
Reincarnated In a Reversal World with Two Types of Women

When I thought a middle-aged man died in a traffic accident, he reincarnated in another world as a neutrally beautiful boy. It's a world with the so-called reversed chastity, where the male-to-female ratio is 1:100... or so I thought. Surprisingly, there are two types of women in this world. One looks almost the same as women from the previous life but is physiologically disliked by all men, known as Common. The other is slender, lacks feminine traits, and can interact with males, serving as male attendants—Artio. In this world with a male, Artio, and Common ratio of 1:4:95, only I can desire and touch both women equally. Wait, does that mean I can boldly claim that the Common, occupying 95% of the total population and ignored by men in this world, is all mine? Moreover, Artio becomes quite attractive once you get used to her. I can do whatever I want in this world! ...This is the story of a man living conveniently in such a world. •This is not my novel; I am merely translating it. •Status of this Novel is completed •The entire 130 chapters have been translated and are available on Patreon for those interested in exploring this captivating story further: https://www.patreon.com/Jenuinez_translation

Jens33 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 14: Class A and Entry Ceremony

"Soma-kun, you don't need to check the bulletin board. We're in Class A, they told us beforehand."

"Oh, really? Thanks, Tsumugi-san."

"No problem at all."

With Tsumugi guidance, we bypass the crowded bulletin board area, where Common girls are checking class assignments, and head directly to the 1st-year Class A classroom.

In total, there are 286 first-year students, divided into eight classes labeled A to H. However, there are only four boys, myself included.

The placement of these four boys is interesting. They are assigned to the top-performing classes based on comprehensive evaluations, including academic performance and extracurricular activities. So, being in Class A means it's a class where the best students, both academically and athletically, are gathered.

Well, that doesn't mean I'm outstanding or anything. I graduated middle school with almost no attendance, and boys are exempted from high school entrance exams.

"Good morning."

Together with the three Artio girls, we slip through the open sliding doors into the classroom where about a dozen girls are chatting happily.

When I greet them, the girls abruptly stop chatting, turning to face us simultaneously.

Then, after a brief silence, they all start talking to me at once.

"Go-Good morning!"

"You're Soma-kun, right? Nice to meet you!"

"That uniform suits you so well!"

"So cuuute!"

"Whoa, can you smell that from here?"

"Wait, isn't this level too high?"

"Mmm, spending three years dedicated to club activities was worth it."

Wait, wait, wait! Hold on a second! I can't understand anything with everyone talking at the same time.

Perhaps due to being classmates, they are much more enthusiastic than the Common girls at the entrance. I appreciate the warm welcome, but their overwhelming energy leaves me a bit overwhelmed. After all, I was an introvert in my past high school life.

"Okay, okay, that's enough! Soma-kun is feeling overwhelmed. Please don't swarm him until he gets used to the class!"

Coming to my rescue, Fuuka intervenes.

"And we, the Commoners, strongly protest against the Artio invasion!"

"Yeah, yeah, let Soma-kun talk!"

"True, let us talk to Soma-kun!"

With voices of protest rising from the Common girls, I briefly panic, thinking there might be a serious conflict between Common and Artio students. However, Fuuka ignores my worries and confidently walks into the group of Common girls, engaging in playful banter with them.

Phew, it seems like there's no serious animosity. In fact, they seem to get along well. I'm relieved; it would be troublesome if it turned into a fight.

Afterward, when the whole class gathers and the homeroom teacher arrives, we head to the gymnasium for the entrance ceremony.

The ceremony is pretty standard, with speeches from guests, the school principal, and singing the school anthem. It's just that besides the four of us boys, there's no other male presence – a slightly unusual scene.

The four male students, including me, stand together with our assigned Artio partners, a bit away from the Common girls. Everyone appears somewhat nervous and uneasy.

The other nine Artio girls also seem to have exceptionally high facial features.

...But well, my assigned Artio girl seems to be a standout even among them. I guess I'm just lucky!

And Mom, could you please stop enthusiastically waving at me while stretching as much as possible? It's embarrassing.


"All right, everyone, take your seats. We'll start introducing ourselves one by one."

After the entrance ceremony, we returned to the classroom, and when all the classmates were assembled, our homeroom teacher standing at the lectern began.

