
Reincarnated in a world of Fiction! ( Hiatus )

Additional Tags: - Slice-of-Life, Magic, Superpowers, Incest, Late Romance --~A few notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty neutral, but there might be some situations where he might do something totally evil or mean. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters may have a slightly different personality, as I will be slightly adjusting their backgrounds to fit my story. ----------- 1. Died 2. Meet a God 3. Reincarnated 4. ....

Biggubosu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

Looking at the great white wolf above me, what seemed if only a few moments to the wolf, I was having a "Flashback" of over 400 years of Acnologia and the body of the person I stole, Takashi Natsume.

From his memories, I was having all the experiences of his life. Probably the player skill was already active when I got here, otherwise I would probably be hyperventilating.

I did not expect that I would be reincarnated as the protagonist and the by far the most complicated, *Suspire* if I am not mistaken, I am at the very beginning of the anime.

'... This world is not worth changing, at least I what I'm going to do for now.' I thought and quickly continued with my thoughts. 'Too bad I don't have time to look at my status right now.'

Coming out of my stupor, I looked at the big wolf who was pressing me against the ground with his big claws, I was hearing him say in his deep voice, ''I intended to wait until you changed your mind, but don't worry.... Hand me the 'Book of Friends'!''

"'I refuse! You will use it for bad things, won't you?'' I answered him while looking into Nyanko-Sensei's eyes.

"'Of course! It's such an interesting object.'' Nyanko-Sensei replied with his deep voice.

''You are terrible.'' I said briefly.

"Hand over the Book soon! If not, I will crush you!" Nyanko-Sensei growled trying to threaten me.

Nyanko-Sensei actually started pressing me even harder against the ground using his big paw, but I wasn't feeling any of it, it felt more like he was trying to tickle me.

Unfortunately for him, I was not enjoying being in that kind of position at all.

So I gave him a nice punch on the forehead, but I controlled my strength so as not to hurt him, this fat cat was not that bad.

He was a Tsun Tsun!

With a growl of pain, he let go of me and put his paws on his aching forehead.

''This ... the Book of Friends is ... an important inheritance from my grandmother. It is true that she did not get along with others, there is little that even remembers her. She died young ... so, as her only relative, I want to keep our connection. I can't think of it as someone else's problem. I spoke as eloquently as I could.

Will I gain an [Acting] skill because of this?

Putting aside the thought, this was embarrassing. Good thing the game doesn't make me go crazy with embarrassment.

Nyanko-Sensei was listening as he looked at me out of the corner of his eyes, say something you fat cat!

"Hey, Nyanko-Sensei, I want to return them, so how do I do that?" I asked.

He seemed to widen his eyes for a moment, but they went back to normal, so he said, "Give them back?"

"The names, I want to give them back to the Youkais." I replied as I smiled at him.

"Idiot. Don't do that, it's a waste.'' He said and then continued, "Besides, there are some evil ones among them. No matter how many lives you have, it won't be enough.''

''I'll be fine, you're with me, Sensei. I compromised, man, how embarrassing it was to say that.

"Huh?" he muttered.

"I want to finish what Reiko-san couldn't do. If I die on the way, you can have the Book of Friends.'' I said... dramatic pausing moment!

''Lend me your power, Sensei.''

I was dying inside this was worse than having to shit in school.

"Natsume, can I really have the Book of Friends when you are gone?" asked Sensei.

"Yes, of course." I said. That was impossible to happen, after all, dragons live for a long time.

"Very well, I will personally witness it." Nyanko-Sensei replied.

. . .

Eventually we separated, Nyanko-Sensei chasing the other Youkai who offered the greatest risk of danger, while I the other Youkai who was chasing me.

First, imagine their form, ... open the book, and then pray.

That's what Nyanko-Sensei said.

That's what I did, I imagined the form of the Youkai who was chasing me, opened the Book, and began to pray, "He who will protect me, show me his name!''

The Book began to leaf through quickly and alone.

A single leaf stopped standing on its own, 'Is this the one?' I thought.

Stopping running, I had already taken a good distance from the Youkai, standing still, I looked at the Youkai who was rapidly approaching me.

Next, what I need is Reiko's saliva and breath.

As her relative, this was easy to get.

Rip the contract and bite it.

I put my hands together and concentrated.

Then, Blow!

The name flew off the paper and back to its owner.

And finally, I began to sink into the memories of the Youkai.

. . .

After looking at the memories of the Youkai, known as Hishigaki, I was talking to her, before she disappeared.

"Reiko... Is everything alright now? Are you okay by yourself?''

''... I'm sure my grandmother wasn't alone. Thank you, Hishigaki. ''

Disappearing in small balls of light that went toward the sky, I was sure that if it weren't for the player's skill, I would be crying right now.

Even if I am an alien who occupied this boy's body, you really are a kind friend of Reiko.

Sitting on the ground, from what I remember, Natsume would be very tired at returning the name to a Youkai, maybe it is because I am no longer a human?

Although I don't know how Nyx made me a dragon so quickly, I guess it was expected of a ROB.

Even if I didn't know how I could tell so accurately that I was a dragon, maybe it was from all the Acnologia life experience?

I not only gained all his skills, but all his life experiences.

[ You defeated Hishigaki! ]

500 Exp !


[ You won 1 Gacha Coin! ]

'That easy? Isn't that a lot of exp from the start? Besides, I already have one level.' I thought. I wanted to try to at least look at my status in the meantime, but I heard a noise in a nearby bush.

From there, Nyanko-Sensei came out, seeing me, and asked, ''Did you see it? Reiko?''

"Yes, I saw her." I answered him.

She was a bad person, wasn't she? Debauched the fat cat/Tanuki.

. . .

Walking quietly back to Natsume's house, we ended up passing a raisin muffin store that from Hishigaki's memories was delicious.

For some reason, I had been thinking about reviving Reiko to show her that she was not alone.

Youkais and humans can be as gentle as angels and as evil as demons.

For me, resuscitating her was only a matter of time. But before that.

"Huh? Cats can eat sweet things?''

''I told you, I'm not a cat!''

Yes, he was a little piglet...

''Boiled raisin muffins, please.''



[ Name: Takashi Natsume - Age 16 ]

[ Level: 2 - [ Exp - 0/500 ]

[ Race: Dragon]

[ Class: N/A ]

[ Title: The Player, The Black Dragon, The Dragon King]





STR - ...

VIT - ...

DEX - ...

INT - ...

WIS - ...

LUK - ....

CHAR - ....



Player Mind ( Passive ) LvMax!

Player Body ( Passive ) LvMax!

Observe ( Active ) Lv1

Dragon Slayer Magic ( Active ) LvMax!

Dragon's Roar ( Active ) LvMax!

Eternal Flame ( Active ) LvMax!

End Power (Active) LvMax!

Time Magic (Active) LvMax - ?

Healing Magic ( Active ) LvMax!

Shape Shifter (Active) LvMax!

Flight ( Active ) LvMax!

Improved Strength ( Passive )

Immense strength ( Passive )

Longer durability ( Passive )

Great speed ( Passive )

Improved Smell ( Passive )

Immunity to Manipulation ( Passive )

Unarmed Combat Specialist ( Passive/Active ) LvMax!

Immense Magic Power ( Passive )

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