
Reincarnated as Zenkichi with a System

A young man from earth dies and reincarnates into Zenkichi Hitoyoshi with a Daily Rewards System. Universe: ?!!? Day One: Congratulations, You Received a Nuclear Warhead! Day Two: Congratulations, You Received a Severed Head of a Celestial! Day Three: Congratulations, You Received a Unstable Molecule Suit! Day Four: Congratulations, You Received a portion of the Phoenix Force! Day Five: Congratulations, You Received the Infinity Gauntlet! Day Six: Congratulations, You Received a Hundred Tons of Adamantium Day Seven: Congratulations, You Received all of Hyperion's Powers! Everyday, he will not miss it, for everyday is one step closer to being unparalleled across the multiverse! .... *This is a reboot, why? Cause the original sucked a**. Now, since someone will obviously going to ask, is this story a harem? YES. How many is it to be expected? Don't know. Probably 12 at most and 7 at least. And no, I'm not just going to make the romance all forced and shit like other stories. Ugh, I hate that stuff as well you know. *Schedule is 1 chapter every week and will drop more every once in a while, cause I'm more concentrated to my other story: DD3. *Go support my pa treon by joining so I can saved up money for my future family. Wanna join my discord channel? The links to these are just below. Pa treon: https://www.pa treon.com/FroztDouluo Discord: https://discord.gg/aBH6KvtfAB Also, don't forget to push that power stone button! It makes me happy.

FroztDouluo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

Chapter 10: Flask Plan

It was like it was a mexican standoff. Zenkichi eyed both Naze and Koga intently with his gun pointing primarily at the latter, judging her to be the more dangerous.

His grip on the handle of his gun tightened, his eyesight capturing every minute detail of their movements and surroundings to use against them.

He had checked his surroundings a few seconds ago and noted that there wasn't anyone near them, 'The students had probably gone home by now, though club members that have extracurricular activities or couples who wants to get frisky in the school might still be here. I can't have them get involved here, as the Student Council Vice-President and an upstanding person, I have to finish this problem quickly.'

He cocked his head to side, eyes flashing crimson dangerously in resonance of his current emotions, and said. "So? Are you two going to explain yourselves or what? Cause if you won't, well..."

Naze huffed coldly and stepped forward, her arms crossed beneath her bouncing breasts, as she stares straight at Zenkichi with a emotionless eye.

"Alright, I'll talk."

Zenkichi blinked his eyes and tilted his head straight back up, as if he wasn't hearing her correctly, he asks, "Uh, what? I'm sorry but I think I misheard you..."

Naze let out a sigh and shrugged her shoulders. "I said I'll talk, about the Flask Plan and some other stuff that involves it."

Koga also tilted her head to stare at her best friend with blinking eyes and wide open mouth. "Eh? Eeeh?! Naze-chan, are you sure? Didn't the chairman say that the plan is supposed to be super secret and shouldn't be told to anyone else except for class thirteen?"

'Class thirteen, she didn't specify about any year, so does Medaka-chan know about this Flask Plan as well?' Zenkichi planned to asked her about it later on, while he properly shifted his footing and analyzes the direction and resistance of the wind, the possible trajectory shots he can use, the reaction speed of the girls and other stuff.

Oh he can't wait to fucking shoot them, they almost fucking killed him after all! But no. He was curious as to what was this "Flask Plan" they're talking about and if it involves innocent people.

Naze tilted her head up and said with a monotone voice, "You're a student of this school, so I'm sure you already know. There is a group of students known as the best of the best, the elite among the elite, the exception if there ever was one. A special set of super humans who's attendance is even overlooked. Hakoniwa Academy's superhuman: Class Thirteen! And the Flask Plan is a project run within Hakoniwa Academy. The Flask Plan seeks to create a method to turn ordinary humans into Abnormals."

Zenkichi frowned. 'This method they're talking about... it's the same as my current situation.'

Naze said, "The Flask Plan was developed around one hundred years ago; Hakoniwa Academy was established for the purpose of the Flask Plan. The Flask Plan is a experiment to "capture genius into a bottle"; a drink that could turn ordinary people into Abnormals. As it's still experimental, they require help from born Abnormals to help the plan succeed. Once they develop the formula, they will test it on all the students in the academy, insuring many casualties in the process."

Zenkichi clenched his left hand into a fist, his eyes becoming even more heated.

He expected the Flask Plan to be some evil nefarious plan, which it is, but he hadn't expected it to involve an entire school of teenagers.

Naze raised her right hand into an open palm towards Koga and said, "And Koga-chan here is considered as one the few successful subjects of the Flask Plan."

Zenkichi widened his eyes, 'What?!'

Koga smiled manically, her face darkening, as she says, "Abnormal Koga Itami-chan is an Android!" Sparks of electricity flickered all around her body.

Naze tilted her head to the side, her only exposed eye locked with Zenkichi's, "I already told you on who I am, but I haven't told you what I do. See, remodeling people is my business."

"Muscles, bone placement, nerves, circulatory system, respiratory system and even her digestive system. There isn't a place on Koga-chan's sexy body that I haven't touched yet!"



Zenkichi blinked his eyes, "Okay, that's both weird and disturbing. So, like, are you girls together or...?"

Naze and Koga stared at Zenkichi with blinking eyes. They glanced at each other for a moment before the latter's face started to flush red and yelled,

"N-No! We don't have that kind of a relationship! We're just really close BFF'S and–"

Naze however cut her off and said with shrugged shoulders, "Eh, I don't really mind if we had that kind of a relationship. Probably friends with benefits though, cause I'm not really that good with doing any positive bonds with someone. Much less doing any dates."

"Naze-chan?!" Koga stared at her best friend with her mouth agape and cheeks red, shocked at what she just heard.