"First, let me introduce myself. I'm your homeroom teacher, Airi Komiyama. As you can see, I'm an Artio. I'll be teaching mathematics. Let's get along for this year."

Perhaps because there's a male student, me, in this class, our homeroom teacher is also an Artio. Komiyama-sensei is quite tall, easily surpassing 170 centimeters, and she appears to be in her late thirties.

She wears a tight-fitting shirt that emphasizes her slender body and a tight skirt—a somewhat sexy outfit. Interestingly, Artio often chooses outfits that accentuate their figures when interacting with males, as it helps distinguish them from Common students.

Thinking about it, this makes sense. If their figure is concealed, it becomes challenging to distinguish them from Common students, and there's a risk of being avoided by males. Even the nurse's outfit Madoka wore, and the school uniform here, although having a similar basic design for Alteo and Common, clearly show a difference in appearance.

Even in such small details, it seems that men unintentionally make women conscious.

...While I was contemplating this, the self-introductions began. After Komiyama-sensei, the co-homeroom teacher, and classmates introduced themselves in numerical order.

"...So, pleased to meet you, Soma-kun."

"...I really want to become friends with Soma-kun!"

"I'm looking forward to studying together with Soma-kun in this class."

"...So, I hope we can create some memories together during our school life."

"My goal for this year is to have lunch with Soma-kun!"

Wait, wait, everyone, isn't this a bit strange?

It's supposed to be classmates introducing themselves, but everyone is talking to me, looking at me, and, in some cases, explicitly addressing me. Is this almost like an appeal event for me? Is it okay for it to be like this?

With the self-introductions of Tsumugi-san, Sakura-san, and Fuuka-san, including all the classmates, now finished, it's finally my turn.

Why am I the last one, though? If they did it in alphabetical order, I could have finished early and avoided this spotlight feeling.

Ugh, I'm starting to get nervous...

"Souma-kun, are you okay? Should I introduce you instead?"

"No, I'm okay. I'm just a bit nervous."

Declining Komiyama-sensei offer, I stand up, and suddenly, the entire classroom falls into complete silence. The gazes of over 30 people focus on me.

Hey, you there, you don't need to sit cross-legged on the chair. Please, just relax and listen.

"Um, I'm Amasaka Soma. It's been a long time since I came to school, and there are many things I don't know. I have some catching up to do in my studies, so please teach me various things. I don't have any friends, so I want to get along with everyone. Well, let's get along for the next year."

After managing to say that much, I sit back down, but the room remains eerily silent. So, there are no applause or anything? Everyone has been clapping for each person until now. ...Wait, did I mess up or something?

Just as I was breaking into a cold sweat, suddenly, the entire class starts shaking their chairs, standing up, and thunderous applause and cheers fill the classroom.

What? A standing ovation!?

"Soma-kun, you're so cool!"

"Do you really want to become friends with us?"

"Even if it's just a polite expression, I'm happy!"

"I'll teach you everything! I'll teach you anything, Soma-kun!"

"I want to memorize things together with Soma-kun!"

"Don't say for just a year! I hope you'll be with us forever!"

"A guy who can make such a splendid greeting, this is the first time in 20 years... kuuh..."

Everyone in the class is making a huge fuss, and Fuuka-san and the others, including Artio, exchange surprised glances, while Komiyama-sensei lowers her head as if holding back tears.

Hey, did I really say something that grand?

And so, the self-introduction successfully concluded, and after receiving explanations about tomorrow's schedule, the day came to an end.

Just as I anticipated, as soon as the Comons surround me, the teacher steps in and takes me, along with the three Artio girls, out.

The Common girls bid us goodbye with slightly disappointed looks, saying, "See you tomorrow" and "Goodbye" with smiles.

But when I reply with a casual "Yeah, see you tomorrow," and wave back, everyone starts avoiding eye contact, looking uncomfortable. What's going on?

Well, whatever. Komiyama-sensei, standing there at the lectern, looked tall, but standing side by side, the height difference is truly apparent. Especially when compared to the Common girls, she's like a whole head taller.

This teacher, being an Artio, is undoubtedly a slender and beautiful woman, but there's quite a sense of intimidation

"Fuuka, do your best!"

"Sakura-san, your face is red? Calm down."

