
Reincarnated as Zenkichi with a System

A young man from earth dies and reincarnates into Zenkichi Hitoyoshi with a Daily Rewards System. Universe: ?!!? Day One: Congratulations, You Received a Nuclear Warhead! Day Two: Congratulations, You Received a Severed Head of a Celestial! Day Three: Congratulations, You Received a Unstable Molecule Suit! Day Four: Congratulations, You Received a portion of the Phoenix Force! Day Five: Congratulations, You Received the Infinity Gauntlet! Day Six: Congratulations, You Received a Hundred Tons of Adamantium Day Seven: Congratulations, You Received all of Hyperion's Powers! Everyday, he will not miss it, for everyday is one step closer to being unparalleled across the multiverse! .... *This is a reboot, why? Cause the original sucked a**. Now, since someone will obviously going to ask, is this story a harem? YES. How many is it to be expected? Don't know. Probably 12 at most and 7 at least. And no, I'm not just going to make the romance all forced and shit like other stories. Ugh, I hate that stuff as well you know. *Schedule is 1 chapter every week and will drop more every once in a while, cause I'm more concentrated to my other story: DD3. *Go support my pa treon by joining so I can saved up money for my future family. Wanna join my discord channel? The links to these are just below. Pa treon: https://www.pa treon.com/FroztDouluo Discord: https://discord.gg/aBH6KvtfAB Also, don't forget to push that power stone button! It makes me happy.

FroztDouluo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

Chapter 13: Relationship status?

Breakfast in the Hitoyoshi family dining table has never been as awkward and embarrassing as it is today.

Why? As Zenkichi, now dressed in his student council uniform, sipping on his morning coffee, head down, and his plate of curry in front of him, tried to ignore the piercing glare he was getting from his mother. Who is sitting on the other side of the dining table.

The tension was so thick that a knife could cut it. In all his life, he has never seen his mother this angry.

To make matters worse, was the bitch besides him.

"Hm. This is a very delicious curry Mrs. Hitoyoshi, though not as good as other curries I've tasted from famous chefs before." Naze said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. Now dressed in her school uniform and a knife in the right side of her forehead, she faced Hitomi with her ever emotionless face, despite having been seen by the latter in a rather compromising position with her son.

'Show some fucking tact and read the room!' Zenkichi's right eye twitched. Oh god, he'll bet that Naze would get a harsh response by his mother, followed by scolding him and then demanding to know on what the hell-

Hitomi smiled. "Hehe, well, I'll take that as a compliment. You tasted food made by more skillful chefs than me. For you to say that my curry is delicious makes my cooking almost as good as them, am I right?"

Naze nodded, the corner of her lips tugged up for a smirk. "Yes, how astute of you ma'am. It's not everyday that I get to taste the meal made by the infamous licensed black jack."

Hitomi laughed as she rested her face cheek on her palm, flattered. "Oh deary. I never knew that you knew of this old woman."

"Well, to let you know, I delve into biology and medical and..."

Zenkichi stared. He stared at his mother, then at Naze. He repeated doing that for a couple of times, completely baffled as to what was going on, before lowering his mouth.

'What the fuck...?' What was going on? Why was his mother and Naze talking to each other so amicably? Why isn't Naze being a total bitch right now? Why isn't his mother trying to interrogate him about who Naze is and what was the relationship between them?

...Meh, no use in looking a gift horse in the mouth. Zenkichi then picked up his chopsticks and started eating while keeping one ear up listening to the conversation of his mum and Naze. So far it was mostly about the latter fangirling, in his eyes at least, about his mother's incredible medical skills.

Everything looked and sounded peaceful...

"By the way, Naze-chan. When did you start dating my son?" Hitomi asked, with a tilted head and innocent smile on her face.

"Pfft-!" Zenkichi did a spit-take and stared speechlessly at his mother. What?! Wait a second, is she? No. No it can't be. Is she seriously thinking that-? He turned toward Naze, who had a similar expression of disbelief on her face, and they both stared back at his mother.


"Hm?" Hitomi blinked her eyes.

Zenkichi pointed at Naze, disgust and contempt in his eyes. "Mom, I am not dating that monster! Not now, not ever!"

Naze snorted and fired back. "Oh I feel the same way as well, you bloody fucking coward."

Zenkichi narrowed his eyes, "What?" his tone sharp and cold.

She leaned her face towards him, her exposed-eye showing anger, disgust, pain, and lust? "You know what you did." Her hand touched his crotch for a moment, the hidden message clear.

Zenkichi blinked, looking lost for a moment before he gasped and his face turned pale and twisted into a horrified expression.

"A-a-are you...?" He stammered, his eyes pointedly at her stomach. Clear nervousness and terror in his eyes as he asked her for an answer.

Naze shrugged, "Probably."

Zenkichi dropped his jaw. No. No way...

Hitomi gasped on her fist and stared wide-eyed at Naze, shock and disbelief on her face as she was coming to the same conclusion as her son. "Naze-chan. You, are you...?"

"Full? Yes. Like I said Mrs. Hitoyoshi, your curry is not only delicious but was a bit too much for my stomach to store." She patted her flat stomach, face

Zenkichi stared.

Hitomi stared.

Both groaned and slumped on the table with their arms sprawled out in relief. None more so than Zenkichi, he really did dodged a bullet there. He took a glance at her face for a moment, spotting that momentary tug of the corners of her lips that would have made a smirk on her face.

His eyes twitched.

