turning to the Dew God.

"He... no.'' The Dew God replied not knowing whether or not he had any thread on his body.

"Not even a thread?'' Natsume asked once again.

"Not even a thread.'' The Dew God replied.

''He happens to live in Sannozuka. He is also the God of Shadows and moves through them....


"What!" asked the perplexed Dew God as he looked at Natsume and Madara who were trying to contain their laughter.

Natsume grabbed his hand to see and he and Nyanko-sensei started laughing...

"Hahaha." 2x

"Hey! why are you laughing?'' At this The God of Dew. "Are you making fun of my drawing?''

On the sheet of paper, it had what appeared to be a large fish standing with two fins that looked like arms and large lips....

Natsume and Nyanko-sensei's laughter increased with each passing second....

. "You damn fools!" The Dew God was beginning to get annoyed with them.

Nyx who was sleeping was woken up by the scream of the Dew God and the laughter of Natsume and Nyanko-Sensei. She also looked at the drawing before she started laughing at how bad the drawing looked.


And so the search for Youkai began in Sannozuka. But after several days of searching, asking around, they could not find him.

Returning the names of the Youkais and while Nyanko-sensei was driving away the Ayakashi who were trying to devour him, were some of the things that happened to him in those days.

He was almost finished maxing out his current class and was thinking about picking the next one, plus several dungeon keys he had earned in Gacha, from what Nyx had said, he would only get a production class once he maxed out his first class something that wasn't too far off.

He had become angry at the monsters for only giving him money, potions and more Gacha, not even a single skill had dropped since he managed to get [ Magic of Illusion ] not even a single piece of armor he could get.

He even started to think about using his stat points to put everything into [Luck], but now was not the time to spend so many points...

He had gained some good things by opening the Gacha, but that will be a story for another time ...

Even though Nyx said it was because his luck was high, they were still good things for him ...

Walking quietly among the trees were Natsume and Nyanko-sensei while Nyx decided to stay behind saying, "This form is affecting me, so I'm going back to sleep."

Stretching to shake off the fatigue, Nyanko-sensei then said, "Hey, you look tired, tired from all the searching?"

"A little." Answered Natsume, he was already tired from all this searching for this Ayakashi, so he found the anime very confusing in terms of the events.

Noticing a presence there, Natsume turned her head and looked at who was standing near them ...

It was Hana who was crouching down as she prayed, and in front of her was the Dew God, who was looking at her warmly.

There was only one problem, although the Dew God was so close to her, Hana-san couldn't see him.

Slowly approaching, Natsume didn't want to interrupt her so he kept a certain distance from her.

Before long, Hana-san was surprised by Natsume's presence, "Ah!"

"Hello." said Natsume.

"Did you come to pray too?" asked Hana.

"Well, yes." Natsume replied.

Walking out of there with her, Natsume began to accompany Hana as they talked.

That's great." Looks like I was the only one coming lately. I was thinking that the God of Dew was lonely.'' Hana said.

"When did you start worshipping Him?" asked Natsume.

''Since I was a child.'' replied Hana.

"'Eh...' Murmured Natsume.

* Laughed. *

"Promise me you won't laugh, okay?'' Said Hana as she added, ''I think I saw the God of Dew once.

"You saw him?" said Natsume.

"I was coming back from the girls' school. The weather was the same as today, too. I came to pray as I always did, and when I lifted my face, I saw a leg behind the temple, I was surprised, but pretended not to notice, then I saw a person wearing an old man's mask, who was in a very good mood: 'the weather is great today,' he said, I almost replied without thinking, 'Yes, you are right.' But I felt that if a human saw him, the God of Dew would disappear. { Hana }

"However, at this moment, I think to myself that it would be better if I had answered him."

"The Dew God is always alone, isn't he?''

"I don't think I could stand to be alone all the time, so I thought I should at least talk to Him."

. . .

Later that day: Natsume and her 'fat' cat returned home. Lying on her soft Futon, Natsume had a black cat sleeping on her chest while purring.

Natsume was staring at the ceiling as he was lost in his thoughts, "He is always alone . Alone ... Being alone is lonely ... 'Being alone is painful ... Being alone is ...''

Before he even realized this, he fell into a deep sleep.

Waking up from a nightmare, he felt something heavy on his chest and something wet on his face, he knew it wasn't Nyx, she was as light as a feather.

Looking at what it was, he saw Nyanko-sensei in his White Wolf form with his big mouth open and several rows of sharp teeth right in front of him.

''Grrr ...''

'That idiot' Natsume looked at him and punched him in the forehead.


''Don't disturb my sleep!'' Natsume exclaimed.

Taking a punch to the forehead, Nyanko-sensei gave a small groan of pain before throwing himself to the side.

Packing up his things Natsume no longer felt like sleeping, he could hear Nyanko-sensei speaking, ''You had a nightmare last night, didn't you?'' Said Nyanko-sensei, you might think he was worried, but if you looked closely you would see that his tail was moving excitedly.

He was clearly reveling in the situation.

"You were heavy, don't you think it's time to start a diet?". Said Natsume, he was not going to let this fat cat make fun of him.

Ignoring his speech Nyanko-sensei: ''You had an opening in your mind. Weak minds invite spirits. If you don't want to lose your life, you should never let your guard down. Well, if you die soon, I'll get the Book of Friends faster and be happy.

His fat tail continued to move

''Haha ...''

''The next time you disturb my sleep, I will pull the hair out of your tail.'' Natsume said.

"You are a demon." Nyanko-sensei joked.

But precisely a dragon.

"I don't want to hear that from a Youkai." Natsume retorted

* Knock! *

* Knock! *

Hearing someone at his window was the Dew God: ''I found him !! ''

End*** .

New Skills: Sword Mastery and Dual Wield!


[ Name: Takashi Natsume - Age 16 ].

[ Title: The Player, King of Dragons, Black Dragon, Zombie Hunter ].

[Job: Cryomancer]

[Level:80] [ Experience: 3,000/5,000 ]

[ HP: 50,000/50,000 ] [ MP:100,050/100,050 ] [ MP:103,250/103,250

[STR: 100 + (200)]

[VIT: 100 + (200)]

[DEX: 100 + (200)]

[INT: 425 + (200)]

[WIS 425 + (200)]

[LUK: 50 ]

[CHAR: 50 ]

- - - -

[Statistic Point: 395 ]

[ Money: ¥1,000,000 ]

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