"...You're really a blunt person, huh." Zenkichi said with a speechless expression.

Naze just shrugged.

"Now, do you have anymore questions to ask us? Cause if not, I want to ask you some questions as well."

Zenkichi turned quiet. There was a lot of questions he wanted to ask them, like, are all the students of class thirteen involve in this plan? Moreover, who are the Thirteen Party? Does the chairman know about this? By that connection, does Shiranui know?

Does Medaka-chan know?

But the question that spouted out of his mouth was none of the above.

"...why are you telling me this?"

Naze, her expression blank as ever, said.

"Why...? Well, isn't it obvious? You're going to be a part of the Thirteen Party and as my new guinea pig."

Zenkichi widened his eyes as he heard the sound of something shattering and turned his attention away from Naze to Koga, who's now cocking her right arm back with her hand clenched into a hard fist. Her lips widened into an open wide smile of joy and happiness, a ever optimistic person that would smile even if the world was burning to ashes.

But that wasn't what got his attention, no, it was the fact that she's now in front of him!

Zenkichi didn't hesitate to shoot his gun at her. Without any hesitation, he held the handle of the gun with two hands, the barrel immediately went down, and the sound of two gunshots were heard echoing the field of school and followed by a high pitched scream of pain.


Koga went down on the ground, face down, her teeth grinding in pain as blood spilled from the holes of her thighs. A small puddle of blood started to form around her. The two bullets had pierced and went through each middle of her thighs.

Zenkichi coldly glared at her, although there was a tinge of guilt and shame in shooting a unarmed girl, Clint's experience and combat tactical mind as a well trained master assassin soon ruthlessly push that feeling down into the depths of his heart.

He clearly remembered Koga saying that she had a healing factor, probably less or equal to his own, so two bullet holes shouldn't be a problem for her to heal from such injuries.

So, there wouldn't be any problem if he had to do this.

Zenkichi walked besides Koga, ignoring her cries, he pointed the barrel of his gun at a still calm and expressionless Naze; who stared at him intently. He then lightly kicked the red head to have her back on the ground.

Koga gasped from the pain of the kick and the injuries in her thighs, though it was now 90% from being fully regenerated, and angrily glared at him and yelled, "Hey! What do you think you're–aaaaaaahhhhh!!! Stop! It hurts! It hurts!"

Zenkichi further pressed his left foot, glowing a deep ominous orange and red, onto the stomach of Koga. Extreme heat burnt her smooth flesh and blood into a crisp, causing the smell of burning flesh to spread.

He ignored the pained cries of Koga as he coldly glared at Naze, and said.

"Choose your next words wisely, or the next bullet that comes out of my gun goes to your dear best friend's head."

Naze froze, her only exposed eye widened as she stared at the flailing figure of Koga with an expression not knowing what to do before she tilted her face down.

Seconds passed and the pained screams of Koga continues, while she also tries to escape the grasp of Zenkichi. The constant burn on her stomach would have killed any average person but her accelerated regeneration just heals her wound up so she isn't in any risk of dying, yet. Regenerating at a constant quick speed is quickly draining her energy, so she has to escape the latter's foot or she'll lose all her energy and die!

But Zenkichi's grip on her was tight, his entire left leg was firm and resilient on pressing his foot on the girl's stomach, despite having the bones in his leg broken several times, courtesy of the cyborg, but the Extremis Virus healed his broken leg up quickly.

"Okay!" The entire situation was interrupted by a loud yell from Naze.

Zenkichi raised his eyebrows as he watches Naze raised both her arms up, her expression still blank as ever, and proclaimed.

"I'm sorry for what I had said. I'll do anything you ask of me as my apology. Just stop hurting Koga-chan..."


AN: What's up guys! I wanted to post this a while back when I made the announcement of going a two hiatus with my family and stuff, but I wanted to give you guys a Christmas present. So, here! Merry Christmas!

Btw, I noticed the comments I've been getting from you guys about MC's temperament and personality, aka, being a simp and how why doesn't he take advantage with his knowledge of the plot and why doesn't he just reveals the truth to Medaka, so I'll talk about them.

1.)He isn't simping for Medaka. As he's been reincarnated into a world and someone's body he didn't asked for, he has no current goals he wanted to accomplish in the Medaka Box world. And no, he doesn't want to go back to his previous world because he is dead in his world, everyone he knows knows he's dead, and he accepted that, albeit very reluctantly. He isn't very ambitious as well, yet, so he doesn't have the motivation to use or get superpowers, he just gets them out of curiosity and caution of the unknown dangers the world he is in.

But back to the subject. To put it simply, the MC has nothing he wants to do in this new life he was given. But when he assimilated the memories of the original Zenkichi with his own, he decided to fullfil the original's wish to protect and stand besides Medaka. It was both gratitude to a second chance in life and the obligation for taking over someone's body and life.

Also, he's acting like a simp is because of the muscle memory that has been cultivated with all the years he's spent with Medaka, even he hadn't notice this yet. But when he does and when he gets a new goal in life, like a or some girls getting interested in him and vice versa, he would change.

2.) When did I suggest or write that the MC knows about the plot? Yes, he does know some animes and other franchises but that doesn't mean he knows all of them! He does not know about Medaka Box, period. Seriously, second of most of the comments I get is why isn't he taking advantage of the plot... Have you seriously read the story or not?!

3.)Zenkichi has seen the capabilities of Medaka when she gets angry, going all Super Saiyan and beating someone to an inch near their death, and that's why he is still hesitant in saying the truth. If you don't know I'm talking about: Medaka goes War God Mode on Kumagawa after the latter ripped the face off of Najimi Ajimu, her friend.

Well, with all that said and done, have a Merry Christmas! See you in January 10!