Zenkichi sat up straight and turned to stare at his mother, who was still reeling in from the relief of the joke Naze made, which he seriously wish it's a joke, and stood up. "Mom, sorry but classes are about to start so we better get moving. Naze, let's go!" He grabbed the arm of his victim and immediately started walking towards the door before his mother snapped out of her dazed state.

"Hm? But-" Naze started.

"Later. We can talk about stuff later." Zenkichi firmly said as he held her hand and they both went out of the house. "Bye mom!"


"Ah! Wait-!" Hitomi tilted her head up and shot her arms up, trying to stop her son. She let out a long sigh as both Zenkichi and Naze ignored her and escaped. She rose from the table and fell back into the chair, her eyes narrowed.

"To think Zenkichi would have a intimate relationship with her. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing honestly, what with Medaka-chan's situation. Though it's more likely a bad thing, considering who she is," She let out a long exasperated sigh. "Naze Youka, or should I say, Kujira Kurokami. Of all the people that my son would go when he no longer loves Medaka-chan, it would have been her sister. This feels like this is one of those soap operas or mangas I've seen."


Zenkichi and Naze silently walked side by side in an empty neighborhood street heading towards Hakoniwa Academy.

Glancing left and right, analysing his surroundings for the last time to check it was clear, Zenkichi pulled Naze to an alley and hide themselves by the other side of a dumpster facing the dead end of the alley.

"Okay," Zenkichi growled, glaring down at her as he pinned her against the wall: his hands holding her shoulders and his body almost pressed against her. "Talk. Why were you at my house?"

Naze let out a sigh. "I wanted to know more about you; your physiology to be precise. I've done research about you Hitoyoshi-kun to which I know for a fact that, while you are physically stronger than any average person at your age, having the ability of regeneration, heat and fire manipulation and hidden weapon skills was not in your bio."

"...So you wanted to observe me?" He growled.


Zenkichi clicked his teeth. "Okay, then why did you act like that with my mum?"

"Act what?" Naze tilted her head.

"You know, being nice?"

She huffed and leaned her face up more towards him, looking offended. "For your information, I can be polite and nice to people. If I either like them ot they have my respect that is."

Zenkichi stared at her for a while before he nodded, "Okay. I believe you." a nervous expression then appeared on his face. Licking his lips, hesitatingly, he asked. "So... you really aren't pregnant?"

Naze rolled her eyes. "Which of us is a biologist here with a Abnormal ability to remodel a person's body?" she sarcastically said.

The sheer utter relief he felt when he heard those words from her mouth made him leaned his head on the wall behind Naze's head. He wasn't ready to be a father and the responsibility that comes with it after all. He's still a highschool student, with a past life just graduating from college.

"Oh thank god."

"Oh god had nothing to do with this, it was all me." Naze indifferently replied.

"And you ruined the mood." Zenkichi sighed before he paused. "Hey, what are we exactly?"

"Hm? Humans, duh. What, did the shock hit you so hard that you forgot what your own species is?" She said as she poked his ribs.

"No! Stop that! What I mean is," Zenkichi leaned back his head and stared straight at Naze's face, noticing the slight twitched of the corners of her lips. "what's our relationship?"


Naze opened her mouth and closed it, seemingly loss for words. What did she think about him? About their relationship? Just not fifteen hours ago they were trying to kill each other and just a couple of hours ago she was violated by this guy in front of her. Really, she should say that they were enemies for sure but... she just couldn't seem spit it out.

Why? Why couldn't she say it? Isn't it the truth? No matter if they did have sex, their feelings on each other was of hate and not an ounce of love.

Wasn't it?







There was no love involved between them. She was certain of it. She did not love him. And judging from his earlier reaction to his mother's assumption of them dating, she was certain he felt the same as well.

But she was attracted to him. She wanted his touch. His warmth. His lips. His dirty talk. The way he pounds her without mercy and bringing her to seventh heaven–she lusts for him. This, Naze herself is certain of. And judging by the very familiar hard organ poking at her stomach, she knew he felt the same as well.

It was decided.

"Sex friends, that's what we are." Naze said.

Zenkichi blinked his eyes, disbelief on his face, "Wait, what?" he expected a lot of things she would say, this, is not one of them.

Before he could say anything though, he felt her black-skin tight covered arms wrapped around his neck and he was pulled down.

His lips was then claimed by hers.

Zenkichi's eyes widened.

He should argue with her, push her off. He wasn't in love with her and he certainly didn't feel being friends with her.

Yet, he closed his eyes, pulled his hands back from her shoulders and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pushed her further into the wall up, her feet leaving the floor, deepening their kiss.

He just couldn't help it.


Meanwhile at the student council room.


"Ah!?" Medaka widened her eyes. Her breathing came out choked, she placed her hands on her left breast as her tea cup on the table in front of her cracked, just like how she felt within her.

What was this feeling? This great unease and foreboding feeling? Like something precious from her was being taken away?

....She didn't like this feeling. Not. One. Bit.


AN: Read this!

So here we are, sorry for the slow pace of the story. Feeling a little under the weather. Anyways, Zenkichi now has a complicated relationship with Naze between being confirmed sex friends? or enemies, probably both honestly. When I started this fic I didn't actually think that I would have this kind of relationship between them. But my hands and second head started writing and, well, here's the result.

Now I know you guys might have some questions you're all wondering about: like how strong is Zenkichi is? When will Medaka know about his real reason for his sudden change of personality and demeanor, and how would she react? What are the pairings in this fic? When will I finally write the lemons that you all want? Will I ever decide to post more than one chapter?

Find out next time on "Reincarnated as Zenkichi with a Daily Rewards System"!