

Li An nodded her head. "Of course you had every right to be upset. This just does not make sense we all. It was yours and then it was taken away! I had no idea that Li Ran would do something like this. If uncle found out…if uncle finds out that she did something like this to someone he's going to be mad at her. He warned us that we mustn't do things like this if we are going to be actresses!" Li An said.

"I had no other choice than to swallow my anger. I was going to lose the role I got if I made a scene. No matter what, I still need to make a living and continue to act. Well, I was given a dressing room along with some other actresses. I am already used to having my own dressing room and I should talked about it with my assistant. I wasn't demanding a personal dressing room or anything like that. I just talked about it with her.