
She's Married(2)

"By the way, where's Li Ran?" Li Minji asked. She did not want to keep arguing with Li An about her parenting skills. She knew that she didn't do a perfect job as a mother. But she did not regret the things that she did. She knew that if she took her daughter with her the both of them wouldn't have had the carefree life that they had right now. So she did nor regret it. Besides, Li Zhengguo is her older brother. It's his duty to take care of her daughter for her when she can't right? 

Li An looked at her mother suspiciously. She had a feeling that she was plotting something. She had never cared about Li Ran before. She didn't even care about her own daughter, talk more of a niece. Why is she suddenly asking about Li Ran again? 

"Why do you keep asking about Li Ran?" Li An asked. There was no respect in her tone, it seemed like she just wanted Li Minji to disappear as soon as possible.