
I have a system?

I continue backing away until my back is pressed against a tree. I let out a stream of curses. [What the hell is that?] A worn looking scroll floats in the air in front of me, with strange looking runes on the edges.

I stop cursing and rub my head where I banged it on the tree. [What..is that?] I inspect it warily. It's glowing slightly, and there are words scrawled on it that I can't quite make out. I cautiously scoot forward and attempt to read it. "Does this say.."Status?" I look at it in confusion. It's like something straight out of a fantasy novel or manga. The scroll shows me two words. "Status" and "Inventory." There's another word, but it just says "Locked". I cautiously press "Status" and a status window pops up.









Skills: Absorption[Touch for more info]

Shadow control[Touch for more info]


Blessing of the goddess of darkness: Provides 40% Stealth boost when in shadows or dark areas

Provides 50% movement increase at night


"Wow, these are pretty pathetic stats." I remark. If I was gonna be transmigrated, I would've rather been OP. Instead, I'm just a regular person. [Wait. Since when have I started thinking I've been transmigrated? This forest, albeit weird, isn't anything that is outside the reach of common sense. I'm probably hallucinating because of the crash] I glance back at the Status window. But what are these skills? And Blessing of the shadow goddess? What's that?" I curiously press the "Shadow Control" skill. [What's this?]

Skill: Shadow Control

Description: Users can create, shape, and manipulate darkness and shadows. Darkness can be channeled to a variety of effects, such as controlling and manipulating the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs such as equipment or entities, or teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows.

"Dammit, I have to read all that?" I complain. Nevertheless, I dutifully scan through the information. "Oh shit! This is crazy! So I do have powers. But with my 0 Mana, can I even use this?" Im tempted to try it out, but I feel ridiculous attempting to use a superpower I probably don't even have. I glance at the other skill, Absorption. [It wouldn't hurt to just take a peek..right?] I nervously touch the Absorption skill and read through it.


Description: User can absorb the skills and bloodlines of slain opponents. Activated by touching the corpse.

"Well, this is pretty much useless." I complain. "The only things I've ever killed were the spiders on my wall." My mine briefly flashes to my parents, but I shake my head. [No. That wasn't my fault.] I quickly control my thoughts and think about more productive things. [Where..am I? I don't recognize anything, and I don't see any of my classmates..] I brush myself off and get up. The scroll disappears, and I feel a burning pain in my hand. I look down and see a small black star. I cautiously touch my hand and say "System" and the scroll appears. [Just like I thought.. Well, it's handy I don't have to carry it around..] I look around and suddenly notice something. [Is that.. running water?] I listen closer. [Yes, that's definitely running water. But I don't recall any water sources near the highway..? Nevertheless, I'm getting pretty thirsty] I quickly make my way towards the sound and break into a clearing. I blink in the sudden sunlight, far brighter than the trickle or sunlight in the forest. I wait as my eyes adjust and then make my way towards the water. It's a clear, slow-moving river. I kneel down and cup my hands to drink. But as I glance at my reflection in the water, I see something that shocks me.

I don't plan on adding a shop or any other cheat abilities..but I guess I'll leave it up to anyone who happens to read this?Also, please tell me what I can do to improve my writing. As for what she sees in the water..well, you'll see.

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