"Lucky, being an Artio."

"Tsumugi, I'll contact you tonight, tell me everything, okay?"

"No, confidentiality obligation!"

The Common girls following behind me exchanged hushed whispers with the other Common girls along the way, responding while blushing, and such a scene unfolded.

Upon reaching the corridor with Fuuka-san and the others, we found a row of small rooms, oddly spaced doorways like small chambers.

 Komiyama-sensei stopped in front of one of the six doors, turned to face us, and said, "This will be Soma-kun extraction room during his first year. I'll hand you the keys one by one, so be sure not to lose them."

"Eh? Wha—what did you say, this person...no, Komiyama-sensei."

Semen extraction room!? My room!? Extracting semen...is that what she means?

Well, I heard from Madoka-san that such things happen when you enter high school, and I was looking forward to it, but I didn't expect to be told something so ordinary on the first day. It's like saying, "Here are some cleaning tools; feel free to use them." Moreover, this is clearly within the school building, not far from the classroom I was in just a while ago. Is this really okay?

After receiving one key each, Komiyama-sensei had Tsumugi-san unlock the room, and we all entered.

The room was about ten tatami mats in size, with a simple bed in the middle, similar to the ones in the infirmary, separated by curtains that hung like blindfolds.

In the back of the room, there was a sink and a slightly cramped shower room.

"As this is Soma-kun exclusive room, feel free to use it anytime for the purpose of semen extraction. However, always make sure to lock it securely during use, and after use, be sure to clean and change the sheets each time. Understand?"

"Yes, yes, understood."

"The extraction sheets and storage containers are on that shelf. When they run low, please request a refill. Place the collected semen into the container promptly, securely close the lid, and deliver it to the health room. If no one is there, come to the staff room and hand it directly to any teacher. Never leave Soma-kun valuable semen at room temperature for an extended period. Other detailed rules are compiled in the booklet, so be sure to read through it."

"Yes, yes, understood."

Hey hey, isn't this a bit too explicit, sensei? Even though the person who will be "extracted" is here, this is a bit too much.

While saying that, I can't help but feel excited seeing the girls, who, despite receiving such absurd explanations, obediently respond with a slightly tense demeanor. My lower region is also becoming lively; I guess I'm no different.

Nevertheless, while they were all busy talking and giggling, Komiyama-sensei, who had changed from her strict teacher persona to a soft, senior-like attitude, glanced at my face from the three girls she was talking to, then let her gaze flow down to my lower region for a moment, raised her thin eyebrows ever so slightly, and left the room. Did she notice that I'm slightly erect? She's indeed a veteran.

"Well then, I'll leave you to it and get back to work. Tsumugi-san, please lock up. Of course, when you leave, too. And Soma-kun, come to school energetically again tomorrow."

"Yes, Sensei."

With a slam, Tsumugi-san locked the door from the inside and returned to us at the bedside with light steps.

The four of us stood awkwardly by the bed, feeling an uncomfortable silence creeping in.

Initiating the conversation, Sakura-san spoke up, "Um, standing here like this is weird. Shouldn't we sit?"

"Sit? On this bed, the four of us? We're fine, but..."

"Yeah, what about Soma-kun?"

"...Ah, that's right. Um... then, um, what should we do?"

"Eh? If you ask me, I don't know..."

"Fuuka-san, I'll go get some chairs from somewhere."

"That's a good idea. But can Tsumugi-san carry all four? I'll help too."

"Oh, right, if Sakura-san comes too, but Soma-kun will be left alone."

"Aah, that's true."

They're probably assuming that, even though they're Artio, they would absolutely hate sitting on a bed with a boy, and that's why they're making such a fuss.

Oh well, everyone's cute. Even if it were me, I wouldn't mind such things.

Sorry, but looking at their flustered reactions, all the tension and awkwardness from earlier completely disappeared.

What remains afterward is my goodwill towards these innocent and cute Artio girls and the rising lust watching them, which is difficult to suppress.

Alright, alright, then let me take the initiative and lighten the mood a bit. Quite literally.

I slowly sank onto the bed, and upon realizing it, I extended both hands towards the three girls with a light smile.

"We don't need chairs, so why don't you all come over here? Shall we try some extraction?"
